You know the truth of everything, the universe and the meaning of existence
You will forever be alone with this knowledge and live on for eternity
I will not

TGOGaming8 years ago
The answer is........42!

StuffmanE3 years ago
It be boring if u just know everything and everyone and u will be alone 4 ever
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xX_skeletons_are_my_friends_Xx7 years ago
I already know... 42. Read "the hitchhiker"s guide to the galaxy".

NotTheProtagonist2 years ago
42 is the “Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.” It is not the “truth of everything, the universe, and the meaning of existence.” Besides, you never really know what the question was.

liliy8 years ago
So almost like Cain from supernatural

timeladycompanion8 years ago
Maybe you ment: The Doctor

josephfarr2688 years ago
I got the same vibe

MichaelEXE8 years ago
I won't. I already know that it is 42

i_like_blue6 years ago
I already got it. It"s 43... ...maybe

KatlynRogers6 years ago

Samalot1276 years ago
But I already know the answer to everything, it"s 42

T3R3Z1 PYR0P38 years ago
the answer is 42 and I am already alone so I didnt need to press the button...

naga halomac8 years ago
I feel your pain

MariaKenway7 years ago
So you become omniscient and immortal?? Sign me tf up

icantthinkofagoodusername69_4208 years ago
There is no meaning to life and there is np god

Raine_Loves_Raine7 years ago
Cool, I'll build my own nation and become like the Hetalia characters!!!! Muahahahaha :3

Beep beep boo8 years ago
I love my family so no

AverageDuwangEnjoyerlast year
42 obviously-

Robin_Hallow6 years ago
Already will be forever alone, might as well make the most of it

Kazue7 years ago
NO downside here! I love spiders!

Estephan6 years ago

firepelt8 years ago
can i have friends

LifelessCreator7 years ago
Almost the giver

teo7008 years ago
I already know....420 Am i wrong???

Loophole man8 years ago
Someone gets it. 42* 10=420. The meaning of life is to smoke weed

fishe2 years ago
bro theres no upside

macaco_monarca7 years ago
im already alone

Demnea 7 years ago
I already know the meaning of life. It is what u make it and so is everything else.

KittenKatja8 years ago
I pressed the Button, i get psychological ill. When i get bored of it, i will create a clock to timetravel and will watch as the universe grows.

MegaLuxrayYT7 years ago
It"s common knowledge that 42 is in fact the meaning of life the universe and everything in it

NotTheProtagonist2 years ago
The meanings of life, the universe, and everything are at the following URLs: And NOT ONE of those definitions are 42.

CLXSSIFIED28 days ago
Fvck it, why not

legendary-godzilla7 years ago
no downside here

Beep beep boo8 years ago
I mean no

Maybe then some people would know if there is a God out there because right now there is no proof there is one

ThatDudeOfAwsome5 years ago
Jokes on you, I'm apready lonley!

GlutNy6 years ago
i guess i"m gonna have a very, very long chat with god

GriffinBoss1098 years ago
You would know why u r alone and how to go to earth because u know everything

Tiger90x7 years ago
Yeah I'm fine with this.

I Am Matt8 years ago
Probably gonna happen anyway

Adolfie2 years ago
This means...

Mastdemiei107 years ago
I see no downside

zawilson7 years ago
sure i will forever be alone but i am anyways also i can use this knowledge to help people and i can make awesome video games

C0D3GL1CH8 years ago

PastelPurrfect7 years ago
as long as I have wifi Im good!

12tearoldboy4 years ago
Soooo basically Doctor Who

Charles-Ostrander36 years ago
Eight words-so long,and thanks for all the fish🤤!

Shalom3258 years ago
I see no downside

Con7 years ago
They call me the doctor.

ilovechickenramen_138 years ago

dedirake2 years ago
eternity.. nah im pass

PottedRosePetal7 years ago
Let"s just say alone with that knowledge means only you know it. And if you know everything you also know how to die

Average_Genderfluid_Guy6 years ago
Eh id have the 10703 people who also pressed it to chill with

rexafun127 years ago
I would hate to live forever

GalceonGod116 years ago
I'ma be the nerdiest no one ever was

Seth224 years ago
So the only change for me is knowing everything and living for eternity.

troyler_is_real7 years ago
so then the Doctor? yes please
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