Your feet will never feel any sort of pain ever again
You will never be able to put on shoes and socks again. You will be barefoot forever.
I will not

Maharid5 months ago
Nope, i will not feel pain but my feet can still be hurt so it's a no.

Spacedsimone3 years ago
It would be very awkward

Apollo9242 years ago
It isn’t bad, it won’t be painful on my feet noticing the whole point of the thing is ur feet won’t hurt and I don’t think anyone will notice.

MetalRocker183 years ago
Well.. I"ve never liked shoes or socks so... tis easy

Gamergirl12342 years ago
Pains good! It tells you if somethings wrong. If I couldn’t feel pain, I wouldn’t know if I had a deadly disease.

Pandalf_Darwin14 days ago
if it was that you had hobbit feet i would take

Loophol2 months ago
Not feeling pain is dangerous af

Sp3nc3r2 years ago
Get those Grippers away!

residentbuttonpresser2 months ago

Nut12313 years ago
there is literally no downside to this

Raygun_Bro503last month
do you hold up with your opinion Nut1231

Mobby5376 months ago
how would you know that if you got cut or got frostbite???

sans_undertale4 months ago
this is useless, my feet are already dead cuz ama skelaeingtong
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