6086 (42%) 8509 (58%)
6086 (42%) people have pressed this button, while 8509 (58%) did not.
You are given a dog/cat that is the breed of your choice, immortal, understands your language and can answer yes or no questions, and can follow wherever you go (including in death).
There is a 50% chance that the animal will be retarded and only be a pain to you and you can't get rid of them.

Wyatt1828822 years ago
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DJLPbutton23 months ago

JamesTheBoi12 years ago
I already have a pet, soooo SCREW IT BITCH

APotatoIndeed3 years ago
never speak to me or my seventeen stupid children ever again

KITTEN9993 years ago

Hyltran3 years ago
So I get a immortal super pet our a normal immortal pet :)

Ben10usr2 years ago
So I either get Scrappy doo or Mr Peabody?...

Mr_loopholes5 months ago
I don’t care It’s only a 50% chance so kinda low and i still absolutely love animals and everything about them so you can’t change that

Chaos374 months ago
It’s 50/50

Travismakesbaddecisions4 months ago
We still getting a fella
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