You can have any car you want for free and no problems attached
every time you drive it for a total of 1 hour, your life gets shorter by 1 year.
I will not

zt.alivet5 months ago
it means i can have hundruds of free cars to sell

Maypaws2 years ago
Sell it?

Non-gay-Person3 years ago
Just drive 59 min get out then get back in then drive for another 59 minutes

papersnakelast year
it says a total of one hour what if the time stacks up so once you get back in after your break one minute later it could count as an hour
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Team-prime-is-best2 years ago
I would just “drive” one of the autobots and I wouldn’t die because the autobots are self-driving cars

GodOfLasagne3 years ago
I think I"d rather survive than get a fancy Tesla thankyou very much

rock_pie14 days ago
autopilot and the totally safe self driving: am i a joke to you?
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ShyExtrovertArtist3 years ago
People with depression: "I see this as an absolute win!"

DaBestMind2 years ago
bruh there are too many people on this site with depression
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TheRealGlacadia2 months ago
Just ask someone else to drive it

Mobza_Mobzlayer3 years ago (I didn’t know anybody still used this website) I have made aplenty of creations on this web but no one has really seemed to check... hope you like my ideas.

papersnakelast year
I like it

gamandy29 days ago
sell the 40 million dollar car...

NoobieTheIdiot4 months ago
i wouldn't drive the cars but i would sell it

AlphaAblikim6 months ago
sell the goddamn car guys, why are people on this website so stupid.

Aiden6413 months ago
So I'd be dead by right now

SUPERXOR6 months ago
I think, I will become a businessman, and I will hire a driver to serve me.Yeah~

Plazma7773 years ago
Oh that"s hard but i'll stick to my car

Ridley2 months ago

cookiefires3 years ago
Being depressed this is an upside :D

shutyourtraps6 months ago
that is definitely an attached problem
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