29588 (31%) 66051 (69%)
29588 (31%) people have pressed this button, while 66051 (69%) did not.
You possess telekinetic powers
you become so ugly that people can not look you in the eye

Frisk_IsAPotato7 years ago
Use telekinesis to smash da faces with sledgehammer so they are uglier.

Ghost_Rider3 years ago
Calm down potato

21jamsis8 years ago
Plastic surgery

Deathbringer6 years ago
Smart person.

Owen Huisman11 years ago
Who cares, just use your telekinesis to make them look you in the eye...

_Sasha_last year
... и от этого у них лопнут глазные яблоки.
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Migdin16 years ago
Just move the light on your face to look better

Tkzmakman7 years ago
You can basically use the powers to make them look away or if they continue give them a VERY BAD NIGHTMARE

Sylen7 years ago

Bilybirdie7 years ago
I will make people think that they are looking in a mirror

ApexSpice7 years ago
I'm already ugly so u wanna make me look better

Bewarethewalrus 8 years ago
Wear a mask

Alex Gerdes11 years ago
Im ugly enough already

NeroAngeloM6 years ago
me three
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Joshua Peebles11 years ago
wear a badass mask and be a hero

NoahNelson6 years ago

Alisha Rene Livez11 years ago
Professor X mixed with Deadpool

Dylana stole your car8 years ago
I got your car >:D

Brad Schuyler11 years ago
With the money I make, I can get my face fixed.

imavirginnn3 years ago
im already ugly

DovahkiinP8 years ago
Use your power to alter their perception of your face.

Rydia 8 years ago
I'm already ugly lololol

Master16 years ago
Wtf even is that lol

starlight8 years ago
i will just wear a mask and look awesome

Sudokori 9 years ago
Mask. Or I could use the money i make from rescue services and construction using my telekinesis to afford facial reconstruction or plastic surgery to at least look presentable. Otherwise I'm still ugly right now.

Thebeastfrom20000fathoms7 years ago
I would just wear a darth Vader costume and go Kill trump

Datwane Fairley11 years ago
not my face

poisonedbread7 years ago
im already so ugly people dont look me in the eye

qwerty12348 years ago
I kinda already am. . . .

usuario_botón7 years ago
You can make poop every day BUT y Your poop is the king of your home

ApexSpice7 years ago
I'm the king of my home.... I'm shit... Win win

Destinyz mortal8 years ago

GameGo5 years ago
Mask on my face, sun glasses. READY TO BE A HERO

Techno Fizz8 years ago
I'm ugly as it is,no thanks...

LillyanneBarbossa6 years ago
Im already really ugly. People dont even look at me anyways.

KUKUKUUGA128 years ago
Did you all know pweds?

SamuelWagner7 years ago
you can just where a mask. then they are looking into something other that your eyes

ThatDudeDownTheStreet8 years ago
Idc I can make myself float so i'll be fucking famous

NerbCaik8 years ago
My finger slipped and i clicked the button. I'm sad

The-Pope3 years ago
So I get free telekinesis?

GangsternauwL7 years ago
Telekinesis is the only thing i can dream about

Berd6 years ago
what i look like already

Tagilala8 years ago
I'm ugly anyway

Merilille8 years ago
Cool, I get telekinesis.

starlight8 years ago
i will just wear a mask and look awesome

Atreides9 years ago
Super herooooooo!

ArchangelOfDarkness7 years ago
But I Already Have Telekinesis :P

SkateBoard__Phighting2 months ago
sans but the eye is a flashbang

Stephen Libby11 years ago
Telekinetic face manipulation!

WaffleDrugs7 years ago
Worth it af. I hate getting up to get the remote 😂

My name's Jeff8 years ago
You can use telekinesis to alter someone's vision, to make you look fine

CMHammond8 years ago
That's not how telekinesis works. You'd have to know exactly how their brain works, to the smallest detail and move neural paths and electricity around. Which wouldn't work. Doing that continuously at all angles would be next to impossible.

TchinTchur7 years ago
It"s called plastic surgery

Axisok8 years ago
This is not a downside, just another super power.

Tesc4 years ago
Make them think u look good

vadimbel1058 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

CMHammond8 years ago

Goopirah6 years ago
Why would I need to look good if I can make people fuck me
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