53974 (61%) 34316 (39%)
53974 (61%) people have pressed this button, while 34316 (39%) did not.
You can see the future
You cant change how or when people (including you) will die and have to live with that knowledge

BenTinolast year
you can just be a millionaire like who designed this???

Blaze___Lord___8 years ago
who wins super bowl L all the bets you can make!

Pressornot6 years ago
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Rajvir2 years ago
Seems more depressing than anything else, even if it does mean limitless wealth thanks to investing at the right time along with a start up of lotteries.

Mrusername2 years ago
I would use it to see which lottery I would win!

MizuYoso2 years ago
Simple solution, They just said WE couldn't save them, but can't we just tell them how they are going to die so they know what to avoid

PlayMoreGames7 years ago
Becomes a youtuber, makes videos about other people's fates, and ruin everyone's lives.

BrainTaser3 years ago
You would very quickly get arrested.
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Kitty cat xxx8 years ago
There has to be other paths because I can see in the future I have to be able to change it or I don't see the true future

Davd8 years ago
I don't see how that's the case. You see something happen. It happens as you saw it. How is that not the true future? Or are you arguing against predetermination? Because that's not very useful, seeing as how predetermination is very real due to the laws of causality.

Chicken13377 years ago
I would make bets and then have a really good life and dies with my wife in my hand

TheLonelyCheese8 years ago
Why do I have to live with that knowledge, is suicide impossible?

VelocityRaptor287 years ago
no, if your destined to know destiny, your destiny will continue to whatever you"d naturally do with that information
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i'mme8 years ago
I wouldn't check to see when they die unless they're in hospital and might die to see if theymake it to rreassure everyone

Assassin_jay8 years ago
You can make someone else change it

Froggiekoto6 years ago
Take that STINKIN button makers.

Little Miss Spiteful6 years ago
Tell someone else what you saw amd have them change what happens

Lalalalalala1126 years ago
If I see them die, it better prepares me for their deaths and be less emotional about it and already have grieved them.

Gracicorn156 years ago
Shinigami, except you die. I'll take it.

Fleecy276 years ago
Go out like and spent all your money on hot chicks on your last week

Mike90906 years ago
I usually make small bets at school like "I'll buy you this candy if *Something here* happens and if it doesn't you'll buy me the candy, deal?" and if they agree I win the bet and I get the candy lol.

Froggiekoto6 years ago
Play video games and predict enemies" every move, BECOME PROFFECIONAL AND NEVER HAVE TO GET AN ACTUAL JOB!!!

Froggiekoto6 years ago
See into the future, find future cure for everything, win lottery, create all future advancements, get rich, create Utopia, but people die normally. Though actually if the future would be changed it already is, so you already saved them.

Pearlapis8 years ago
Sapphire from Steven Universe anyone???

Brady_the_hybrid3 years ago
(Ah, a fellow steven universe fan)
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Fox2568 years ago
nu inteleg

Duskitty Taylor11 years ago
Sollux Captor?

Trashawn Xonith Hucks11 years ago
this question is stupid as knowing where and how someone dies, especially yourself, would allow one to change it, regardless of any stipulation

Gammafox8 years ago
Well, there's a lot of things you could see in the future. Like what tech gets invented, etc. not just when people are going to die. you could just not think about it in the first place anyway.

shankninja9 years ago
1 word: parinoia

XanArgo6 years ago
so just death you can't change? fine by me see no downsides

Korie Endicott11 years ago
then don't watch how people die. just rig bets and see what kind of stuff people will want for holidays/birthdays later that year.

Mek1017 years ago
You can't still win the lottery

IdkTbh7 years ago
That"s what he/she meant VelocityRaptor28.
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Verr0ni8 years ago
i can live with that..

CiiiiTv8 years ago
that would be my dream...and i could warn people that they could die in war for example

MDarkKing16545 years ago
Don't look that far

NightSaviour8 years ago
So your telling me: If i'm gonna die in 100 years I can't kill myself?

Krozper6 years ago
It says you can’t change but other people can

Bryan Faudoa8 years ago
Then what is the point of seeing the future if you can't change it?

Froggiekoto6 years ago
You can, just not when people die.

Danniboy12347 years ago
Time to win the lottery a few times!

Brennon Wilson8 years ago
Lets see how this en-*gets sniped like a boss*

darkhunteress1210 years ago
Sure easy

DangerFuzionx8 years ago
No I don't want to get spoiled

SketchiiDodles8 years ago
Well, wouldn't it be good to know when people will die? I mean, that way you can prepare and spend as much time with the person as possible. You could also try to talk them out of suicide.

tankofnova8 years ago
Pressing the button would make you a dumb ass. You know how people die but don't know how to stop it? fuck that.

Memeber7 years ago
You just cant stop jt. You arent allowed to, from the dilemma.

littleplayer098 years ago
It will happen anway

SECRET8 years ago
As I said in another, I have no feelings.

smsff79 years ago
I only look at stuff that make me money

Theforcesofevil6 years ago
Yeah, why not?

Noah Warkentine11 years ago

ash13awesome8 years ago
its sad but its life

Fernankolada8 years ago
Ypu can see the future

Martin90958 years ago
I know when the next Tsunami is coming or tornado so great upside but not very good downside

Phantomslacker5 years ago
I mean zippeli knew when he would die and he was fine and so am i

Abaddon_Delta8 years ago
I can't change the way I or anyone else dies, but I can prevent other things.

Portar2008 years ago
What if you see yourself killing someone?
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