9692 (66%) 5036 (34%)
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You get your dream job
None of your colleagues or superiors take it seriously

235x02 months ago
Exploring the multi-verse!

Revillo_Phoenix3 months ago
Only colleagues or superiors won't take it seriously huh? So no issue with employees? Ok, my dream job now is to be the sole owner of a stupid succesful company that has an extremely competent CEO that runs it, no shares owned by anyone but me.

The-Retard2 years ago
If im still getting paid, f*** it why not!?

Hyltran3 years ago
Would I still get well paid?

doodledimerlast year
what if you don't have a dream job like me then it makes no difference #loopholes.

Redstonetrippy13 years ago
isn't that just being a twitch streamer?

Darkside-Omar-playz3 years ago
Me going to search up when youtube had superiors and colleagues

Univiksa3 months ago
What if you want to do business ?

n8nja2 years ago
sigma grindset boys 💪💪💸💸

EpicFrogBoiX2 months ago
Become the quantum eater? Yes....

Yeetaleet2 years ago
If people aren't going to be mature, everything will fall downhill and I will eventually lose it.

good thing i am the boss and my job is a hoby. nobody is taking it seriosly, we are riding around on tiny trains all day long

DaRealConMan2 years ago
I really don't care if my colleagues or superiors don’t take me as a pornstar seriously, because in the end, they"re just gonna be jealous that I'm always popular on PornHub every November.

residentbuttonpresser3 months ago
valve software ceo, become gaben
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