6164 (42%) 8396 (58%)
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You fall in love with someone who is almost perfect for you in every way
Their one flaw: they'll hate all the music, tv, movies and books you like

Maharid2 months ago
So you fall in love with someone that hate most of the thing you like and that can even NOT love you back... FY!

Maypaws2 years ago
It doesn't say the feeling is mutual - all I"d get out of this is a case of lovesickness. A good deal of my personality comes from my love of literature, and it"s hard for me to talk to people unless I know they share similar interests. If it"d be certain ...[Show full comment]

lemone2 years ago
so they are not perfect for me in every way?

qcgymnastworld2 years ago
Yes, it says ALMOST.

Marie-ant1et3 years ago
What if I like all the music, tv, movies and books they like?

Ahsoka-Tano11 months ago
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FlaminTacoBoi3 years ago
As long as they enjoy the same video games as me then *Slams button*

boooiiii2 years ago
this man is a king-like chad

ItsCatBreadYT3 years ago
he"s gonna become DJVI"s worst hater

Penguin_onLeanlast month
Five nights at Freddy’s?

Cringe_weeb2 years ago
Never says they'll love you back

cfrancisco253 years ago
hey... at least I'm not lonely anymore

IcyHot456 months ago
I’d just go with whatever they like because I have no sense of self worth or value and I constantly want to please other people regardless of what I feel

i keep getting bullied at school by someone named teslaru :(
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