If you press the button, you automatically get a 50% chance of obtaining $1 000 000
Don't press the button, and automatically receive $50 000
I will not

coarsedirt2 months ago

Us.ual5 months ago
Wow, my choice just strike the perfect balace between pressing it or not!

Chrysix30 days ago

My-yee-23 years ago

IronDoom382 months ago
That's the best part, there isn't one.
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Kelvingtsfan2 years ago
Omg it almost perfect 50/50 less then 20 people difference

griffon3 years ago
Its 50/50

101133 years ago
Possibly the most generous options ever

Taker_of_Hells3 years ago

T._Lost_is_a_good_boi5 months ago
50% of $1,000,000 is $500,000. On average, you make 10 times more money by pressing the button than not ($500,000 compared to $50,000). This should be much more straight forward than you all have it out to be.

EugeneHKrabs2 months ago
Agagagagagaga! more money for mister krabs

squinky4 months ago
i hope i got the $1,000,000

mynameis_ehe3 years ago
$50,000 alone could solve so many problems and I’m poor so hey.

k614862 years ago
They did give me the money.

Fuchsy4 months ago
people managed to get 50/50 on this button. perfection

schnitzelbauer3 years ago
50000 is still a much so i don't press the button

Dexagon6 months ago
Uhh... is this a would you rather question?

Gl1tch3dL1m33 months ago
Free button lmao

123meep1233 years ago
... no going back now... I'ma go win the lottery now

Gilgameshthetreasurehunter2 months ago
So there's a 50% chance I get 1M dollars, but there's a 100% chance to get 50K

ThePaulDude3 years ago
Why are all monetary scenarios in $? It"s like everyone refuses to acknowledge other currencies as a thing. I'm from the UK & if I pressed this it would be less then one million pounds £ so this wouldn't be fair for me would it? Consider ALL CURRENCIES when doing monetary scenarios.

Laserwolf11 months ago
Or, consider this, the person posing the question just uses whatever currency they want to use. Perhaps there"s a lot of questions with the $ sign because that"s the currency a lot of askers use. If you want to see another currency pose the question yourself
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