You get to live in a mansion where everything is provided to you.
You can't leave the mansion, and will be studied through cameras by a secret organization 24/7.
I will not

ABored_Person2 years ago
This is actually pretty interesting, a study on what being given everything does to the human mind.

MrDoobles2 years ago
So basically danganronpa

Frosterboi33 years ago
I’d request an EMP and use it to disrupt the cameras or just tell them to provide no cameras

Devarshlast year
You this is a constrain so You can't Rule out the "But" part
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Luck7Duck73 years ago
I mean if I want to have sex and they provide it I don’t care if they watch

NottsAiry2 months ago
It doesn't say I can't have visitors, or that I can't live with anyone. and I get everything provided to me. Downside? I don't see it.

Tacos58002 years ago
I gotta get McDonald’s still

MyNameIsTortem2 months ago
i dont want them to see me when i feel myself

MyNameIsBond2 months ago
Me no care if I'm being watched. I am always watched by google.

Alexis_Holmes_6562 years ago
basically sherringford- okay cool

Taker_of_Hells2 years ago
I’ll just say the mansion is earth

Chameleon6873 years ago
It"s not like I leave the house anyways this is just an upgrade

GormTheFlawless2 months ago
Literally me already

Akane_Yuki2 years ago
what is the Secret Organization is S.H.I.E.L.D.

Simple1last year
bro we"re not in jeapordy bro wht

PastyLover7 months ago
I'd like my privacy please

Trixie3 years ago
If your a child and you stay naked all the time, it’s child porn. Not very many people like child porn because it’s kind of rape sort of

ohhhhhhhh3 years ago
Everything?Is it different from other places?
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