You become famous, respected and rich.
You cannot have any friends anymore.
I will not

that one guy who says first every time8 years ago
never said i cant have a bf

thatswhatithoughtm88 years ago
Separe the words: Boy(girl)-Friend

NovaRohdell7 years ago
I still have my family

amine33last year
"claps" god damn i respect you bro

Kaitlyn Zastudil11 years ago
what even are friends

SSJB_Ace3 years ago
I read somewhere its a type of fashion item
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ChaseAntoni6 years ago
I will be the most perfect women immediately pressed for the money to get most of the school year and emoticons was using bad grammar so just shut down the government and emoticons was using bad for you

LonelyAndWorrisome7 years ago
Jesus minus the money part and you get my life

ZippyDoggey7 years ago
I never had friends... *SMASHES BUTTON*

TeamKobus27 years ago
Pffff. Who needs friends anyway?

IdkTbh7 years ago

TheRationalist7 years ago
Just pay people to act like friends

bubblechaser1237 years ago
MTT:WHO CARES ABOUT FRIENDS, DARLING I CAN BE EVEN MORE FABULOUS!!! Me: Uhh Mettaton chill, every one needs friends.. Think I of Blooky right now. MTT: Oh. Oops.. O_O

Valeria Dolores Kementari11 years ago
Fuck Friends, that series is over

DragonEXE6 years ago
No more of that *dead* meme
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Liam Swist11 years ago
you wouldn't have friends.... YOU CAN HAVE BEST FRIENDS

ThePaulDude2 years ago
No loophole because your not using it properly.
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Alex Greene11 years ago
I don't have any friends so i see no downside

Roshad Retzloff11 years ago
never said i cant have a gf lol

Undertale<38 years ago

FANGIRLLL4 years ago
Don't have them anywayssss

Pi Threepointonefour8 years ago
I don't have any friends now.

It doesn't say we have to get rid of the friends we have now, so I'm fine because I have a lot of friends.

MysticShadow71028 years ago
Be rich and famous and then have best friends. It said "Friends" not Best Friends...

thatswhatithoughtm88 years ago
BestFriends are What,a FRIEND that you like,so,yeah,forget your loophole Idea.

Wither3607 years ago
What friends?

Unicorn1118 years ago
Have your former friends work with you

TNTDragon78106 years ago
How are you respected but have no friends??

Jellybean240 8 years ago
I dont wanna be famous!!!

Beaster41178 years ago
nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope n...[Show full comment]

IronKid8 years ago
This a paste from someone else. I'd like to spread a message about something I have encountered more frequent than ever. Spam messages. These mostly tell a story or find the 2 or some other shenanigans. I am getting sick of these types of "comments" being ...[Show full comment]
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derpatron1247 years ago
If someone respects you, that basically means that they want to be friends with you

garbage-information-retrieval9 years ago
Who needs friends when you have Tumblr?

Prince Dusk8 years ago
If you are respected. everyone is your friend

VicariousShit7 years ago
I don't have any friends so there"s no downside for me. =)

Patrik Nylén11 years ago
Not worth it

MyNameIsThalla8 years ago
Friends is love, Friends is Life, XD

jtde18 years ago
Of course, money and women...

Snowfrost9188 years ago
Alrighty......1. Make it so that everyone considered a friend(Somehow, I don't know, press a different button!) 2. Wait, no, you're respected right? And you know well-respected people meet people that they could potentially like? In that case, how long wil...[Show full comment]

Lootaboksi6 years ago
When press the button, make just sure u have no friends

........8 years ago
If I am respected, that's enough.

Puppy2887 years ago
Yea ok

katsumi276 years ago
They will be my lovers. 😊

ThatOneGuyNobodyKnows8 years ago
What friends? Paste meme face here

LunaIsTotallyNotTrash8 years ago
What are friends, are they some type of food?

Himitsu 009 years ago
I don't need friends i have money c':

sabahantroll8 years ago
Who need friend

YrooXrksvi8 years ago
So basically I'm Scrooge McDuck? :D I can live with that!

HaydenRollyson7 years ago
I have separation anxiety with my friends so no

Ccd098 years ago
I will have to with out that show then

Erog4 years ago
Losing 2 people in my life? Sounds good

ian the awesome8 years ago
Ill keep my freinds:)

TGP127 years ago
I consider my friends family, and it said nothing about family.

Adrienne 8 years ago
They never said that they couldn't be best friends

wigglerman90007 years ago
Buy some freinds

weirdguy597 8 years ago
What about social companions

NinjaScout8 years ago
This is me right now :(

Panifex6 years ago
So, I get respect but not friendship? I'm not sure I want to take this deal...

BlueLove13379 years ago
I already don't have any friends
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