29669 (35%) 55565 (65%)
29669 (35%) people have pressed this button, while 55565 (65%) did not.
You fall in love with and marry your dream man/woman.
Every night, he or she turns into a creature from you worst nightmare and you are forced to have sex with it.

SyTaC WhooVeZz8 years ago
confronting yout fears is the best way to get over them (put on eyepatch and captaibs hat, yelling "one day, i'll get ya, moby fucking dick!!!" then violently fucks a 50ton white whale.

TurtleShroom6 years ago
Best comment

splergy8 years ago
well that means im doing yandere-chan

BartekTomasik6 years ago
Yuri Send help
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TreyEricksen7 years ago
Learn how to fear something sexy

SansUndertale7 years ago
my worst nightmare is Chara

Memes-make-dreams6 years ago
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ZaneFlare10 years ago
humans are my worst nightmares so she would not change

TheGamerSage7 years ago
Or he"d fall in love with an animal, which is illegal but still an option
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BleghBlegh6 years ago
My worst nightmare is her mad, but my greatest dream is angry sex. WIN WIN MUTHA FUKAS

Matthew Tyson11 years ago

Sho994 years ago
I was about to press it until I saw your comment
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TheGamerSage7 years ago
Well… at least zombies are still humanoid…

H2ÓDIO5 years ago
Hey! I just noticed that this spoke of a creature coming from your worst nightmare, but not which creature, so if your worst nightmare has beautiful people there is a chance that creature is a beautiful person.

H2ÓDIO5 years ago
If the creature taken from my nightmares is male do I have to fuck, to be fucked, both, neither, or can I choose?

MaahSebastian7 years ago
From now on, my worst nightmare is an anime girlfriend with ultra giant boobs.

Dr.L8 years ago
Love is overrated.

tyler1duke26 years ago
I can have sex with then in their normal form during the day right?

ignitedrik6 years ago
If the woman of my dreams turns into my worst nightmare, that means she is my worst nightmare and nothing would change because it"s her

Alejandro4626 years ago
Ghost pussy is alright too

Chad Drake11 years ago
My worst nightmare is that I will be alone, so I guess this means each night she vanishes for a time and I have to masturbate?

kay-kaye11 months ago
Well it said a creature from your nightmares, so that wont work as well, but good thinking!
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ozone86 years ago

ch3po9 years ago
Slenderman is my worst nightmare....But the girl i like likes slenderwoman....So she turns into slendewoman.....I see no downside

CoolGuy956 years ago
But I never had nightmares

runegod279 years ago

DavidKong6 years ago
I’ve never actually had creature based nightmares. My nightmares are more not getting someone I love or doing something embarrassing. More event based and you can’t have sex with an event

Mai-chan7 years ago
I see no upside to this. I'm an aromantic and don't care about marriage.

windymooncake7 years ago
Sounds kinky

Racerx13357 years ago
Soooooooo... i would be forced to have sex with slenderman?!?!?!

revnl177 years ago
I don't have dreams unless I chose to. I chose to have a nightmare about my dream man/woman! I won't specify.

ComicSansIsGreat6 years ago
Me too i control my dreams

NHLic7 years ago
...But scary mosters are one of my fetish :^)

Person997 years ago

Quantum 8 years ago
She is the creature from my worst nightmare. just without cat ears

_lina_8 years ago
I am not fucking Donald trump nope

Totyjoe8 years ago
I am suddenly very scared of Emma Watson

99_Face_Problems_But_Booty_Aint_One8 years ago
Anyone heard of Anime? Or tentacle monsters? Or tentacle porn? I'm really fucked up, I'll show myself out.

VelocityRaptor288 years ago
what if this rule applies to both of you?

VelocityRaptor288 years ago
that might be kinda hot actually

DanishGamingGuy8 years ago
I'm not having sex with a spider

awildderphasarrived8 years ago
basically i marry my boyfriend and he turns into flowey from undertale

TurtleShroom7 years ago
I can see why Omega Flowey scares you. Doing him wpuld be even worse.
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Cnor Gamez YT8 years ago
It's still the person thought

Loopiloop8 years ago
an giant green legoduplo with an angry eye printed on was my worst nightmarecreature since im three years old. all other nightmares was about public nudity ect.

Roaryboy8 years ago
Hear people that don't dream laugh

Selmar Koning11 years ago
id rather not be raped by a spider

Zach Travis11 years ago
What if my worst nightmare is Kate Beckinsale......?

VelocityRaptor288 years ago
then your marrige partner is kate beckinsale

Luna Pheonix11 years ago
69% didn't press the button ;)

Jared Paul Spirdione11 years ago
I dun wanna have sex with obama Q^Q

ProfessorBear7 years ago
That is a dream

Alexa Fernandez11 years ago
my worst fear is a titan from the anime Attack on Titan. they dont really have gentials. its called "cheating the system" XD

Twinkipe7 years ago
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Daniel Lloyd Geoghan11 years ago
my worst nightmare is myself.

Kittenlover1016 years ago
How do you fuck yourself?

Quentin Ramirez11 years ago
see.... i doesn't afraid of anything. i turned the creature i saw in my worst nightmare into a sexual creature in stories anyways. it would only strengthen my bond with them. also i'm fucked up

Adam Sikorski11 years ago
AWESOME! There is no downside to this.

Kristine Yang11 years ago
so you'll become a kardashian?

sansthetrainer6 years ago
sex with a dragon sounds cool spider on the other hand is a meh depends if its SEXY

Mixmaster6 years ago
I meant drider
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TFB7 years ago
BTW, my "worst nightmare" could be even more hotter person

Stagetheme1012 8 years ago
Jokes on theme all my nightmares are my best loved dreams!

Commissar8 years ago
:/ I'm saved of the Grudge goes from the Japanese movie The Grudge I don't know how I feel bout that
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