You can breathe underwater.
Only with your eyes closed.
I will not

Cormac Beirne8 years ago
Anybody who pressed "I will not" didn't really think this through, did they? Either you can't breathe underwater, or you can breathe underwater, so long as your eyes are closed. You don't lose out in any way

Goldenunicorn42113 years ago
Another typical no downside question.
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Pizzascripters8 years ago
I can barely even open my eyes underwater anyways :P

Amami4K2 years ago
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HiBob247 years ago
If you said no to this you"re an idiot.

Pokemon4Life7478 years ago
Close open close open I'm basically breathing in out in out

thesmartRavenclaw4 years ago
so many of these are developing a skill but with a catch so were just getting an upgrade if we click the button but it like a rip off bart Simpson action figure, its good but there"s an alternative that"s way better

Roberh Sedes11 years ago
Close eyes, "air" in, open eyes, "air" out.

Mew-eeveeSquirtele3 years ago
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ILovePatatos8 years ago
Whats the point then? :P

codazo8 years ago
Loophole: You can close your eyes and breathe, and go a little while without breathing. It goes on.

maximusdog18 years ago
You can just wear goggles

Avatardeath20658 years ago
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Knucklesfan7 years ago
I can work around that...

Joseph Stalin8 years ago
Oxygen tenks biatch.

Nera8 years ago
So you just have a down side with that.

Corina Rose11 years ago
only open your eyes for 30 seconds at a time haha

J_S2 months ago
Cool party trick

Booker Dewitt9 years ago
Chlorine hurts

GhostKing6607 years ago
GhostKing660 4 seconds ago Hi. My name is GhostKing660. I"d like to spread a message about something I have encountered more frequent than ever. Spam messages. These mostly tell a story or find the 2 or some other shenanigans. I am getting sick of these...[Show full comment]

Madirishgrl8 years ago
555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count down 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. Now close you eyes...[Show full comment]

Darthmorro4 years ago
I can't dive with my eyes open anyway

Quinlan Uy11 years ago
Why wouldn't anybody click that? There isn't a downside to it.

iBoss8 years ago
I can't drown then :D

Slim_Loco6 years ago
Just take a nap underwater. Your eyes will be automatically closed.

DontPressButton7 years ago
I already can't see underwater without goggles so win win for me

erikacfmj9 years ago
The 32% that didn't press it are a little stupid. I mean you would be fine on the titanic, provided you didn't die of hypothermia, and you would survive global warming. You are basically a mermaid.

Mikester2807 years ago
Wear goggles then look around and when you need to take breath close your eyes

bbygngrndth8 years ago

JediKnight7 years ago
drowning? No problem!

TeamAwesomeness2 years ago
depeneds. do my legs into a mermaid tail when I have my eyes closed underwater?

Justinfab10 years ago
I would just close my eye (breath in) open eyes (breath out) also i could win like 2000 bets of how long can you hold your breath :3

SammieeGoldWand6 years ago
I cant see underwater anyways LOOPHOLE

zwaglou7 years ago
Where goggles

PurplePlumWhale6 years ago
No duh Sherlock

Domza8 years ago
Close your eyes when you have to breath

familyguy58 years ago
close eyes breath. open swim. close eyes breath. etc

Alchemist8 years ago
Close just one eye!!

MisterPhoenix868 years ago
EyeS you see, eye is a singular noun, but when you add an s, it becomes plural. The person who posted this clearly said Eyes, and therefore, what you're saying can't work.

235x02 months ago
28%(at least 25287 humans) are DUMB NO EXCEPTIONS. Swim underwater for 10~ seconds when close your eyes for 5~ Loophole!

NinjaBuggeln9 years ago
I'd open my eyes to see, than close them to breathe. Its simple.

xplyrz7 years ago
its still better than not could breath under water at all

Desyree Lawanto11 years ago
colse eyes, breath in. open eyes, go swim until we need to breath again

EvilLives7 years ago
I will wear goggles duh

ShadowWolf8 years ago
The ocean is scary enough but closing your eyes too? Heck no

Agent_Waffle7 years ago
No real downside here

Jdude14338 years ago
Get goggles duh right?

TurtleGamer22336 years ago
I will wear snorkel goggles right

IHateBeingAKangaroo9 years ago
There's really no win the ability to breathe underwater with your eyes closed :/

Thechaoticwasp7 years ago
Blink and breathe in blink and breathe out

utrarafat8 years ago
you dont lose nothing

WolfTamer7 years ago
So basically your blinking

kussamkura8 years ago
Use goggles!

Egochka117 months ago
This downside doesn’t work, it’s always better to have it than not

HiddenRealm9 years ago
Your an idiot. Swim with eyes open, close your eyes, breath, open your eyes, swim. Idiots.

Snoop pingas8 years ago
Swimming glasses duh!!!

Pewdeep6 years ago
Who swims with only there eyes open
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