27455 (27%) 72954 (73%)
27455 (27%) people have pressed this button, while 72954 (73%) did not.
You can eat anything without gaining weight
your body will jump to 230 pounds, and no amount of working out will lose you any weight

Anonymous Potato7 years ago
No amount of WORKING OUT will lose you any weight, but it says nothing about dieting or getting surgery. Loophole!

SameMan67 years ago
And you will be dieting no matter what you eat! Insane loophole!

TurnedIntoaDragon8 years ago
Help me humans I turned myself into a fire-breathing dragon by accident and cant turn myself back!

dankmemes1017 years ago
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MLGnoscoper4208 years ago
*Falls on person "AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!!!!!" Nuh nuh nuh nuuuuuuhhhhh nuh nuh nuh nuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh...

MeggieTheWaffle8 years ago
And then you add Michael Bay
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Cormacandcheese7 years ago
Doesnt mean i cant turn the weight into muscle then im 230 pounds of muscle

Mathew Monier11 years ago
I jump down over 100 pounds? Sweet

ThePaulDude6 years ago
This comment may be offensive. Press to show.
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Wait so when you get laid you will squish the other person? XD

Jonhy_boyXX7 years ago
Wait wait wait of you can eat anything and not get fat then how do you jump to 230 pounds??? Hmmmmm....

Constipated-man7 years ago
It could mean your tall and have an average body

usoutlaw7 years ago
im 300 so dropping 70lbs is a god send. also you don't say 230 lbs of what fat or muscle? im going with muscle.

A strange person8 years ago
What if... you are at least 2 metres tall ?

LazyDK877 years ago
Im about that height, I"d be loosing a few pound too. No down side here.

Anthony 58 years ago
it never said that the weight wasn't muscle

An Internet Troll8 years ago
230 pounds OF PURE MUSSEL

huynhjustin9368 years ago
It says to 230 pounds but not fat it could be 230 pounds of muscle

origamimaster18 years ago
what if i weigh 230 pounds in the good way?

James Samples11 years ago
doesnt say 230 pounds of fat now does it

Drawesomethewizard7 years ago
True dat
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Ludvig Jonsson11 years ago
Reading these comments made me sad

Eddiemate6 years ago
If the loophole works theoretically, then it exists. Doesn’t matter what you say Paul.
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Thomas Williamson11 years ago
That's already a healthy weight for me, sooo..... I'd be happy to get stuck at 230

Devon Zaehler11 years ago
230 lbs of muscle? sure

Amanda Jayne11 years ago
fark that D:

dankmemes1017 years ago

TjanaJustenborgTjell6 years ago
I can eat 10 VERY fatty cakes, and I will NOT gain ANY weight ( Maybe half a pound... )

TheLonesomeBird8 years ago
Never said I wasn't 230 pounds if muscle :) I'm already 220 worth so a little more bulk can't hurt forwver

Zacattac8 years ago
230 lbs of complete muscle >:)

Second308 years ago
nah, i can already eat whatever i want and stay at a nice 106lbs

Madmountain137 years ago
I might be 230 pounds but of muscle not fat

Will Vega11 years ago
Hahaha I weight 235 lbs sounds like a deal for me.

EnvyandGreed3 years ago
This can also mean my body will be dense af without changing anything outside, so technically i can be totally ripped and heavy af but never be able to swim since I'm short fck

noah21ok8 years ago

Melissa Shipley11 years ago
woo! I can fit in my skinny clothes again!

ThatTacoDude8 years ago
I'm so buff then! 😃

oldnotweak9 years ago
never said it cant be muscle... LOL

DragonEXE7 years ago
Fat is lighter than muscles so 🖕😄🖕

usoutlaw7 years ago
not true. its just less dense, and 30 lbs of muscle is the same as 30 lbs of fat

TimmyBoyRules8 years ago
I don't know, how much is 1 pound? Kilograms, anyone?

StormyMiller6 years ago
Don't say fat!

narwhal8 years ago
john cena weighs 251 pound

Hammerhands8147 years ago
Dude that"d be awesome

Jordi Diez-Neill11 years ago
They never said that you were fat, just that you weighed 230 pounds. Maybe you have a spontaneous increase in muscle and bone density? Become stronger and tougher without having any downsides

Hyltran7 months ago
That is wear I’m at now actually 230 punts (104,3 kilograms). I’m ok with looking like this :) will all the fatty food I will eat effect my health in any other way if I press the button?

Pyj168 years ago
im kindof already one of those people who can eat as much as they like and can't get fat so yeh no pressy

tarnvedro7 years ago

Cheshire shadow8 years ago
so i gain only 30 pounds? for all the stuff i'm gonna eat with the other ultimate riches button, it's gonna be better.*sends vast amount of cash to africa to feed people*

doomguy277 years ago
Me right now. No matter how much weight I gain or lose i always end up at the same weight

John-Charles-Louis-Mahmud8 years ago
downside says : you never lose weight. It doesn't, however, say that working out would not effectively design muscle, so basically I can still work out and build a freaking body... where's the downside ?

Talarus5 years ago
So I get to eat whatever I want and I lose 120 pounds how is this not a great choice

Mapleman93228 years ago
Already happens, sure I gain a little but I eat ALOT and i'm only around 120 pounds. No way I would become a fatass for no reason.

NomNom8 years ago
An extra 130 pounds of intelligence! My head won't fit in the doorway thought........

JoeJackelen6 years ago
Lose 50 lbs, awesome!!

Giedrius Kuliešius11 years ago
I think I may've already pressed a similar button that made me stay at 75kg

Beaverman8 years ago
Dint say it could be muscle

JonathanFrazer7 years ago
230 pounds. Doesn't say that is in fat. It could be in muscle

Tristan Dial11 years ago
Doesn't say whether or not the weight is muscle or fat.
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