55599 (64%) 30973 (36%)
55599 (64%) people have pressed this button, while 30973 (36%) did not.
You know the answers to any question in all of existence (past, present, and future)
nobody will ever believe you, ever.

Darkslayer107 years ago
Teacher : class... Do any of you know what 9×9 is? Me : I know... It"s 81 Teacher : WE ARE IN SIXTH FUCKING GRADE AND YOU DON'T KNOW MULTIPLICATION!?!? Me: *google s 9×9* *shows teacher* Teacher *reads... Nine times nine is eighty one * Me: *calls offi...[Show full comment]

Definablelife3 years ago
Office won’t believe you
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MilkyWayWishes7 years ago
"Hey what do you want to eat?" "A bagel-" "I SWEAR TO GOD. STOP LYING!"

Dialkian2 years ago
Name your first child nobody boom!! nobody believes you people believe nobody

Weirdodumbdumb3 years ago
But hills

Darkslayer107 years ago
Mom: when"s your birthday again? Me: Today. -. Mom: I DON'T BELIEVE YOU BITCH *Head explodes of amazment* Me: damn you mother Fucker... To Be Fucking Continued (At Moms Funeral)

AwesomeBro4047 years ago
Teacher:What is 2+2? Me:It"s definitely not 2, oh wait a minute, it is. Teacher:Wait so it isn't and is 2. I don't believe *spins infinitely* Everyone else(Including Me):*gets confused, runs away and never comes back*

AwesomeBro4047 years ago
And/Or reverse cytology.
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I_Am_Debzz8 years ago
Well....if I take a test and the teacher grades it, I would always get an A....so I'm good. :D

Allie543217 years ago
No a+
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Ishmay7 years ago
Let the geniuses figure it out

Simontuti7 years ago
I don't care if other people don't believe me. I would still know anything I want. 😎

lilmissloophole9 years ago
How do I find a loophole to make people believe me? I know the answer. PROBLEM SOLVED

Jack Watermelons Merritt11 years ago
the downside is so ridiculous I'm just ignoring it and pressing the button anyway. all questions include everyday or very simple, easy answers. "Where's the ground? *points downwards at ground* "fucking bullshit the ground must be above us on Jupiter" "wh...[Show full comment]

D-day5 years ago
#made my day comment
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JakenAdo7 years ago
I would just make my friend loose a bet and then say it during a college lecture like a professor

simoneisme217 years ago
now i become le child genius

Dragonborn27 years ago
I already know what the meaning of life is.

SteakFries7 years ago
I dont care if people dont believe me that there is a fucking asteroid the size of pluto galaxy heading towards us

Definablelife3 years ago
There’s obviously not the giant rock heading towards us is most definitely not actually coming towards us it’s much bigger then Pluto so stop lying please

iiSailor7 years ago
Well I would know how to make every chemical reaction then prove them all.

FloweyTheFlower998 years ago
well its their fault that they died from something stupid

AF6 years ago
This comment may be offensive. Press to show.

LilacKs6 years ago
Why do I want to know everything? Then life would be no fun. I’d just want to kill myself.

Killcide7 years ago
Just find out the answer to making people believe you. :|

ImNotFake7 years ago
AT least you"d know when something dangerous was happening

Watermelonman7 years ago
Hello! What is that church called? "I think it"s the "saint paul" church" No, it"s not!!!! Stop lying!!!

Cherrybomb127 years ago
No one believes me anyway ...Yeah my class sucks

Darkslayer107 years ago
Lol same :)

ArealgamerC7 years ago
I can be the dick that says told you so all the time no downside

JelleVandersnickt7 years ago
What about the question: "What should I say so that they"d believe me?"

Vincenttonius7 years ago
So you know the answer to stopping people from not believing you?

CAAKE7 years ago
Even if they font believe you science will prove them wrong

RazorSB7 years ago
"I am lying"

Watermelonman7 years ago
No! You"re not lying! Well, you are right now, but not in general! At least not so far.

TheStarsAreFalling7 years ago
Teacher: What is 2+2? Me: 4 Teacher: YOU"RE WRONG Me: Uhhhhh

verycooldragon7 years ago
Betting on sports, Anyone? Also they'll have to believe you because they win

autocar668 years ago
Some syentists Will disagree with u bit they gonna test it out anyway to proof it but when they do they see ur Right (loophole)

Ellie Cookies8 years ago
"The world is going to end in three months from Jupiter unexpectedly getting revenge for us saying it's not planet by slamming into earth and knocking us into the sun." "LOL no." "It's true!" "No it's not" "Okay your problem not mine I'll just move to...[Show full comment]

hollybob20047 years ago
Do you mean Pluto?

lilmissloophole9 years ago
How do I find a loophole to make people believe me? I know the answer. PROBLEM SOLVED

Genkiduro9 years ago
Just negate all answers! "Who are you?" ... "I'm not Dave!" ... "I don't believe you! You are Dave. Do you know everything?" ... "No!" ... "So you know everything!" ; "This car over there isn't blowing up in 1 min. and 23 sec." ... *everyone runs away* ...

smol_egg3 years ago
👍-You got the opposite day ending! (i don't mean the thumbs up is opposite)

No1knowsa8 years ago
No one believes me anyways

PickledRabbits15 years ago
1.Tell everyone you hate to stay alive 2.Make them suicide

Hereuall26 years ago
I love this one

anakakia9 years ago
I'm fine with that. Although I would like to advance the human race, getting that amount of knowledge would make me pretty happy no matter how depressing or scary the knowledge would be.

- X- ander8 years ago
Just cuz you know it dosent mean you have to say that just say the opposite

kircial8 years ago
I said to you it's 42 damnit, why don't you never listen to me ?

Callum Macdonald11 years ago
Even if they know that the answers is correct?

fangirlschan8 years ago
So basically modern day Cassandra.... (Greek Mythology If you don't know this then look it up)

Caribou2 years ago
Assuming the downside is real or possible or logical: "Hey, I can tell you don't want to sleep with me." "I don't care what anyone else says, the truth is I did not save those people from that fire." "I don't think you owe me a penny, sir, let alone $5,000"

lolwut4568 years ago
I would say im lying

Alexanderthe88 years ago
This one was tough, but i picked no simply because what is the point of knowing everything and not being able to share your new found knowledge and everyone to be on your side.

Samalot1278 years ago
You can know everything and everyone else can suffer because they don't believe you

NIGHTFALL9014 years ago
if I said 2+2=4 nobody would believe me........ BOI

klausmana9 years ago
If i know who my crush likes i'd tell him my crush likes him (genius)

Morecrafty9 years ago
Lottery :D

AbstractVisions8 years ago

otakutrashllama8 years ago
I hate these commenters

SeabassJames6 years ago
I would say "I'm lying."
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