You acquire three superpowers of your own choosing.
You gain an unkillable nemesis that relentlessly hunts you down.
I will not

SwampMaster21602 years ago
Your first superpower should be to have all superpowers, make him killable, kill him.

AllyKat7 years ago
You"d be surprised what one can live through

CrystalTigerAnimations6 years ago
>manipulate nemesis into totally crushing on you, >have hate sex, >win-win

Ryland Terpstra-Carmichael11 years ago
Every power known to anything ever. They may be unkillable, but that doesn't mean I can't freeze them, warp them, or turn them in to something such as a toaster.

boniebonielast year
toasters cause more deaths than sharks
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Sajan7 years ago
The would be fun

Tricky7 years ago
Manipulate time and all levels of electricity. This includes protons and eletrons, so there is matter manipulation here too. Is there anything else to complement these two powers?

Thispersonisweird7 years ago
The power to be god,Every power,and free wishes! What could possibly go wrong?! OH DEAR LORD,IT"S JERRY!

3ogdy4 years ago
We got rid of Jerries a long time ago, thankfully
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Calhoun Smith11 years ago
1. Omnipotence (all-powerful, all-knowing, immortal, usual op shit), 2. Be able to limit my powers (make life interesting and avoid disastrous mistakes) 3. Keep my humanity (power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely) let said nemesis come at me. i'll zap him to another dimension

Hermes136 years ago
Smart choice, wise decisions, I like you
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magicfishcloudchicken788 years ago
1.power to turn into a piece of broccoli able to turn into money What will I do with these powers here's a story(I'm turned into broccoli) villain 1 where is she villain 2 idk but is that broccoli villain 1 yeah let's Leave it alone (turned int...[Show full comment]

NotTheProtagonistlast year
As you never requested the powers to keep your sentience in a transformed state, you would die the instant you turned into broccoli.

Kppeticolas8 years ago
Have the power to twist minds or insta rotting and kill the bastard and with the mind twist no physical contact and insta rotting all evidence is rotted away instantly then you really have 2 super powers of choosing

Goku56198 years ago
To be as fast as the flash, able to go super saiyan, and to be able to do kamehameha

Superduperbooperdooper8 years ago
To save a wish, wish to be the strongest Super Saiyan ever and wish for flash speed so you have an extra wish left I'd say wish for immortality

Chrisbenso 8 years ago
3 powers being immortal invisible flight he can't kill/find you

Chrisbenso 8 years ago
Or just have a power to summon greek gods and also summon the 3 wish guys and you can get hades to bring him to hell or get the 3 wish guys to Tp him 1000000tril light years away from earth in a sun that is almost impossible escape then another wish to m...[Show full comment]

Triston Hayman11 years ago
The power to freeze my nemesis in time and only unlock him if I will it. As well ass the ability to fire the portal gun blasts from my hands (and through phones, and on any surface) and the ability to absorb and release kinetic energy. As well as new port...[Show full comment]

Jd Savage Nymph Lynch11 years ago
Found a loophole, "unkillable", sending the nemesis into another universe or into a time loop or cutting him into tiny pieces and incinerating the pieces into ash and then scattering them all over a Different universe.

Brady Bumpaous11 years ago
The power to create anything into existence with my mind even if it previously didn't exist.

Conner Wolf11 years ago
It doesn't say I can't cut him into a million pieces and seal him away until they die, they did the same thing to Kronos

Tootaloot38 years ago

ArKade477 years ago
He could just be hunting me down for something small: cup of tea/coffee, wifi password, etc.

fierripper8 years ago
my superpowers would turn me into an unkillable nemesis that relentlessly hunts him down.

JoGhost6 years ago
Just choose a power to make him no longer exist. years ago
1) Power to be invincible 2) Power to be able to calm down anyone that wants to hurt me to the point where we become friends 3) Power to fly

Niklas Leeuwin11 years ago
timetravel if i want to know something i know it. inmortality

GraceLordMP7 years ago
I"d just put them in a strong glass cage with water almost to the top... the glass cage will be 1,000 feet under the earth, covered in dirt, with snakes on top of the cage...It"s not that hard, guys.

katty.kattyz8 years ago
Teleport. then my plan is to find dan and phil become best friends and i don't care if i have an enemy bish I would die to meet dan and phil for 1 min

xpeantx8 years ago
literally same

Wearebrothers6 years ago
Just have the power to erase people’s memories

Snowfrost9188 years ago
Okay. Resurrection(That you can turn on and off)+mind control+shapeshifting. STEP 1- While you are fighting, you can resurrect yourself. STEP 2- Until you survive long enough, mind control him/her to do your bidding. STEP 3- after you have achieved everyth...[Show full comment]

Vicky Vedin11 years ago
Total control of time, space and matter. Basically control over the laws of physics, that's all I need.

poupi47 years ago
my sup power would be to get what ever power i want whenever i want it so i could just ask for a super to create a black hole put my nemesis in there change powers and close the black hole

darsa8 years ago
My first power is to make my enemies friends . My second one is to cross but from english . My last one is to have as much powers as i want hahaha got you

infamous0328 years ago
I would have the power to control space and time and kill them before they gain their powers

Stabby_McStabberson9 years ago
I meant killable.

Dickhole4lifeandpoodiepai7 years ago
1-able to send people to diffrent universes 2-no death by attack (but by age) 3-infinite wishes

KineticTimeLord8 years ago
Just give yourself some omnipotence and omniscience and you're good to go. I've always wanted to be a superhero...

DragonLover6310 years ago
total immortality, the ability to shape shift into anything and everybody and the ability to be able to control anything. done.

llkok7 years ago
can i have the power to kill the unkillable because yeah thats a power

nightcore and anime is 4 life8 years ago
So I would be Dr. Doofensmurts from phineas and ferb? OK that is great!

EveryNameIsTaken83723 years ago
Trap them or something

Toxic_Sprinkles5 years ago
I"d choose to have one for all from My Hero Academia.

Qolem8 years ago
-So, copying other people abilities (I can copy unkillableness/immortality of my nemesis xDD, or just copy some skills from more talented people than me) (and with possibility to remember those skills I copied and to turn them on and off) -Immunity to pai...[Show full comment]

Mathias Karlsson11 years ago
First of all, i'd have the super power to kill the unkillable. Second, i'd have the power of flight. And last but not least. I'd have the super power of transforming into any pokémon.

MArdhanAdrian7 years ago
It"so tree tho...

ThePatriot8 years ago
Finally, life is interesting!

CraftyPugManGamer7 years ago
You can just get the power to kill unkillerbale people. Right everyone problem solved if we go and kill him let"s team

Ostrich8 years ago
Mah powwwas: Unbreakable skin, immortality, no nemesis

MekuMeku2165 months ago
Super Power 1: The abillity to bypass other superpowers. Super Power 2: The abillity to instantly kill and person of your choosing. Super Power 3: ?

USGC7 years ago
1: the power to create more super powers. 2, the power for infinite wishes with no rules, 3. Imortality. Problem solved.

brohamm8 years ago
or you could just be invincible and never die

yoboikorea4208 years ago
healing factor, enhanced senses and, claws like baraka

huffpuff13379 years ago
Well, one of my superpowers is going to be NOT having an unkillable nemesis.

Xx_DarkShadow627_xX6 years ago
The Joker anyone... Reverse Flash anyone TIMELORDS anyone......

brad104phillip8 years ago
I'll build a wall Donald Trump style
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