29214 (34%) 57535 (66%)
29214 (34%) people have pressed this button, while 57535 (66%) did not.
You have infailable luck: Nothing will go wrong ever.
Your friends and family will have horrible luck: everything that can go wrong, will.

funny8 years ago
If you have good luck they will have good luck if you care about them

Archer_shoob2 years ago
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Victor_Z_Awesome8 years ago
So basically Murphey's law to everyone I know but me? Sweet.

daniiile8 years ago
me to:)

fish100003 years ago
adopted people: I see this as a complete win

BottonPusher8 years ago
if nothing goes wrong i can try to improve my friends and family's luck!

dedoed8 years ago

HomeTaleUniverse8 years ago
if i wish for them to have good luck then it'll happen because I have insane luck

Terrmany7 years ago
Hate my family anyways. f*** them lol. No friends, no downside. Maybe I could make "friends" just to watch them suffer.

ThePaulDude2 years ago
WOW! You really are a sick sadistic fuck aren't you?
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BottonPusher8 years ago
if nothing goes wrong i can try to improve my friends and family's luck!

BottonPusher8 years ago
whoops! two comments!

DavidKoljozov6 years ago
If i am lucky my family is too

AneskaBïtches7 years ago
I have no friends

dankmemes1017 years ago
What about your family?

SpartanX7 years ago
So give some luck to them

GreninjaGames7 years ago
if i have good luck i would make them feel better by winning the lottery for them.

TheHappyTyranid8 years ago
I already have the former, so why get the latter?

Junaidee Jimmy Kok11 years ago
what the hell is the fun if you're the only one not having cancer?

GhostlyPUHPUH8 years ago
Thalnos your an awful person for saying that
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RobertLukas7 years ago
i will get luck enugh to help them

shadowpeace8 years ago
Why put others at risk.

Yoruclea4 years ago
Just do it for them

GraceDaNyanCat8 years ago
I will Luckifie them with my good luck

YourBoiTy6756 years ago

John Doe9 years ago
@puggzie Yeah

ChanceMannor7 years ago
This could be fun

TheConney8 years ago
So Murphys law ?

TheManInTheBlueBox7 years ago
Murphy"s Law is a b***h

neverknown8 years ago
I is god. Won't get failed.

BEANERMAN2 years ago
i want my mom to die

Roman Gwizdak11 years ago
So if you are lucky, nothing will go wrong with your friends because you like them and you would be sad if it happens?

skyrimlegend218 years ago
Only have one friend and he's a big so GOOD DAY TO BR ALIVE

xxToxicCandyxx7 years ago
I'll give them my lottery tickets then.

Hao8 years ago
It just said u had infailable luck but they just have horrible luck. Yours beat theirs

yahnoo8 years ago
Hey there is a very nice thing to have then have a horbile luck

Nekros8 years ago
I'd feel sorry for them.

dashingalias9 years ago
Wow I pressed the button am I Kira

Just_A_Bit_Odd_7 years ago
Milo Murphy"s law anyone??

Etay4 years ago
Fine I'll do it myself

Andromeda7 years ago
Hao, I like the way you think.

Ajmbottorff8 years ago
Would never risk that happening to my family

JustAHappyPerson8 years ago
I can give my lucky and money for they

vert3436 years ago
Plot twist: my good luck is that they have great luck!

Dylanof20038 years ago
Paradox! You will be part of their luck, and vice versa.

Bshane8 years ago
*presses button* *clears throat* "oh wouldn't i be lucky if all my friends and family we're as lucky as I am oh that would be so lucky " now due to the magic red button principle your friends and FAM now have luck

_Ybiko_7 years ago
This might be a little cold but fuck them, all luck is mine :3

DoritoLover3608 years ago
Whoever pressed this button is selfish

Migdin17 years ago
Not if they usd their wishes to make them lucky, because you never fail and it will always work
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RainyGirlBeelast year
I"d prefer not, life is interesting when things are left up to chance, plus the people I love would suffer.

Jennifer Boyer11 years ago
I'm so fuckin unlucky with everything that ever happens to me, at this point I'd take whatever I can get

MonsterOfMen8 years ago
Share the luck🍀

Harkema6 years ago
I would see develop stage 10 depression

Viable_Golem43758 years ago
Legit it's already like this for me and my family.

africanotaku927 years ago
so.............................................Basically, i"m Milo Murphy"s counterpart???

Ray Marc8 years ago
So, basically theyll die in return for my luck...

Cheshire shadow8 years ago
except i use my luck to find a bad luck antidote and give it to my friends.

dimondsinthesky9 years ago
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