You will have infinite knowledge of everything
you will only live to be 45
I will not

KittenLover_75 months ago
If you know everything you would know how to extend your life.

The-Pope2 years ago
Manipulate the rules so that I live to 45 decades or centuries.

Hatembkr2 years ago
If i had infinite knowledge of everything , I will know about the right religion, i.e. the right path to the afterlife

The POOP master8 years ago
When your over the age of 45, press the button to create a time paradox

Darian1828 days ago
I think you would just die instantly
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Rajvir2 years ago
Kind of removes the challenge out of live entirely and kills me relatively young, no thank you.

therealobama2 years ago
thats some library of babel ass shit what if i learn a bunch of gibberish?

A FREAKING DUCK8 years ago
If I had infinite knowledge of everything, I'd literally be a god. I'd know how to do everything possible, impossible, etc. I can snap my fingers and I'd become immortal, as well as making snapping comprehensible as well as incomprehensible all at the same...[Show full comment]

puppyface7076 years ago
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Firechu1237 years ago
I wood find a cure for cancer if i had infinite knowledge.

Ironshifter2 years ago
Fedxftw nobody gonna spell things right just for internet points
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Ben Jennings11 years ago
If I had infinite knowledge of everything, I'd learn how to live forever, duh! Definitely infinite knowledge.

TheSilverbutton6 years ago
Knowledge on how to not die at 45: Don't press the button. This question is a paradox waiting to happen.
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ConnorVisscher7 years ago
If I had infinite knowledge of everything, life would be boring and thus not worth living.

ewdoggy8 years ago
i would live a normal life but i could know who i will marry so no heart brake and what job i will get so no disappointment life would be pretty good knowing all the lottery numbers

Logic_Sloth6 years ago
What"s the point of life then? There won't be new experiences. No new flavors to try, no new books to read, no places to travel. You know everything and you probably won't live long enough to share every single piece of information. And even if you did cho...[Show full comment]

Marcus-1017 years ago
45 years of epicness

titodickdickmanbaby7 years ago
I wouldn't because every movie/tv show/game would be spoiled

Fedxftw7 years ago
Just spoil it for everyone else then laugh your ass off

karends7 years ago
I would know how I would die and just avoid it. Simple

ChickenMan13376 years ago
No you just die. Simple.

Guillermo Lopez-Ramirez11 years ago
I agree with Ben Jennings.

Jab5 years ago

Maxy9886 years ago
What Ben Jennings said.

cvnjwjvow2 months ago

buttholefartface2 years ago
who wants to live past 45 anyway?

Drain7 years ago
This app needs better downsides this is just easy

Omk99714 years ago
i will make my mind clone and of my body like in rick and morty !!!

Kittenlover1017 years ago

colt458 years ago

AviKraft6 years ago
Everything? Knowing all the suffering in existence constantly seems even worse than guaranteed death at 45.

Cubixxx7 months ago
Wouldn't infinite knowledge get boring?

Katekat3312 years ago
Having infinite knowledge would be hell

Dylann7 years ago
The knowledge to make life longer, duh

JustLikeNew8 years ago
Sometimes it's best to not know everything...

FlamingChocolate5 years ago
45 what?

bathwater2 months ago
then youd know how to get rid of the downside to this. anyway no it would suck, would you even live properly? your mind would know everything every second youre alive

magicalwizard816 years ago
its fun not knowing, its boring if you do

Joeywcoleygamelover8 years ago
I would be able to become immortal DUH!

Derpyjeje7 years ago
I have infinite knowledge right? So I'll find out how to live forever

Shadowh173 years ago
Sure, why not?

Upload ur f***ing mind to a computer

RAJgamer6 years ago
Gain the knowledge of immortality

sonicj018 years ago

Rhys A Davies11 years ago
i'd know everything im stop the ageing process in my body at my current age i'd never be 45

Motherfucking7 years ago
When your over the age of 45, press the button to create a time paradox. LOOPHOLE!

Bonkboy2 years ago
Anyone who pushes the button may not be the smartest. You must realize what comes with infinite knowledge, secrets never ment to be discovered, things never ment to be known, you might end up committing suicide before reach 45

Partiferous7 years ago
Write a book

oldnotweak8 years ago
im dying before that anyway

Maaax5 years ago
Why not 69

alpharad_gold2 months ago

DanielDelaney6 years ago
You wouldn't need to outlive 45 if you know how to halt/reverse the aging process, and can make yourself immortal, (because science)

emalaeth8 years ago
Well if i have infinate knowledge, would know how to make me live longer

Lavacreeper578854477 years ago
Dude...I will learn how to become emmortal.Or..Just simply press a emmortalty button

NotTheProtagonist2 years ago
45? 45 what? 45 days? 45 millennia? 45 seconds?

UHSLbi_icon3 years ago
i aint becoming old anyway
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