58271 (66%) 30285 (34%)
58271 (66%) people have pressed this button, while 30285 (34%) did not.
You have the ability to recover from any injury
You feel twice the amount of pain during the healing process

VelocityRaptor288 years ago
well then i shall avoid injuries in my balls

MonoCraeta6 years ago
Or you just endure the double pain like a beast

Blank0008 years ago
The least painful part of any injury is the healing process, which is much less painful than half that of the immediate pain release. It is often painless unles you touch the wound. This is an obvious one.

Helpmegotosleeplast year
They mean double the pain of the injury, but I guess you would not have the physical injury, so like if you got stabbed or shot you can heal it and survive like nothing happened but you will be hurt for a bit

belle296 years ago

Metzi6 years ago
The fuck question is that .

thericegamer7 years ago
It implies you"d heal much faster

Deadpool_27 years ago
So basically you are Deadpool

Hundikoerake7 years ago
I didnt press because i dont want too much pain.

Oldnotweak...again12 days ago
well if you ever suffer a crippling injury you would regret this

Rianne Liefers11 years ago
You get used to the pain :3

Jaecrklast year
Tua mente vai quebrar antes disso.
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qak8 years ago
I is deadpool

Freelance8 years ago
Cut your nerves that send signals pain to your brain then sell each organ to hospitals at the same time

LrodMC8 years ago
Loophole: No heal time specified. I'll make mine 0.000000000001.

Kaden245 years ago
I think it depends on how big of an injury it is. If it is a shot to the face that would take longer than a stab in the knee.

Apoc Myer11 years ago
You will get acclimated to the pain, and illness techically counts as injury as does the natural aging process, meaning one would be immortal.

CooledItLongAgo2 years ago
no it doesn't
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Manning Libby11 years ago
Need to stock up on Painkillers then...

Isaac Elenbaas11 years ago

Adrian Redulla11 years ago
I like to believe I have a good tolerance for pain.

MyNamesParis8 years ago
Me too and plus u can just take pain killers!

Watermelonman7 years ago
Free ability

👊Punchy Baldy Guy👊8 years ago
So basically,Boros?

ConorHenderson6 years ago

Sophiab6738 years ago
Bring it on

Erayd_Evans8 years ago
Pain well you can get used to it quickly...like i did.

PhillipColeman6 years ago
HA jokes on you I only feel one quarter of the pain normal people feel.

blahBlah78 years ago
Yea I'd do it. Yea I'd do it. Yea I'd do it. Yea I'd do it. Yea I'd do it. Yea I'd do it. Yea I'd do it. Yea I'd do it. Yea I'd do it. Yea I'd do it. Yea I'd do it. Yea I'd do it. Yea I'd do it. Yea I'd do it. Yea I'd do it. Yea I'd do it. Yea I'd do it. Y...[Show full comment]

Charm30307 years ago
Ummm any one realize that you cant die even you feel sooooo much pain :p

HEADS GROW BACK7 years ago
It really defeats the purpose.

cinsybeur9 years ago

Shaguru8 years ago
How long is this healing process? It doesn't state.

FrankenJammer4 years ago
Pushing it. At least in my 28 years of life, I"ve never felt any pain I couldn't handle the double of. I might scream, but I'll get through it.

komodoking1758 years ago
I would not... its not worth it

Phoenixianking8 years ago
Eventually the pain nerve ending will die so no problem

The_pro_attacker6 years ago
No school haha

TellYouAllAboutIt8 years ago
*Wasp comes* Aoooowheeeeeeeee!!! *recovers from injury* OMFG GET ME TO THE FACKING HASPITAL.

Sans_The_Skeleton_Boi7 years ago
I"d get used to it quick

Lgarces6 years ago
There"s no point if u still feel pain during the healing process

RangerRageCraft6 years ago

Asbjørn8 years ago
what dosen't kill you make you stronger. I assume you can choose when the extra heeling process starts?

IncineratingBlade7 years ago
I'm a masochist.

DarkSinner8 years ago
Y da fuck would I need to recover with 2x pain if im gonna feel the pain anyway

Joseph_Andreis6 days ago
I can take it. Just become the best weightlifter in the world with instant recovery time!

DJThebossbros8 years ago
um easy chocie hell no

mrbutternubs9 years ago
imagine hitting your toe on a table and that quick healing pro hurts far worse..... I'll press it

Exterman8tor5 years ago
What if pain is my kink

Sakurami San8 years ago
าJ lเ

Blockman3507 years ago
Get hand chopped off, grow it back. Since losing your hand means no nerves, no pain. 0 times 2 = 0, Therefore no pain.

VVsilverVV10 years ago

metaknight8 years ago
wouldn't it be instant cuz u can heal from any injury already...

LondonK7 years ago
I like pain

Brody Marshall11 years ago
Wolverine? Or am I thinking of someone else.

Masterlitch8 years ago
Pain tolerance will increase very very quickly so yeah. Fuck your bullets

ConorHenderson6 years ago
Well Done VelocityRapor28 ha ha ha best comment ever

pooplol1968 years ago
I love PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ermergerd8 years ago
37% Scaredy-Dogs~
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