World hunger will be no more
only you will die of starvation.
I will not

Soaku8 years ago
If someone already pressed, I don't need to xD

Poopman126 years ago
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Donald Trump8 years ago
I don't care about that, children stravring in Africa is not my fault and beside, Trump ain't gonna give his life up >=)

grilledhedgehog110 months ago
you are not even president nor when you made this post you arent even donald trump
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Aaron129987 years ago
Then i'll just keep eating 0u0. *killed by obesity

Jamenneel7 years ago
The LAST thing we need is more people

BartekTomasik7 years ago
Nope. The last thing we need is no people. Also HOI!!!
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Elise Lane11 years ago
the world would overpopulate...

mariothedog6 years ago
The world would not overpopulate, if it was even close to they could put a limit for how many children you can have.
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Watermelonman7 years ago
Can you answer this comment with something actually worth mentioning?

Watermelonman6 years ago
Aaron, it doesn't matter, because you need a brain to have brainfreeze
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Unpopular_Opinion7 years ago
At least I"d die skinny

Thekittygoogle8 years ago
Never says when ill die

Kozi8 years ago
If you die from starvation then that isn't solving world hunger

Gabriel Loureiro11 years ago
I would eat mankind

EmmaMathewson7 years ago
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cub9p7 years ago
world hunger is no more but you have to die one small price for something huge

The Nerdy Villager8 years ago
90 years old, going to die soon already, but dies of starvation while sleeping instead. Win.

jkpancake9 years ago
Love for pizza too strong, sorry world

Calmdown88 years ago

Dac00ldude694202 years ago
A necessary sacrifice for salvation.

seelyah10 years ago
take one for the team ig

Ristall87 years ago
one life for many. good deal

XxdesttoryerOfDetroit5 years ago
So i can still starve so i... eat?

Weary Wanderer8 years ago
Hi. My name is Weary Wanderer. I'd like to spread a message about something I have encountered more frequent than ever. Spam messages. These mostly tell a story or find the 2 or some other shenanigans, then make you paste into a certain amount of comments....[Show full comment]

Stitch19858 years ago
If the world knows that I'm the reason why hunger is gone? I'd do it.

Robonyan8 years ago
I am a robot, I cannot starve.

lilzach249 years ago
It is for the better

yourfavouritebaguette6 years ago
nu-uh. im nit sacraficing myself. no way.

Thirdoffive9 years ago
The comments to this make me happy (well, most of them)

webbinlink7 years ago
Fuck humanity

REBOOTG8 years ago
I'll do it.

SansUndertale8 years ago
heya there, nice job

giladxdxd8 years ago
If not hunger problems, overpopulation problems. Know your shit, Einstein

Thetriathigamer1543 years ago
So you CAN starve,doesn’t you will though

Thatloophole8 years ago
worthy sacrifice

WhyNot8 years ago
What do i care about the world

NiftyChibi6 years ago
At least that means I wouldn't die from drowning, plane crashes, murder, kidnapping, sickness, suffocation, suicide, etc.

peetasdick9 years ago
I'm too selfless.

Leah_7707 years ago
Who still talks like that "WORLD HUNGER WILL BE NO MORE" xD like really dude stay up to date. Even tho it does kinds sound cool to say. 😜

yourfavouritebaguette6 years ago

RishenTheGamer8 years ago
i always pitied the poor so help em out

Calmdown88 years ago

MrBostonBakedBeans6 months ago
I will be remembered for this

Tania10 years ago
I just recovered from anorexia so... No i'm good

SparklezQueen8 years ago

NarcolepticGiraffe5 years ago
I guide others to a treasure that I cannot possess.

thinkingbox8 years ago
For the greater good of mankind maybe a long shot but maybe it will solve the spitefulness of the world

THEBUTTONMASTER90006 years ago
If I die they die

lol kid8 years ago
im adolf hitler commander of the third reich little known fact also dope on ze mic

ronarprfct9 years ago
All of you paraphrasing Spock should consider: what if the many in question are a bunch of irredeemable jerks and the one is a perfect human being?

kungfuaj18 years ago

Moderator9 years ago
it's Worth dying for....

Oxymoronslayer7 years ago
That"s probably how I'm going to die any way so fuck it

JuuzouFanb0y3 years ago
So they can just give me all the excess food?

Ragnar33310 years ago
paradox op

LennyTheTomato8 years ago
There's too many people on Earth anyway.
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