You can go back to the 90s and tell your past self to put all your life's savings into the Apple stock and you'll return to the future rich.
You'd have to tell the love of your life to put all their life's savings in a bad stock and you return to the future without ever finding love.
I will not

Kitkat4108 years ago
I Wasn't Born In The 90's sozzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

MwiNReal9 months ago
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MakennaWinchester6 years ago
Me: INVEST IN APPLE!!! 1-year-old me: *shits diaper and starts crying*

ThisIsIndeedANamelast year
Me: INVEST IN APPLE!!! -20 year old me:
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I2A4C8 years ago
Born in 2003

Canif6 years ago
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IAmMemeGuy3 years ago
Me: INVEST IN APPLE! 3-year-old me: *shits diaper while sleeping*

dankmemes1017 years ago
Um...Let"s see, what was I doing in the 90s? Oh yeah that"s right, I was waITING TO BE BORN

ChillyChelly8 years ago
I am already forever alone.

Themauf4 years ago
DasJoosh you have the best picture
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Babes7 years ago
I wasn't alive in the 90"s. No upside * inhales * boi

Indubitable-Gaming7 years ago
Your picture was lol

demutrudu7 years ago
uhhh its not just adults here

Mr-Dust-Bunny7 years ago
millennial, I wasn't born then so yeah..this is useless

yournightmare877 years ago
but i was born on 2003 so srry button maker dude u old

FuzzyPixels7 years ago
Wait.. I wasn't even alive in the 90"s..

RyanCR30006 years ago
2004 here XD

Thebouncydragon6 years ago
i was born in 1992, so i guess i would have a huge allowance xD

Isiah8 years ago
That was very dark

NukeOfficial8 years ago
Well... I'd have to tell my parents, and idk about the love of my life yet so... LOOPHOLES FTW

Derpyjeje7 years ago
But I wasn't alive in the 90"s ......

oldnotweak8 years ago
dont have a love.... so win freakin win

Fabisme5 years ago
I wasn't around then. Hahaha

IvanMilicevic7 years ago
born 2004 lol wasn't born in 90s :P rekt mother fuckers

SansTheSkeleton046 years ago
actually kids like u and me are rekt because theres no upside for us...

DrCyanogen20 days ago

Loophole man8 years ago
What if the love of my life has no savings

GD_Delta6 years ago
Born in the 2000"s boi

Akane_Yuki2 years ago
i wasnt born back then

AllyKat7 years ago
I didn't exist in the 90"s asshole

Vert_Nation7 years ago
I was not born

Jayy8 years ago
Uhm... no. I'm rather with him and not rich than rich and without him.

Minecraft-kid4 years ago

SexyPandaSoldier8 years ago
woa without ever finding love.. why would i then want that little tiny bit of money apple would make me? i wasnt richt in 199something..

SpiceandSugar6 years ago
Hm, wasn't born in the 90s

Mattd107 years ago
I wasn't born in the 90s I was born in 2004

SharinganOPAF6 years ago
I was born in 1998. How the heck could a 1 year have stocks?

Kulles7 years ago
All these millenials smh

Willvy2 months ago
*tells her to invest everything is GSE* *it actually pays off in 2020*

Torren338 years ago
If i went back to the 90s, I wouldn't be there (DAT CONUNDRUM DOE)

Cyncere6 years ago

Dorito_chris4 years ago
Nobody loves me soo... MONEY HERE I COME!

googlyeye598 years ago
I sas born in 2005 lol

ZekeDoesYT7 years ago
Wasn’t born in 90s would tell my parents tho

DisWebsiteIsShit8 years ago
What if... I wasn't alive in the 90's... DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!! Was this written by a 3 year old?

CyberJax018 years ago
probobly not, if a 3 year old was born in the 90s or even had knowlage of the 90s

JustinStimson6 years ago
Omg my birthday is in 2006 what they assume most of the people doing this are adults?

TeamAwesomeness2 years ago
Born in 2002

Claude94936 years ago
I was too young to underdtand stock in 90s

WBGrock7 years ago
i"d be rich... and i havent found thelove of my life so..... downside?

Jt146 years ago
Goes to past to find baby self *wonder how I should tell my babe self to buy stock* tattoos buy apple stock ps and bitcoin asp on hand and screams at babe self. that should do it. Comes back to future tormented by memories of a man kidnapping me and tattooing my hand

SansTheSkeleton046 years ago
this made my day 😂

MastermindOfTrouble3 years ago
Me, a 2003 kid: 🤣

s1r d3rp8 years ago
so bill gates =p

Fluffington6 years ago
I was born in 2044 and use a displacement mashine to get here ps invest in W.G systems

Lzke6 years ago
"Okay, you need to put ALL of your savings into apple. Understand? A-P-P-L-E!" *doing baby stuff*

LondonK7 years ago
I have no love

JDON2 months ago
the young me got no money.
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