19343 (20%) 79034 (80%)
19343 (20%) people have pressed this button, while 79034 (80%) did not.
You could walk on any surface
You'd have to eat only fat spiders

OtakuFeels8 years ago
My pet tarantula stared a me as I read this.

Shocky_Pink2 years ago
Luckily it’s a tarantula
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Your Cat8 years ago
I am a cat. I love to eat spiders.

PotionOfFireResistance3 years ago
(head pats)
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gamergold8 years ago
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no n...[Show full comment]

Ihavenoideasformyusername3 years ago
Fat CANDY spider, or MEATBALL spider, it doesn't have to be a real spider

PonasM6 years ago
No way. I eat only skinny spiders

SheepDragon4 years ago
Stop body shaming the spiders

lolnothanks7 years ago

idiot_999999999999999999999999999999999999999999993 years ago
nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope nopenopenopenopenopenopenop...[Show full comment]

Idkpython7 years ago
No no no NO no no NO no no NO no no NO no no NO NO no no NO no no NO no no NO no no NO NO no no NO no no NO no no NO no no NO no no NO no no NO no no NO no no NO no no NO no no no NO no no NO no no NO no no NO no no NO no no NO no no NO no no NO no no NO n...[Show full comment]

sans fan8 years ago
o hell no!!!!!!!!!

SSPmrsomebody16 years ago
Spiders? With their little legs inside my mouth, and their fangs? Okay, I'm regretting looking at random websites instead of doing my schoolwork. No no no no non no no no no no nope NONONONONO!!! NONONONO NO NO NO nO NO!

Bos1878 years ago
Spiders would eventually start looking tasty instead of scary. I'll push that button. Just for that it's worth it!

Phil Ye11 years ago
Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope!

Ayakitty24last year
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SCP Foundation8 years ago
Only two human beings can change the foundations of society.Markiplier and BlowettyWild can save this world from iniquity!

billbillerson6 years ago
Some joke about muffet

YellowCandy843211 months ago

PartyGamer9316 years ago

How_To_MEME6 years ago
Bruh u could become a spider *hisses from celing and crunches spider*

IamtheKermitMage6 years ago
Never said they can't be fried.

Thundermelon7 years ago
What surface can't you walk on?

EikichiKuwabara6 years ago
Water, lava, air, clouds, the MOOOON, ect.

Kyle Freeman11 years ago
fried spiders here i come

Timothy NO Relation Vick11 years ago
NOPE! the ground is good enough for me thanks

Ryan Larimer11 years ago
ive eaten crickets before so spiders cant be that bad

Ryan Larimer11 years ago
ive eaten crickets before

Karolis Jagiela11 years ago
Ummm Yummy

Micah Schoonover11 years ago
got this one yesterday

Jordan Redfern11 years ago
What about the skinny ones?

pandasamurai8 years ago
Heck to the no! Why does one need to have the ability to walk on any surface anyway? :/

Xunmato7 years ago
All aboard the nope train to screwthisistan

Shrek347Rap38 years ago
The worst thing is that i have arachnophobia :(

adelxxpha5 years ago
why PHAT spiders? and not SKINNY spiders? whats the diff anyways

GsterBlaterUnd3rtale7 years ago
Please specify what kind of spider. Is it like one of those candy spiders because it"s unspecified, as long as it looks like a fat spider I can eat it.

Bobby wright8 years ago
I love spiders here I come

Fluffington6 years ago
I'm spidiphobic

Krakragaming8 years ago
Si vous arrêtez de lire ça tu va mourir.Mon nom est Teresa Fidalgo si tu ne le fait pas sur 20 photos je vaos dormir avec toi pour toujours. Cette fille la ignoré 29 jours plus tard sa mère est morte. Je suis réel, vous pouver faire une recherche sur googl...[Show full comment]

TheBigG2 years ago
jesus simulator?

bossmode2318 years ago
The spider could be poisonous stupid who ever made this Fuck you

Shamrock6 years ago
Malnutrition, again. Not much to gain. And apparently, a LOT of fat-ass spiders. Pass.

Tenebrosi Erinys9 years ago

Zillyhau7 years ago
Well you would get used to it after enough time so...

Starslinger6 years ago

willds200010 years ago
NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!!!! I AM arachnophobia (agains arachnid such as spiders) ID RATHER EAT RAW SNAKES

TrollerXXL8 years ago

UwUegirl3 years ago
grammatically speaking this just means that the only kind of spider i can eat is fat ones. Basically i can still eat everything except for slim spiders

Hououin Kyouma8 years ago
The way out of this one is all about context. When you think about it, it says that you'd have to eat only fat spiders when eating spiders.

YellowPhoneCall8 years ago
Nope nope nope nope nope

KeralinKreunen6 years ago

TheBogRed5468 years ago
I Could just deep fry them to look like chicken.

Glassia_The_Tower9 years ago
Made of steak

HarrisonToxopeus7 years ago

IL1keButt0nslast month
Yum Spider my favorite

7th Element8 years ago
so i can't eat rice?

CastielWingedAss 7 years ago
I'm not afraid of spiders and it's disgusting but maybe i'd do it
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