World peace will begin and last for a eternity. Earth will no longer have Wars, battles, or gang wars. Murder rate will slow to nearly a halt.
It must face a 100 years war that will traumatize soldier and civilians. Mass population will die horribly, and it will burn into the memories of every humans and pass on to children after children. Aliens will look in disgust at the Human race. The war will never be forgotten.
I will not

greaterfiend9 years ago
War's shouldn't be forgotten anyway. Those who don't know history are bound to repeat it.

Jelle36902 years ago
Who"s gonna repeat the romans empire?
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superninja448896 years ago
Wait, aliens don't already look at us in disgust? I find this surprising.

Baughg17 years ago
I shall be 113 year old ruler of these hear *insert number of states in the world* states of the Earth i shall become *dies of being old*

rinacerous9973 years ago
I begin the next great ninja war!!!

UselessCompanion6 years ago
We shall call it: "The Great War"!

Kenaniah Taft11 years ago
And so, in the name of peace, I declare war.

Jackgoff2 years ago
War is peace.
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DasJoosh7 years ago
World peace? We couldnt even fuking handle the 2016 election without blaming other countries!

StabbyTheRaccoon5 months ago
That's why the button is hypothetical stupid

Rivers6 years ago
War naturally does all this stuff. One war definitely is worth it.

jkmc12057 years ago

P77 years ago

Hamistagan7 years ago
we would have more than 100 total years of intense war if i didnt press it

Efe10018 years ago
no, overpopulation

KyleTGH8 years ago
HELL NO!!!!!

Catlover33848 years ago
Ever hear of The Hundred Years' War?

freemind8 years ago
we need population control anyways

Vojta Růžek11 years ago
Way to paradise always leads through hell.

Blamberry6 years ago
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Geolode8 years ago
With some humans racist aditude, i think aliens already think this.

Brandon Faith-Blade8 years ago
So basically Fallout Universe without all the fucking bandits? Worth it

Peter Sibbald11 years ago
It does say that the war would never be forgotten. But the memory what conflict is like is not as bad as conflict itself. And we're dealing with a finite duration of terrible, ethically abhorrent war for an infinitely long peace. Over the course of eternit...[Show full comment]

D Nex King11 years ago
If we keep it up dats da price we shall pay

Chris Parris11 years ago
We can recover

The Howling Wolf8 years ago
I off to make this a movie

A_notGirl3 years ago
Hitler is sitting in Hell like "Finally these bitches understand what i was doing".

RavenRoxas7 years ago
So.... This would be Halo

ChingChongMadness4 years ago
This is kinda deep

dreamwalkings8 years ago
worth it

Gr8l3go7 years ago
wait, why would you keep telling people?!

Rebester50008 years ago
Just let there be world PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DeathReviveYtChannel7 years ago
As one man said,"Violence is not ended with violence but with non-violence". And bruh there is no fing point if there is world peace and no crime.That"s because everyone is dead.

Zombieknife8 years ago
It's practically fallout

Lawlzer9 years ago
This is backwards. Eternal peace?!?! Noooo!!! 100 Year War? YEEEEEEESSSS

Applinenlast year
This is where society is already heading, just without an upside

SF-A2 Miki8 years ago
Wait a sec-it says world peace will begin but there will be a war. How exactly is that supposed to make sense?

dasneezequeen10 years ago
Assuming the earth and humans are around for another years, as for Aliens fuck them.

LunaMelody7 years ago
If no one died of murder, overpopulation would be an even bigger problem...

Network Caveman8 years ago
We need wars

therealandy3 years ago
so basically you can choose to be thanos or not

SeleneVine078 years ago
But like WORLD PEACE so

JoGhost6 years ago
So... Basically We Happy few.... Ok!

Rich3yy8 years ago
But they say world peace will happen.

Carrotoverlord77 years ago
Humans can't go that long without war their ether to greedy or selfish

Karlnova6 years ago

rippedjeans9 years ago
The downside has already happened. So many times. It wasn't for the price of world peace though...

Thjmze 8 years ago
Umm so will I live

dbzboy118 years ago
Good concept. The wording should be fixed though.

Qebrado3 years ago
Rip Earth in the long term.

LittleMac8 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

MichaelPowell7 years ago
I don't frickin care. goodbye family that I hate! :D

Josh Stasio11 years ago
The fact that the war would never be forgotten was the deciding factor for me. Part of a society's stability after a war comes from being able to forget the pain and suffering faced by our ancestors and loved ones and move on, Would world peace be worth it...[Show full comment]

SandraMartinovic4 years ago
It"s happening

jpbeat8 years ago
war causes progress, you don't want war to end.
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