25222 (50%) 25362 (50%)
25222 (50%) people have pressed this button, while 25362 (50%) did not.
You are given the ability to cure any disease known (or unknown) to man, just by thinking about it.
Everytime you do cure something, you become sick enough to be on your deathbed for any amount of time from three days to three years.

Atarmii28 years ago
Cure feminism

Buttonpresser6942080084 months ago
Gender equality 👍
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Thomas6667 years ago
Cure yourself and when you become sick again, cure yourself again. Eventually you'll cure all disease and will not be able to be sick again.

Memeboibepis4 years ago
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DoctorAurora7 years ago
Cure Homophobia

Scoutiechan2 years ago
No lmao
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CoasterKing6 years ago
Free ability, you don't have to use it.

Logical-loopholes6 years ago
Coaster king I am so proud of you finally someone is reading the question properly
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Dropbearboy7 years ago
Heck yeah! Cancer is GONE!

chickenlord8 years ago
So what if I'm on my deathbed? I cured cancer and AIDS.

doersk6 years ago
AIDS is caused by HIV :/

JoshTheScrub8 years ago
never said i would die... also, i'm pretty sure people would love me enough to visit me and make me feel good

unknownred6 years ago
Cure stupidity!

JayvJayv278 years ago
you can cure youreself 2

NiteWolfFacRBLX7 years ago
even if you get sick from curing yourself if the disease that is putting you on deathbed is cured you cant get it anymore
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Sex7 years ago
Cure bitchyism stop everyone from bitchin

DasJoosh7 years ago
Cure Liberalism. Make America a better place.

MemesCo7 years ago
Cure Political Mud-Slingers. *cough* DasJoosh *cough*
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doubledashie8 years ago
Well, it doesn't say I will die, and even if I did die, it's everybody that's diseased vs one person. I'm willing to give my life for people with AIDS and cancer, etc.

Degenerate6 years ago
Cure SJW disease

dc20082428 years ago
I would cure myself from being sick

EvaCoN5 months ago
It says to man

WolfTamer7 years ago
Jus cure yourself until you can't get sick.

GalaxyAfton4 years ago
Cure all sickness

AwesomeDabber226047 years ago
<Darth Vader voice> The fedora is strong in this one.

im Abl Firecracker Re8 years ago
Hey at least u'll be remembered 4 something big

jshaw716 years ago
Cure, aids, cancer

TheFutureBowtie8 years ago
Don't care, saved lives.

Mady07 years ago
Then I'll cure my disease

TédioAbsoluto2 years ago
i would wipe all diseases in existance it would be worth it

Leee7 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow you will be kissedrn555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555. Count down 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. Now close your eyes and make a wish. Now paste this into 15 comments and your wish will come true. Hurry you have 20 minutes or the opposite of your wish will happen

DasJoosh7 years ago
Shut. The FUCK. UP!!!

MattyBuoy6 years ago
So only use it when you really have to. If you never use it there’s no downside

toapat8 years ago
i would cure man of stupidity

AwesomeAlex7 years ago
Just cure that disease that you got cause you know how to LOOPHOLE!

TZ_YUSD4 months ago

23lindsaam3 years ago
So you"re on your deathbed but you"re not actually dying? Sounds okay. BE GONE COVID

EmilStvring6 years ago
Cure donald trump an kim jung wung

KingMickey8 years ago
No I want to live forget other people

ModSavvy8 years ago
Save lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

samwasherelast year
im taking one for the team on this one

Lethal Panda8 years ago
I'd just cure myself

D4n13l2567 years ago
You would get sick again...

widgbssjujshsgffiiavd6 years ago
I KNOW!!! We all get this power and when we get sick, we meet up and cure each other!!!!

WafaIrdina6 years ago
Anything to help others.

astan1358 years ago
I woudnt

Beyyonceloverlast month
I'm already on a deathbed

ModernSolutions3 years ago
i'll cure the disease to become sick so i can cure one more time

Jackash6 years ago
Cure your self

arjun nair8 years ago
I love sex

Hamburger Guy7 years ago

BeepBeepImaSheep6 years ago
Kill the bitch cancer

ScottishCookielast year
But curing cancer and AIDS and HIV = Overpopulation so, imma cure anyway

SecretAgent31257 years ago
I will "cure"superpowers

epic971015 years ago
cure my sickness,

doge12347 years ago
Its more worth to get poeple free medical expenses its just netter than dying

Axis Jace8 years ago
Cure prostitution and being broke.

hippovenom8 years ago
Disease is also a metaphor,I would say that works
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Anonumous6 years ago
Tell your parents not to worry when you do it you will be on your deathbed for time ranging, but at least all of human kind can be cured from cancer.

Tristina7 years ago
Cure death

bxdri3 years ago
Just keep curing whatever sickness I get. Easy
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