50123 (58%) 36208 (42%)
50123 (58%) people have pressed this button, while 36208 (42%) did not.
The world will have world peace
You will be sacrificed

MeKKa3 years ago
My death for others happiness very much worth it

Latin67 years ago
Guys just name a pet mouse "You". And then You the mouse, will be sacrificed instead.

A_Chinese9 months ago
There is now a popular Internet phrase in China: "Is he really a genius?"
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Nyveri2 years ago
People who wanna die : 👁️👅👁️👍 This question : 😭😰

Migdin16 years ago

Bountyhunter32336 years ago

crescent978 years ago
This comment may be offensive. Press to show.

Ninjapuff2207 years ago
Yolo I had a good life 😁

Skitter8 years ago
Seriously... 39% of people here would rather live their pitiful lives, instead of saving millions of people on this planet. Fucking monsters. Think about soldiers who sacrificed themselves just so you could live in your shit ass country. They did it for th...[Show full comment]

GsterBlaterUnd3rtale7 years ago
Piotr Grochowski has mentioned that he would rather save himself than billions of "not so important" people. He said it Quality over Quantity I believe, people like you shouldn't be talking like that.
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Creed_3036 years ago
It don't say when I'll be sacrificed, so the world can have peace now unlike my sacrifice

ApocalypseGamer6 years ago
Totally worth it

Omq_Its_Prince6 years ago
Hello npt that it:) Hello Apocalypse Gamer

Kevin Tubridy11 years ago
can my death at least be epic in some fashion?

Kiwi4637 years ago
But what will be the meaning of life without mistakes?Without problems to learn from?What"s the fun in that?
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anime lover 1208 years ago

Belarus8 years ago
I would want to be sacrificed kill bill style. Katina fight!

suppercut8 years ago
What is a world without strife?

Tchantchès8 years ago
Ritual sacrifices don't sound very peaceful to me.

Lizardking11588 years ago
World peace would be terrible. It would be a boring world

i'mme8 years ago
Fuck the world, what has the majority of people I know done for me

Ezekiel Martin11 years ago
The Doctor, every single time.

ItsCatBreadYT3 years ago
I already became The Doctor so I can regenerate
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Taylor Nieuwdorp11 years ago
If you don't believe in an afterlife the choice is obvious.

MahBoi7 years ago
Im an atheist and i would still press it because i have morals
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Toni Simington11 years ago
Honestly I think world peace would suck. It would be fine for awhile, but later everyone would be extremely sick of everything being peaceful, and having everyone accept your opinion and nothing really interesting in the news. It would be nice at first but I think I would get bored of it.

GsterBlaterUnd3rtale7 years ago
Nah. Just because it"s a world without war doesn't mean everyone gets along. You will still have enemies and fights will happen but the world isn't gearing up for a devastating nuclear war

Michael Scates11 years ago
Doesn't say how long peace will last... would still press

Nora Abusalah11 years ago
But what's the point if you don't get to live in the peace?

MeKKa3 years ago
Helping save people’s lives
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abcedarian8 years ago
i already want to die

Slimeboy222 years ago
So? As long as nobody remembers me, peace! (dies)

heywhatzzuphelu8 years ago
As someone always say a hero has to sacrifice

Buttonpresser256786 years ago
This will sound cruel as all he'll but...population control

Buttonpresser256786 years ago

HomestuckHappiness9 years ago
I will go God Tier and come back. LOOPHOLE BITCES!

BrownieDreamer3 years ago
I'll just name something "You"

mrswagger5338 years ago
I would happily sacrifice myself for the world

Sarah Casey11 years ago
Just think, your life or the whole worlds life....... wow

The Marionette8 years ago
Its worth it.

Anwar Letts11 years ago
......fk the world

UknownFCHS8 years ago
Fuck IT!

Tokimi5 years ago
"For the greater good." -Dumbledore

IceParticlez8 years ago
Taking one for the team #yolo

rodjuan8 years ago
What happens If they sacriced my twin? :v

freddychicapop6 years ago
Ezekiel Martin your a doctori genius get it?

dat dude 1019 years ago
Then there wont be world peace

Eli-bobby096 years ago
Crucify do watever u must for world peace plz the world is so fudged up like i said crucify me

Firewireblonde8810 years ago
If world peace is boring I'd be dead so I wouldn't have to deal with the boringness

XxDiamondxX8 years ago
Shoulders for for us all the time ends that sacrefice their lives for our freedom and/or peace so, I would do it, for the world if that means that their would be or will, be peace in the world.

Igiris2 years ago
World peace is dumb

Logisticmo48 years ago
The human race on a whole is to selfish for me to sacrifice myself for their benefit so no thanks

Gollum33 years ago
Depends how

JaCkIsSoMeFiSh!8 years ago
They never said how you'd be sacrificed. Maybe they'd leave you in a strip club for two weeks, to sacrifice you're unhappiness to satan.

Cheeseman7 years ago
I m the savior

Gabriel Campista11 years ago
Lots of saviours there

Bountyhunter32336 years ago
I'm not pressing...others already did :p

TheMadBaron8 years ago
Fuck other people.

LawOfTheSeas8 years ago
For the greater good of the world!

Ging3rman1178 years ago
1 life vs. Thousands/millions. Easy math. *presses button like a boss*

Piotr Grochowski8 years ago
1 life worth 10000000000000 points vs 100000000 lifes worth 1 point each.
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