You have any superpower you choose with unlimited range of power.
any time you have a thought that is hurtful, unhelpful, unhappy, or negative or express a mood that follows this you kill everyone brutally.
I will not

Maharid2 months ago
Well, i can revert back everything every time and no one will know so no prob.

Maharid6 months ago
I can't, it will spawn extinction.

Breadstick8 years ago
Power to be FOREVER POSITIVE!!!! (And summon laser tigers at will)

sleepyman10 months ago
arent those just the same thing?
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BadBanana692 years ago
*starts a zombie apocalypse* ITS SHOWTIIIIIIIIIIME

slimMurph11 months ago
yes i would love that also they keep aparing the *doom enternle music starts playing*

Midean7 years ago
Power to crate more powers. Power to crate an artificial being that revives upon death and name it "everyone" specifically with the lowercase "e" to match the condition. The power to force the condition to apply only to "everyone".

Dragonscale6 years ago
Omygosh i can crate new powers!!! How do you crate things? Aren't crates like boxes?
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tomboy54548 years ago
I'm a vilian I will kill ppl anyways so no down side

Moinalast year
I’m just planning on getting god level reality bending abilities and taking over the entire known and unknown universe, and also using that power to give me any and all powers I want, like flight or being forever positive
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bhuvanish8 years ago
power to revive and always think positive and not kill good people

a_random_lad6 years ago
genocide intesifies

a_random_lad6 years ago

jkmc12058 years ago
Power to grant anyone (including myself) unlimited wishes. Then I use this immediately to wish that this downside never happens.

JustKiddingButSeriously7 years ago
Migdin1 "I wish i would never die :DD" problem solved lmao
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Luxray1008 years ago
... I would kill everyone constantly if I pressed the button '_'

MouseGirl2 years ago
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Little C8 years ago
Everyone? as in everyone around you? Everyone in the world? Everyone that you know? Everyone referring to what?

Bashkash7 years ago
Loophole: everyone that doesn't exist

sonicj018 years ago
have the power to be every power then use one of those to make the downside not exist

LilT8 years ago
The power to revive people

MouseGirl2 years ago

KiahRogers6 years ago
Then just stay away from people who are negative and unhappy and you'll be fine

ThisIsMyPassword7 years ago
Power of positivity AND enter power here

ThisIsMyPassword7 years ago
Da powah

ThisIsMyPassword7 years ago
Power of positivity and also the power of MY IMAGINATION

ThisIsMyPassword7 years ago
Da powah

Egaton7 years ago
NO negativ

Wolf1237 years ago
Power to have unlimited powers. Power 1. Forever positive, 2. Summoning cyborg animal warriors with wings and laser guns.

ThisIsMyPassword7 years ago
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drpie6667 years ago
I always wanted to fucking kill every mother fucker anyway

TheJollyG4mer8 years ago
Whats the downside?

Chrisipoo8 years ago
Be determined, be happy

jake1da1snake 8 years ago
The world would be doomed

gksv3 years ago

Red10077 years ago
What if this power I chose (pokemon trainer and fairy tail dragon slayer) I make ot include all happy thoughts? Plus this is basically Eren Yeager in a nutshell soooooo

Red10077 years ago
Oh also add "I CAN BECOME EREN YEAGER" ability to the list XD

Smartperson6 years ago
Power To kill your Mom

mroow7 years ago
Being a shapeshifter would certainly be interesting when pissed off... I imagine a lot of people with throats ripped out, or bloody holes for faces, some organs laying everywhere, and fires. Among other things.

Bruno Pereira11 years ago
Would not work for me.

EL HERO8 years ago
Villan time

alyssaxd2 months ago
just pick time control lol everytime you lose your temper just revert it before you killed everyone

The-Unicorn-That-Landed-on-the-Moon6 years ago
Power to control time, so that if you mess up, you can go back.

MouseGirl2 years ago

Mai-chan7 years ago
Everyone would be dead within the first five minutes.

ccityplanner127 years ago
If you kill everyone there would be nothing to do

Jaymac2048 years ago
Everyone would be dead.

Thundia 8 years ago

JustARandomDude4 years ago
You can only kill everyone ONCE

djcoletheboss7 years ago
Have the superpower to never be hatedful or negitive

ryleigh0716 years ago
Idk wat this means.....

Kirby1018 years ago
The power to revive. So, no downside.

Ashmit_dash6 months ago
First of all get the power of summoning the girls and hypnotize to fuck with them for infinite hours after the will spawn back from where they come I am coming prerna

wes1747 years ago
power to create more powers then power to permanently cancel out any unwanted side effects of anything.

f1nn14n8 years ago
its scary

toyotahilux4203 years ago
genocide gaming

Ryan Poulson11 years ago
You all will suffer

shalemik6 years ago
Solution: be high. Always.

Ironmaster5317 years ago
Ability to do anything, problem solved

DuckyCZ8 years ago

GarfieldLover05last month

Scarlet The Fox8 years ago
looks like im gonna have to move away from my fam

MouseGirl2 years ago

CrimsonDeath4287 years ago
Well I now know that people is willing to murder for superpowers
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