You have unlimited rizz
Everyone makes among us jokes
I will not

Mammot2 months ago
I'm ending it and its this buttons fault

Ceelive55416 days ago

mntp19075 months ago
This was made by a 9yo.

Sarah2024yay2 days ago
true rizz is just a memey slang

JESUS_RULES3 months ago
Don't need rizz. Need Jesus.

BrindaTheDash4 months ago
Crazy how I have enough rizz to hook up with my local femboy

HunterKiller89086 months ago
I don't think among us jokes is that bad. Sure it's annoying but it's just a joke and I do not take jokes seriously.

Wenastardesxd22 days ago
>:( >:(

FrancoIsFranco5 months ago
Bro I’d absolutely press that, no question needed

ShakenSkate1073 months ago
What a Gen Z thing

unidentified_flying_olive2 months ago
jokes on you I don't want a relationship let alone one with someone who cares about me! ha! NEXT

UnlockedSpectre7 months ago
crazy how the "downside" is peak

nintendo644 months ago
ya paso de moda ese chiste de mierda

Cartoonimakerlast month
ShakenSkate107, it's a gen alpha thing, even me, who was born in 2009, the last year of gen z, do not understand gen alphas anymore
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