4575 (33%) 9399 (67%)
4575 (33%) people have pressed this button, while 9399 (67%) did not.
You gain the ability of transforming into any animal you want and having control over your actions.
Once in a week, you will be forced to transform into a random animal without being able to control yourself. There's no fixed day of the week for that to happen.

DextersLaboratory4EVER14 months ago

pingpongguy3 years ago
It didn't say for how long you would transform. It could be just for 1 second.

Average_Satan_Enjoyer11 months ago
Replying to Atrophel By that logic, since infinity is, well, infinitely large and, there is a 100% chance that that would be what it is. Uncountable infinity WOULD complicate things, though... Hmm...
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Evanlikespancakeslast year
Just go outside near a lake in case you turn into a fish everything else is fine.

TheWierdestWierdo2 years ago
CaN i Be A pAnDa?!

Lepidobatrachus-laevis3 years ago
FUCKING Lepidobatrachus laevis TIME I GIVE NO SHITS

legenday_loop-man2 years ago
doesn't say for how long i have to be forced

tierbot2 months ago

Spectre_UV3 years ago
I see no downside, just so long as I don't end up as a fish, otherwise I would end up having to constantly be paranoid and have a bucket of water with me at all times on the day I'm supposed to uncontrollably turn into an animal

Guest191918282 years ago
I’m pretty sure that ur entire life you are gonna get a marine animal and die so I wouldn’t take the risk
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RazorStudios3 years ago
Very specific!

Some-weeb3 years ago
But for how long? Like I can't control myself for a second, a day, a hour? Like how long am I transformed???

franzzz2 months ago
Bruh what if you transform into like a fucking fish or something

Hyltran3 years ago
Maybe 🤔 you will become a fly 🪰 our mosquito 🦟 and get killed because you and leave people alone?

Marshapike6 months ago
Does that mean I get to be the evolution Pokemon eevee
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