A cure for cancer will be discovered.
Every time somebodies cancer is cured, you get their cancer.
I will not

RedVexeD7 years ago
No. And there are already several viable "cures" that keep getting their funding removed or swept under the rug because it would kill an entire section of the pharma and medical industries income. Cancer is profitable. :|

Fedxftw7 years ago

YouknowthatIcanhavewhatevernameIwantsodontdismeonthisplease6 years ago

Toothbanger6 years ago
I could cure my cancer back

DakotaGore6 years ago
Can I do it like right before I die

Elinor6 years ago
I'm probably already going to get cancer (since it runs in my family) so I"d be fine with taking others if necessary

Drtdyctgfhfgrgsgfrgg7 years ago
There allready is a cure for cancer

Fedxftw7 years ago

Liam Hoe11 years ago
But if i cure my cancer will that mean i get cancer again? because someone just got cured, me

Aokiri8 months ago
niu bi
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ClipClop6 years ago
I'll Sacrifice to save Many People

Adrianne_DeForest7 years ago
Yes, I'm willing to suffer for all those people. I"d just be like, "JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL."

Emily Van Leeuwen11 years ago
Think about it, everyone in the world is cured at the expense of one person. Totally worth it

koolguy3 years ago
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Hannah Tetuan11 years ago
So, then you die from all the cancer, then what? People can still be cured, right?

CaptinGamer8 years ago
Your dead body would collect the cancer.

Tayla McFarlane11 years ago
56% of people are selfish.

Cringe_weeblast year
My life has more value than anyone else"s, heck I don't even know if you"re conscious... Why would I sacrifice my existence for people I don't know? I wouldn't expect a stranger to save me at the cost of their own life. My life is everything I own and unle...[Show full comment]
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Tristan Carr11 years ago
But wait, there's a cure for cancer. Even the ones you obtain. -Betty

Trenton Biggerstaff11 years ago
Really only 43 percent pressed this? If you have a cure for cancer just keep drinking it yourself and you are healing others...

Pandaman_56 years ago
If you drink the cure you will just be receiving your cancer again
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Kozuto8 years ago
Sorry, don't care about other people.

Jango Fett8 years ago
You can just cure yourself, and when you die it just gives cancer to your dead body.

agp8 years ago
Get the cancer then cure yourself. #lolloophole

Noxx7 years ago
I already am the definition of cancer And also why not :)

RyanHoldstock6 years ago
Wtf is wrong with society. You could improve millions of lives at the cost of your own. The 31000 people who said no, don't be so selfish.

Pandaman_56 years ago
Its called caring for yourself

maurize9 years ago
but how if 200 cancer are cured in same time?

Lemon_Goddess3307 years ago
It is worth it, their happiness is my happiness

RedDeadBoy8 years ago
If I Sacrifice My Self For Milions . WORTH IT

KawaiiUnitato8 years ago
just cure it, oh wait

AHHHHHHH_Nope2 years ago
A sacrifice I'm willing to make

terrarian8 years ago
so you get all strains of cancer at the same time? nooooooooope!

SiRNinja963 years ago
Can I get cancer 69420 times? Feels like that"s impossible or is the cancer just growing faster

crystaled_faith8 years ago
wait I get cancer but the cure is still there so im not cancer

Benjamin957 years ago
I am cancer

Deadpool9208 years ago
50% of people are liars

AllyMorgan7 years ago
joks on them, I'm already cancer

gcurrie8 years ago
but then they can just cure you

CheifGundaHoe6 years ago
Fuck that.

jintoya8 years ago
hit no, have fun with all the cancer.

aayakutapc17 months ago
Fuck you

Req20048 years ago
A does anyone else notice that the years on the comments are off by a lot for example Liam Hoe your comment was uploaded before my mom was born.

Ayisyen12346 years ago
I will be famous for the cure and write down the ingredients for it

theEasyButton9 years ago
Use the cure lol

Unenzor7 years ago
52% of people like getting hundreds of millions of cancers

0vazonga07 years ago
Paradox in the extreme

Kyle Freeman11 years ago
once u get it just get cured it would be expensive tho to have to keep geting the cure over and over again

¡© Jaki ®¡ 8 years ago
Such a dillema... if i get that preson's cancer, then i will be cured from the cancer and then I get the cancer again... so i would not live a life like that and I would kill myself and then there is no one to take the cured cancer... I say no . READ ALL TO UNDERSTAND

friend3 years ago
what happens when i die?

Warpfire1118 years ago
A cure is already constantly developing, people put hundreds of hours of effort in, attempting to help the world. Yes, I understand that not clicking the button is cruel, however cancer is the natural way of things, and do you want to take away the hard e...[Show full comment]

kitloin8 years ago
50 50

Panifex6 years ago
How many early-stage cancers would it take to kill a person? Asking for a friend

Choppy333i8 years ago
There is still a cure tho

BrandonTran7 years ago
So I'll die because my body will reject their tissue.

Nico36 years ago
It would be selfish to not press the button

UmbreonTheBright9 years ago
I am willing to sacrifice for the good of all :3

BunnyLover11017 years ago
Their cancer doesn't exist anymore XD

NukeIt9er8 years ago
"The needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many" -Spock
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