16884 (33%) 33873 (67%)
16884 (33%) people have pressed this button, while 33873 (67%) did not.
Universal peace would be aquired.
You and your entire family would die.

Nosaj8 years ago
The only way universal peace would be acquired is if humans ceased to exist.

Moinalast year
we are the ai in the movies determening the only way too achive peace is killing everything
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ElFecin8 years ago
Fuck peace lets fight

Dark Necromancer 308 years ago
I want to watch the world burn. Screw peace.

CatLover30007 years ago
What u mean? Universal peace will happen when humans cease to exist! :P

JackSparrowPresident!!!8 years ago
2598 people and their families died for world peace...

meow368 years ago
universal peace would be boring.

Mrstarling26 days ago

Mrq1318 years ago
Let the war RAGE on!

TheGirlWhoHatesIdiotslast year
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Aaron129984 years ago
Sounds boring

Shadowbutton788 years ago

Felix-the-cat7 years ago
Just my family is a tiny sacrifice to make for universal peace.

FoxyGamer6 years ago
9001% NO your family dead and you? Family and life is a ONE time happen o would not let that happen,

Glennator7 years ago
The universe is such a huge thing, you would be extreamly selfish if you chose to not press. Just imagine; NO WAR AT ALL. That would be the more helpfull thing. Now I know that a family often comes first but here I think differently. Like if you agree

TheGirlWhoHatesIdiotslast year
*venus flytrap*
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NHLic7 years ago
I don't want another layer of Earth which is called 'humans'.

I am batman8 years ago
Mom would you die for peace? Oh right batman has no family but robins. Hm I guess they already die for peace.

WoodWitch6 years ago
I didn’t like my family anyway, let alone myself. (This is a joke. I love my family)

nerdyotaku8 years ago
Ok so everyone but me can live happily ever after but me?

1st-Cavalry-Division7 years ago
Sorry but war"s better

1st-Cavalry-Division7 years ago
This is because our government makes money off of war which go directly to our economy to make better things. Haha.

Radioactive_Foxy3 years ago
Or maybe it is a universe were they are docile unless you do something that angers the universe

SirTinyHead7 years ago
yeah someone else is gonna have to die for this screw that

edward.xv8 years ago
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, any logical person would press this button.

StephH7 years ago
Any person with a sense of freedom wouldn't.

Someone_6 years ago
I hate the world so idc

FredBearGold7 years ago
it would go back to hell again. no thanks!

StephH7 years ago
Errm... where"s the upside ?

Kay_Buttons_Meh2 years ago
but my family is the entire population of the world! (lol, NOT)

tanishqdaiya3 years ago
Wars are important too. So, Peace never was the only goal

Lalalalove8 years ago
Peace is more important to me...

KenJen64206 years ago
I love my family too much

Yukitai3 years ago
There"s no point dying if you can't see the entire thing through. Or is everyone just "If the downside occurs, the upside must as well, and I'm selfless blah blah blah"

Menardas-reply-and-post6 years ago
We"d all go to heaven 😀

SirFiggleton6 years ago
People need to be less selfish

Watermelonman7 years ago
No difference in the downside. I will sometime die anyways. My family too, obviously.

Quartzfire8 years ago
Well only if this peace would last forever. And people as a species (and any other species) would be mentally capable of coping with this forever and not became jealous enough to cause trouble. ... However unlikely ...

iiitsRachel3 years ago
We’re gonna die anyway, and besides, it doesn’t say when

EMPTYENDER116 years ago
I'm related to all life on earth! O.o

Fairy_Tale7 years ago
Who needs universal peace just think of pretty explosives

Deathstroke_13 years ago
A small price to pay for salvation

Lord13377 years ago

DCJammers5 years ago
What is peace without my meme account

Smoughtato8 years ago
The universe is gonna get these hands.

Icecoldjnx 8 years ago
Omg this is crazy

Dark223 years ago
sometimes men just like to watch the world burn

Little Miss Spiteful6 years ago
I just don't think it"s sustainable.

kylo ren rocks♥♡8 years ago

1st-Cavalry-Division7 years ago
I didn't, because war is needed for country economical purposes.
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properpureblood7 years ago
i cant kill my family if it was only me then i would

Drippe2 years ago
Not goona sacrifice my family fuck

AwesomeDabber226047 years ago
now i know y theres peace

shibbehsloth8 years ago
I feel like I just condemned me and my family.

LandonBygate6 years ago
It’s not my decision to make.

Expectro_Nothing_From_Me_When_It_Comes_To_Sharing7 years ago
Wait............... We"re unicorns we live forever HAH

Dark223 years ago
im fine with me dying but my family no way sorry people but i cant

Azeltor8 years ago
I'll take this bullet
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