17917 (32%) 37957 (68%)
17917 (32%) people have pressed this button, while 37957 (68%) did not.
You can go back to the 90s and tell your past self to put all your life's savings into the Apple stock and you'll return to the future rich.
You'd have to tell the love of your life to put all their life's savings in a bad stock and you return to the future without ever finding love.

Kitkat4108 years ago
I Wasn't Born In The 90's sozzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

MwiNReal10 months ago
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MakennaWinchester6 years ago
Me: INVEST IN APPLE!!! 1-year-old me: *shits diaper and starts crying*

ThisIsIndeedANamelast year
Me: INVEST IN APPLE!!! -20 year old me:
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I2A4C8 years ago
Born in 2003

Canif6 years ago
This comment may be offensive. Press to show.
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IAmMemeGuy3 years ago
Me: INVEST IN APPLE! 3-year-old me: *shits diaper while sleeping*

dankmemes1017 years ago
Um...Let"s see, what was I doing in the 90s? Oh yeah that"s right, I was waITING TO BE BORN

ChillyChelly8 years ago
I am already forever alone.

Themauf4 years ago
DasJoosh you have the best picture
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Babes7 years ago
I wasn't alive in the 90"s. No upside * inhales * boi

Indubitable-Gaming7 years ago
Your picture was lol

demutrudu7 years ago
uhhh its not just adults here

Mr-Dust-Bunny7 years ago
millennial, I wasn't born then so yeah..this is useless

yournightmare877 years ago
but i was born on 2003 so srry button maker dude u old

FuzzyPixels7 years ago
Wait.. I wasn't even alive in the 90"s..

RyanCR30006 years ago
2004 here XD

Thebouncydragon6 years ago
i was born in 1992, so i guess i would have a huge allowance xD

Isiah8 years ago
That was very dark

NukeOfficial8 years ago
Well... I'd have to tell my parents, and idk about the love of my life yet so... LOOPHOLES FTW

B0JACK4 years ago
Back in the 90"s i was in a very famous tv show...

ThePaulDude8 years ago
I wasn't old enough to invest in wanting in the 90s & interacting with your past self surely creates a paradox that could destroy the universe, right?

Migdin17 years ago
Born 2003.... Plz help... WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!!!

SavageBoi086 years ago
Well I do think I'll even need to go to the 90s soooooooo

NotTheProtagonist2 years ago
Me: “Can I please see your balls for a second?” Dad: “That’s a weird request for a stranger, but if you say so…” Me, to balls: “Remember to invest your life savings in Apple stock.” Dad: “What the hell are you talking about?” Me, to Dad: “So, in the future, I push a button…”

BeastoftheBattl6 years ago
Uuuummmmmm, the never finding love thing already happens, and I was born in 2004.

Just_A_Bit_Odd_7 years ago
Who needs love I'm rich nyehehehehehehe

Lzke6 years ago
I wasn't 1 year old until 2000 soo....

Gollum33 years ago
Poor Sméagol doesn’t have any savings

Tokayyoshi8 years ago
Not a 90's kid

Sansthecomic3576 years ago
I wasnt alive in rhe 90"s...

Blueyoutuber6 years ago
BORN INN 2009 but if i was born in the 90s then SURE

OtterMemes7 years ago
ALL yOu nEEd is l0v3

Pacopambisito8 years ago
I borned in this century

AsexualAromanticLaughter3 years ago
I wasn't born yet, but if I was I would press the button because asexual aromantic launghter

AWeabooOnTheInternet6 years ago
Born in the 2000"s

Leomé4 years ago
I was born September of 99..... THAT DO SHIT FOR ME!!!!!

Onemario12347 years ago
Born in 2000, so this doesn't work.

Sophwiphwi8 years ago
I'd "have"to... what would happen if I didn't?

Cristy3127 years ago
My parent didnt even meet in the 90"s

trinebthomassen8 years ago
I wasn't born in the 90's 2000, for da win.

AndresIM6 years ago
Love is more important than money.

T._Lost_is_a_good_boi7 months ago
I was born in the 2000s. Who the fuck am I telling to invest in Apple?

Noah Jordan11 years ago
Haven't met my love.

The_Doberman6 years ago
Wasn't alive in the 90"s and I don't have a love nor do I want one

Jaydhd7 years ago
Uh...So...Born 2002....Welp...

OliverDreammur6 years ago
So, about the people born in the 90s... *Portal open* You! yes you young child! put all your money into the apple stocks. *Mom walks in* Who the **** are you!? I'm your son.

Wood3 years ago
I wasn't even alive

demutrudu7 years ago
oh im also dead

SamTheDerpyOtaku8 years ago
Where's the downside?

Clefclark6 years ago
I will never find love

MrFire854last month
I don't have a love of my life

Manfred Von Karma8 years ago
heh no one loves me FUCK

Mike90906 years ago
What is Apple stock? ANd if it is about Apple as in iPhone stuff. Fuck no

ThePaulDude7 years ago
I wasn't old enough to invest in anything nor did I have any money to begin with back then.
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