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Bacon, Nutella, and Oreos never existed and never will

Guy Who Watches Slenderman7 years ago

NotTheProtagonist2 years ago
How would you be able to if the real thing never existed?

Horsell7 years ago
Can't live without Bacon, sorry.

Somebodysometimesomeplase6 years ago
I hate bacon... (I will get loads of bad coments)

Whyiseverystupidusernametaken6 years ago

Buttoner1018 years ago
Nooooooooooooo bacon!!!

Hero101018 years ago
Hell no

ErdoS8 years ago
Unrealized upside: less fat ppl, bigger dating pool of hotties now!

Colter DeWitt11 years ago
I don't even care that much for those foods.

Goldenunicorn42116 years ago
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TDMfan8 years ago
It's not worth it.

kawaii_potato8 years ago
What is life without bacon and Nutella?

Asyloin6 years ago
Nothing... just nothing...
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the-idiot6 years ago
if they never existed ... 1.i wouldnt be so fat 2.i would have no knowledge of them ever existing so i wouldnt care. wheres the downside?

Ramanuta6 years ago
Well, if they never existet in the first place, i would care about it, becaus i dident now what i have lost. Logic everyone!

LeonardoGolp6 years ago
But what happens if you take a pigs meat and cook it

LukaLogar6 years ago
1.bacon / still have other tasty peaces of pork meat 2.nutella / other existing simmilar chocholate spreads 3.oreos!!! / oreos are actually a copy!!!

TheFangSome137 years ago
Presses button, never leaves home without devises, has know idea what the downside is

unicornpotato3407 years ago
If they never exced I wouldn't know the devires

AdamBarnes7 years ago
You then don't know what they are So you aren't missing anyone

AdamBarnes7 years ago

Lostfeather2377 years ago

3web7 years ago
i have my own wifi

High on Potassium7 years ago
At least all the good shit is still there, and wouldn't it never have existing mean that you wouldn't even know it existed, and neither will anyone else? Not even the person who made this to even put it as a downside? Loopholes...

jkmc12057 years ago
What a coincidence, I don't like any of these foods.

KyLandemann 8 years ago
I wouldn't know what I'm missing, and 1/2 of the most annoying fan bases on the Internet will have disappeared. Fine.

i like sex8 years ago
i like nutella but am on a dite

KassyFrost8 years ago
Change you pic pls...
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Nacho Supreme 8 years ago
That doesn't mean you will get good connection to it

PixonChoosesThings9 years ago
My favorite food is pizza. :)

Ted Hoebers11 years ago
Haters Gonna Hate me! I can eat better food then that because it's OVERPRICED and OVERRATED!

Perhaps4 years ago
If your food is costs so much AND it"s worse than people say, it"s not better.
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Jasmin Ledgebian Lynch11 years ago
I could never do that to bacon. who would ever do that to bacon. every one loves bacon.

EmilStvring6 years ago
Nope i hate bacon
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Sinbad Brown11 years ago
call it by a diff name bam

Yanna Di Ronco11 years ago
I can live without Nutella, bacon and oreos...

Kyle Freeman11 years ago
i dont like chocolate and bacon isnt that great

Firsk8 years ago
Somewhat paradox, if they never existed, how would you know the taste?

jam hammer8 years ago
meh I still have fake Oreos so bam

GrassMaster8 years ago
i wll MAKE IT!!!!

Sebadtian4 years ago
I dont even like nutela and oreo so that s great:)

DaEpicKoala7 years ago
Someone will invent something that tastes identical.

jacksepticpop18 years ago
What if it's bad wifi wait.... The president's wifi hahaha >:)

Dayna Morris11 years ago
I'm Jewish and gluten intolerant and my brother's allergic to nuts so there's no downside for me

DreamsAndDeath6 years ago
I'll just settle for ham and off brands

SepticGhoul8 years ago

Niko15TOA8 years ago
No bacon? Why no bacon?

Stardust5266 years ago
Don't mind bacon and neutella, but...no Oreos?

DottySpot7 years ago
But I like making pranks with Oreo"s and toothpaste!!

Gozzer8 years ago
already have 3G and i love Bacon no way hozey

Otaku Alex11 years ago
No downside since the only one of those I actually care about I could just make by mashing cookies and frosting together. I would probably do this even if I didn't know what oreos were, then I'd accidentally invent them and create a paradox.

yjtfdsgy6 years ago
If those foods never existed you would never want them and know about them

HeatherXShea7 years ago
I don't care much for nutella but take away Bacon and oreos we have a problem.

Sanic Da Hed Hog8 years ago
hell no

NiftyChibi6 years ago
Bacon is unhealthy, I'm allergic to Nutella, and Oreos make me vomit. Now, lemme get some of dat free wifi.

Casey1017 years ago
Hate them all anyways

UltraSnivy148 years ago
If they never existed, I wouldn't miss them.

SeaGiraffe7 years ago
I don't eat that much of those three anyways
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