38232 (44%) 48530 (56%)
38232 (44%) people have pressed this button, while 48530 (56%) did not.
You become the most famous, rich and powerful person on the planet.
You must marry the person you hate the most on this planet regardless of gender.

ClareWhite8 years ago
So finally i can kill bieber

Animal_lover_20186 years ago
Yay, that would be great

KillerCubePlays8 years ago
Prepare to die... whoever i hate the most.

ArcherSoup2 years ago
Why tf would I marry myself??

Salamanderp2 years ago
I’d wonder what it’d be like to marry myself

Your-Face-is-Enforip7 years ago
So then just divorce them and no one will question you although... What sre you famous for? B¿

Anonumous6 years ago
One, just kill them. Two, if you don't want to kill them, divorce. Simple bro

Yugiohchamp6 years ago
For real the divorce is easy

Jenniii_19998 years ago
Have you people ever heard of divorce?

Smokeyavatior7 years ago
where"s the fun in that

Surreal Evony11 years ago
Doesn't say you have to stay married to them. And if you are the most powerful person on the planet, no one is gonna question you when said spouse goes missing.

Ya_boiCREEPZ2 years ago
yea cause you can easily file a divorce
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Toiaat6 years ago
But I can't marry my sister

lemonkeyshit3 years ago
yes you can.

Dolude6 years ago
Just 3 words : WTH

ArshieBanerjee6 years ago
I hate harry styles soo fucking much

MegaDoge6 years ago
Ooooooh,shit!Nah JK I don't wanna be rich famous or powerful.And then I would be annoyed for the rest of my life,having married an annoying spoiled kid who"s older and shorter than me which is funny,but normal,whose name is Ryan.The little bitch. HE EVEN A...[Show full comment]

MegaDoge6 years ago
That really is what it would be like to marry him.

Demon_inside_you7 years ago
I'm not marrying Donald trump

Krombopulos_Michael6 years ago

Your-Face-is-Enforip7 years ago
Just divorce them and get the love of your life. B)

DragonSeeker7 years ago
Jokes on you I don't think I"ve gained a mortal enemy bad enough to hate just yet

Nihon-no-Sakura7 years ago
But I"d rather not marry my step father, murder being a thing or not...

BIGD7 years ago
All ready ammm

kathprat76117 years ago
I"d have to marry Rylan Little...

BrownGangstaWoman7 years ago
Donald Trump.... Hmmmmm... I'll just kill him.

Nicholas372 years ago
Same but you are aware if you don't he will suffer even more and become and become a laughing stock

Star_killer8 years ago
I domt want to marry oboso.

Jasmine Biersack11 years ago
um theres something called murder

Rose_xx5 years ago
Or, you know, the option where you don’t get sent to prison, that thing called divorce
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Nikki Riley11 years ago
Hey, I'm the most powerful person on the planet. I can make my wife go missing. xD

saturnsfloof6 years ago
Can't you just divorce them? Or kill them? That"s a not very well thought out Q.

CanadianJesus1238 years ago
I don't want to marry harper D:

kenzi9 years ago
this is terrible

demonduck2 years ago
Timmy"s father be like: Dingle Berge!!!!!!

Yousif Mohammed11 years ago
Make their life uncomfortable

millayeet3 years ago
what if it"s somebody dead tho?

WBGrock8 years ago
I'm not certain that Donald Trump would go for it, me being a guy and all....

Dems6 years ago

BACONATION 8 years ago
Affairs people!!!!

Gamity6 years ago
What if you hate the person you really love or hate yourself.

RedMutant7 years ago
Multi marriage is a thing

MrRandomKL8 years ago
what if i learn to love everyone?

Leyland11117 years ago
I'm not gay!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!

Melike Elif Kartal11 years ago
Why murder? Why not just get divorced..?

Mea7 years ago
Its called a divorce

Tomtom20049 years ago
I hate Matthew Connolly so much! 😉

Nicholas372 years ago
Pucker up Donald Trump

Etien Jasonson11 years ago
Divorce nuggahhs

hamiltonatemysoul6 years ago
i dont even wanna be famous

LikeNothing8 years ago
I don't care if i'am famous everyone will get on ur butt.

paywom19 years ago
Justin beiber is my new best friend I hate selena gomez now

aceexceed3 years ago
Me, a pansexual who doesn't hate anyone: m aight

ZeroMonkeyX8 years ago
im fine with that

RafaelIscool6 years ago
I don't really hate anyone, so I;m happily married and powerful

aliniker808 years ago
I hate alexis texas 😍

Dinorex7 years ago
Pretty sure I could have my spouse killed because I AM THE MOST POWERFUL PERSON ALIVE

loophole067 years ago
Immediately makes self hate Liam hemsworth

Kittenlover1016 years ago
It doesn't work like that.

JaCkIsSoMeFiSh!8 years ago
Have them assassinated
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