35269 (40%) 53040 (60%)
35269 (40%) people have pressed this button, while 53040 (60%) did not.
A magical genie appears to grant you infinite wishes
you have to sacrifice a loved one per wish

SpamtonG.Spamton2 years ago
just name a random potato loved one- profit

Wolf958 years ago
First wish. No one I love dies.

ItsAMeSaltyChipGuy3 years ago
Congrats, you just opened a black hole in the time-scape
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salspots3 years ago
no one said i had to make a wish

unknownsilentkillers5 years ago
A soul for a soul

Kassiopeia3 years ago
*Wishes for person to live again*

Josephthaboss3 years ago
i would only have a paper write my life wishes and say i want everything on the paper. boom easy and i will sacrifice my least favorite.

UnicornWynx3 years ago
... press the button... if you think of a good enough wish use it, if you don’t then don’t wish for anything

vitusverden3 years ago
You won't have to use it, but it"s nice to have IF you ever need it. There"s no downside if you don't use it, so no matter what, it"s better to press the button.

Blackout-Button3 years ago
If they are infinite but you gotta sacrafice per wish... what if you run out of loved ones or don’t have any? Does infinite become 0?

36 years ago
It"s a power that could one day be helpful, but I never need to use it

AyyyLOL7 years ago
I can infact start loving rocks, or wish to bring back all the loved ones that have died so far

Bradley Chang11 years ago
I wish I would never have to sacrifice a loved one.

FnafBonniefan12 years ago
Good one
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Timelordmastergod3 years ago
Oh no I love this random toad don’t kill him

UltimateSpaghettore4 years ago
My first wish is that no wish will kill my loved ones. My next wish is to bring back the person I just killed by making that wish and make it to where it never happened. Boom.

ValerieParker6 years ago
I would wish I and my loved ones to be reborn into a better world (of my choosing, of course). So, in a way, we would all be sacrificed.

TeamAwesomeness6 years ago
wish for omnipotence.

Quilladin2068 years ago
I don't wanna have wishes. Haven't you heard of be careful what you wish for?

NiftyChibi6 years ago
Just don't wish until it"s necessary.
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YayorNay5 years ago
*enemy slowly becomes loved one*

Parzival24365 years ago
I love you rock, bye

JJisSwag7 years ago
I would marry someone who i hate but loves me and then kill them with my Genie wish.

Tricky7 years ago
They don't qualify as "loved ones"

THIAGOBR5 years ago
Genie: you have ♾️ wishes, but for every wish you need to kill someone that you love Me: i wish I can't kill someone i love Me: and i wish i have unlimited cooked fish

Blizzard_Blitz6 years ago
When a loved one is about to die, just wish that none of your loved ones die when you wish for stuff and then sacrifice the one that’s about to die :3

Blizzard_Blitz6 years ago
Wow that sounded really sick

MemeKing6406 years ago
OH MY JEEZUMS PEOPLE STOP SAYING TO WISH YOUR LOVED ONE TO LIVE!!! you would be sacrificing one to not kill the rest

AidanBivens6 years ago
just wish for no loved one to die from your wishes, and wish to bring them back after and then wish and yadda?

TimTamTem6 years ago
If you run out of loved ones do you run out of wishes tho

Ryla226 years ago
No downside you can have it and only use it in emergencies because having this and not using it is okay

SheridanKing6 years ago
First of all, I don’t need wishes and second of all, I will never sacrifice a loved one!

ReaperofSouls7 years ago
Just wish that everyone you love can be resurrected

Kyle Freeman11 years ago
wish for the power to bring people back to life

Destruct6 years ago
Ill jist love a number 1 inflatable

Rizingr8 years ago
I suddenly love Justin Bieber :I

iamalittlepincher8 years ago
.. ___

TeamKobus27 years ago
I wish i didn't need to sacrifice a loved one. Done

Roegath9 years ago
Wish for more loved ones

AngelicTortoise4 months ago
Sacrifice a loved one, eh? It doesn't have to be mine. Even the worst people in the world are somebody's loved one. (Edit: Use the first wish to become omnipotent, then I simply grant my own wishes and bypass the djinn entirely.

PressTheButton!!!!8 years ago
Just bring the,Mack to life

NerdyTurtle8 years ago
Hahaha loopholes yay

Mitja Žohar11 years ago
Simply, you sacrifice your loved one, wish that they'll be Immortal.

smol_egg3 years ago
what loved one?

Zues8 years ago
Here is what you do: kill a pet then tell the genie that you want infinite wishes without killing someone. After bring your pet to life.:)

Foxesarecool7 years ago
Pretend to love someone you HATE kill them 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

K-Kya3 years ago
I wish tacos Sorry i"m hungry

TheMightyBear8 years ago
Omg so simple. I wish for my loved ones immortallity.

Jacky_Boy4267 years ago
That"s some dope logic there

TheSwaggyyLordOFDUM8 years ago
1416059060 Girl: am I pretty? Boy: no Girl: do you even want to be with me forever?rnBoy: nornGirl: do you even like me?rnBoy: nornGirl: would you cry if I walked awayrnBoy: nornShe'd heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyesrnTh...[Show full comment]

The Howling Wolf8 years ago
I can make my wishes come tru on my own

MrCookieman247 years ago
I wish my first two wishes then wish for them to come back without any memory that they died

Puffinmaster2469 years ago
cant you just bring a loved one back to life though?

SanjayGames8 years ago
Me: I wish I would never have to sacrifice a loved one Genie: huh? Me: YOU HEARD ME, DO IT!!! Genie: Okay, okay! Me: And get me ice cream, too! Genie: Why do you get one every Sunday? Me: Because, I always want a sundae on Sunday! Genie: *sigh*

SheridanKing6 years ago
Ha ha! That’s funny!

DesertFox8 years ago
my love one is a trash and a pencil( i really like that penceil) and done next

Chizzle642 years ago
I wish for infinite loved ones

Undertale crew8 years ago
Become enemies with the loved ones
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