76179 (86%) 12619 (14%)
76179 (86%) people have pressed this button, while 12619 (14%) did not.
Everything you want you get for free
You have to live in hotels for the rest of your life

RisingRyux6 years ago

ThePaulDudelast year
You can't technically buy it if it"s free.

Rem-chan7 years ago
5836 people are stupid

King_Nevs2 years ago

Rem-chan7 years ago
I build My own flying perfect Hotel

rainbowsuzanna7 years ago
Good idea

None-Is-None7 years ago

Miumi2 years ago

KazKami7 years ago
You Have To Live In Hotels For The Rest Of Your Life??? THATS AMAZING!!! So,I'll Live In 6 Stars Hotel Tho xD And What Ever I Want...I Get It For Free...

Andrew Lyon11 years ago
just stay in a free 5 star hotel suite, where is the downside?

jackinowolast year
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ThisNameHasntBeenTaken6 years ago
Dude, do people not think these things through? Just stay at a FREE 5 star hotel suite. Free food, free room service, there is literally no downside to this.

Pix3l36036 years ago
Hell ya and u can have a nice hotel by the beach in fillipin’ barbados

Lelsanic8 years ago
New Wubble, here I come!!!!

LeonardoGolp6 years ago
Whats the downside

Carl Joseph Bialorucki11 years ago
"You have to live in hotels for the rest of your life" That's just a bonus

LeeSquire7 years ago
If someone offered just to let me stay in any hotels in want for the rest of my life I would say yes if just for the food and rooms. If they also throw in getting anything I want for free then what do you think I"d say. Anyway couldn't you find a loophol...[Show full comment]

plunder10297 years ago
Buy a giant house and rent out a couple of the rooms to random people fro a few nights a week. Boom you are living in a hotel.

marcuitos8 years ago
what was the 13% thinking about?you can just buy a mansion and stay there but not "live",just be there,sleep in a bed inside there but never live in a place,just stay there

asome8 years ago
That's literally what I was thinking of saying/typing.

Nathan O'Brien11 years ago

Chandler Root11 years ago
Suite life of Zack and Cody? Hell yea, sign me up!

Jewel Jones11 years ago
Literally everything I want in life

Austin Wright11 years ago
i want a house

Lilly Beth11 years ago
I could do whatever i want and travel werever i want to go with a Free imperial swite ;D

T3R3Z1_PYROP36 years ago
So uh. Wh3r3s th3 downs1d3, guys?

Lowkeylucy 8 years ago
Travel around the world and stay in amazing rooms all the time, where is the downside?

RoGamer8 years ago
One is i want life in a house xD

Silverbullet21218 years ago

jiminshoes9 years ago
that means i can get a house for free. checkmate, atheists.

Lucario99063 years ago
Technically, apartments and your parent"s houses are hotels.

Shaunethomas7 years ago
I will get the power to not live in a hotel there problem solved

megamage1237778 years ago
i was planning to do that anyway whats the catch

Talon O'Sullivan11 years ago
my house will be the hotel

idkman;38 years ago
there are really nice hotels so :P

but its free

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee5 years ago
Just want to not live in hotels

Vanguardian157 years ago
What if I want a mansion

MasterOfPuppets8 years ago
they didn't say if it was a awsome hotel *Boop*

Kim Harper11 years ago
some hotels are really swank soooo downside? I see none

Mr_Spock6 years ago
Hmmm a clean room, infinite currency. Even a Vulcan can see the bright side.

LeaveG8 years ago
I'll take that hotel for free

Nod_Lucario8 years ago
So basically live like Travis Touchdown. Yeah, I can live with that.

Darahkai6 years ago
If you get anything free, you can get a mansion and live there

GangsternauwL7 years ago
I wanna get my own private hotel?

Etho452 8 years ago
Live in a penthouse like bruh

asome8 years ago

antwan90098 years ago
Ive never pressed a button so fast in my life

Blackguy79968 years ago
V k z

rak00n114378 years ago
most of them are haunted

smashdude6410 years ago
I would love to have a Suite Life.

KiLEdEnNis8 years ago
- get free hotel / - live there

Quazimoto8 years ago
I dont see how that is bad in anyway

Merr2 years ago
Can I get a way to escape the downside for free?

Phinerxen7 years ago
5 Star Hotel here I come!

AhmadEh8 years ago
Wow, who thought this was a downside?

Gabrielle Askylitdrive Pelt11 years ago
But the hotel rooms would be free :D

Pix3l36036 years ago
Hotels arn’t that bad
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