You can travel back to any time period you wish without consequence of changing the future.
You have to stay in that time period and you never get to see or interact with your loved ones again.
I will not

NinjaHaxD8 years ago
I don't have loved ones...

Vegetto87017 years ago
Sadness 100
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Rocket0467 years ago
Wait, you still are changing the future no matter what if you travel back in time, this button makes no sense.

whyisthenametaken3 years ago
its like creating a new time line

kwek2 years ago
you CAN go back in time, so you can just use it if you are in an inescapable situation. Just teleport out of there

therealobama2 years ago
ohhh true

MauriceMeerts3 years ago
Go back for bitcoins get super rich invest in elon musks paypall and runescape youthbe Google ect richer then bill gates im talking mansa munsa VOC levels of rich

Nglollol8 years ago
Treval 1 week win the lottery

OguzhanYigit7 years ago
Can't change the future

Ponyoof3 years ago
same ninja same

L00PH0L36 years ago
I will travel to when i was born and take care of my self

User-name4 years ago
You : create phones and all that stuff in 1600s History of technology : Still invented in 1900s

HannahDottier7 years ago
Just take your loved ones with you

ChaseAntoni6 years ago
You can't see them

JewHunter8 years ago
So what if I were to travel back like a year or 6 would I still not be able to see them?

Draco28068 years ago

Smartass5046 years ago
"Don't focus on the past or you will miss the future" - fairy godmother

JandK6 years ago
Just because I can doesn't mean I have to, where is the downside?

Alice_The_Wherewolf3 years ago
you cant see your famly

yofacegamer7 years ago
I pressed it because I don’t have to do it but I can if I need. Stop doing this, there’s no downside

Mjb3167 years ago
What if we travel 1 second

simkan3217 years ago
I don't lose anything. I press the button and I don't travel in time if it isn't necessary.

Alice_The_Wherewolf3 years ago
i have a crush on my frend owen i will never leave him behind

AmirTDM8 years ago
bring every thing

Asomesoses1237 years ago
wuts the point

therealobama2 years ago
I don't understand the not being able to change the future part... not going to press it.

thelocalcannon7 years ago
travels to the future and gets a time machine doesnt say im bound to just the past

JackTheBricker6 years ago
Go back to the revolutionary war and meet Hamilton

H6067 years ago
What if you travel back 15 minutes?

Dragonbird917 years ago
Goes back to the 1920s in america to hear somebody saying the don guves his regards

Evil_J3 years ago
Go to last month with all winning lotto numbers

TheEvilNuggetCookie7 years ago
I"d just travel back to age 10 and be a little kid forever with my family :)))))

OguzhanYigit7 years ago
Without your family.

Astral_Gaming03142 years ago

BoCo3657 years ago
I'm going back to where there were no humans in Texas and live the rest of my life there

Spiderp7 years ago
I"d press the button; gain the power; and only use it if it looked like the world was about to end anyway.

one-eyed-reaper7 years ago
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Misty_the_powerful7 years ago
Loopholes 1 travel to your desired age in life like you can travel to the age you went to Disneyland 2 Never use your power

OguzhanYigit7 years ago
You call that loophole?

ScottishCookie6 months ago
Time period: 0.00000001 picoseconds back

johangrimstad7 years ago
Ooo never

Peasinthewoods7 years ago
How is that a challenge to decide?

PartyLKR7 years ago
I can go to the further

GoatedGuy5 months ago
See like what if i get 77 80 yrs old my loved ones are no more and i just travel back again 60 70 yrs just to live my own life again no?

Aserthreto3 years ago
Travel back to my birth, just assume a life where I know what’s going to happen for the next [redacted] years.

baldagriri7 years ago
It makes no sense

vichd17 years ago
so if i travel 30 seconds to the past, i wont be able to interact with any loved ones again? lel

Benjieboy6 years ago

2017fam6 years ago
no such emotion as love for me and im 9

timmmy6 years ago
go back like 1 minute ago when you did some dumb things
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