No matter what, you will always get full marks on any assignment/get any job you apply for
You have to repeat your entire education from kindergarten
I will not

Tails.exe x Cream.exe8 years ago
Do you become a kid or stay same age cause if I don't turn young I won't fit in chair

AlanPrower7 years ago
Love your name and i would love to restart from kindergarten

GamingAlex7 years ago
I'm only 7th grade anyway

Tacocat1016 years ago
Same. For some reason, I like seventh grade.

PressTheButton!!!!7 years ago
You would be able to skip grades because you got full marks

Aniyah_Jackson6 years ago
I already don't wanna have to finish the rest of my education. I DO NOT wanna have to repeat it

George Paraskevas11 years ago
lol im in first gwade

xander32323232last year
you ready for the belt kid
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TangleTheFox19877 years ago
I'm only in fourth grade. (well fifth grade since it"s summer) How bad could it be?

TinaLucialast year
I'm in fifth grade now

TheGamePIN7 years ago

iiSamG7 years ago
I am not american, I am from England so we have no kindergarten. Would I have to go to America to do this.

TinaLucialast year
There"s kindergarten in Canada too

AnimeOverride7 years ago

AnimeOverride7 years ago

Trae Mortensen11 years ago
if you get full marks on everything you would be able to finish school in a year or two and become a rich mad scientist who builds a death ray :D

NorahPines7 years ago
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Killian Christopher Smyth11 years ago
Well, seeing as how laid back I'd be, and I'd basically be able to sit around and do nothing for a few years, and become rich as hell... Uh...

Ari Abdul11 years ago
Repeat everything?! Ain't nobody got time for dat! Anywho... I'd rather study hard and earn my grades thank you very much lol

Ram018 years ago
All study FROM Kindergarten, no more no less ;)

Bruh_bruh_693 years ago
ok so? kindergarten to grade 1 classes are like 2 hrs? also I can connect with the teachers more than the students, gaining authority power

Steve-Gaming8 years ago
do nothing on all tests! still A+! go to college! do nothing! PASS! does anyone agree?

komodoking1758 years ago
yeah but I mean it depends on age

Spring Duong11 years ago
I'll be better than everyone else.

caramel_apple9338 years ago
Thatd help getting into harvard with a scholarship and get a great job and live comfortably until retirement

poopie7 years ago
Im fwore and mwy nwame is dwan Ok you can be an spaceship engineer Yway! Gerbal space program origin.

Matthiasm8 years ago
Repeat it? I'd be able to skip almost every single grade, I'm a genius, you know.

Pandaman_56 years ago
You could just move up all the grades once they see what you could do

BlazeSaber8 years ago
do I turn in to a kid again I don't think parents will want a full grown man sitting with there kids

DanishGamingGuy8 years ago
I'm not done with my education I'm gonna be 25-26 when I'm done so no thanks

Wonderless6 years ago
no downside. loophole: we only repeat it once, and since you get goodmarks you'll probably skip some grades.

HonorboundNecromancer9 years ago
I see no downside unless repeating at same age

EridianX8 years ago
If you get full marks on everything wouldn't you be pushed up several grades in a very short time frame? So the downside is only like, a couple of years at most.

Dapurson7 years ago
Kindergarten is easy

landergaave8 years ago
fuck id just skip grades like a bowss

samplaysgames1018 years ago
Anything to go back to kindergarten

Maniacman9828 years ago
Why do all the comments say 46 years ago?

Coolgamer-yt3 years ago
you"d be able to skip the grades you"re so smart that it wouldn't matter

D101408 years ago
So I'd end up skipping a lot of grades, fine buy me

Imitaterdrone7 years ago
Be so good you skip grades

Gelo Rosel11 years ago
What if every honor did this?

yukkikatsuki8 years ago
Fuck that no way.

Flashu28 years ago
No downside for me since I'm not American!

exepire8 years ago
sorry bruh, but i'd just speed through that crap cuz all i have to know is maths.

blaboom448 years ago
or you can quit school

Wassap338 years ago
George what r u doing here

CallJGWentworth877cashnow6 years ago
Since you get full marks on any assignment then the teacher will think that you are smart, and you get to skip grades. Your entire education from Kindergarten will go by in a breeze.

MurpyFlurp9 years ago
I'm still in kindergarten, so that's okay.

W01fkin2 years ago
As someone still in school, I don't mind, it'll just be... awkward... k might be regretting this now.

Ray Marc8 years ago
That would be so fuckin awesome!

Kate McGeeker11 years ago
iwould kill to be able to do this

mrgordo8 years ago
Do it while i'm young, you know...

OrangeLightning7 years ago
Small price to pay for guaranteed income security.

Dilly Mac8 years ago
Finally im in 12th grade then WOOPS i get into a fight And there goes my collage of being the greatest video game creator of all time T-T

CoralineXander6 years ago
I already know everything, and then I'll still get a perfect grade, so honestly all this gives me is more opportunities to socialize!

ArmedSpirit8 years ago
Only two human beings can change the foundations of society.Markiplier and BlowettyWild can save this world from iniquity!

TheGoldenbanana8 years ago
My kindergarten was two mouths ill be a straight a student!

minisamuri476 years ago
I would definitely push this button because I would literally be able to do no homework, big project, etc. and get all A"s.

UdontKnowMe9 years ago
kindergarten is not education dumbass
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