1866 (41%) 2644 (59%)
1866 (41%) people have pressed this button, while 2644 (59%) did not.
Know the answer to all the debates in the world (gif or jif, is the dress black or blue, etc.)
Nobody believes you and thinks you're 10% less smarter than you actually are

Ridley4 months ago
why is the 10% less smarter part so specific

likkyzero3 months ago
So nothing happens?

FutanariSisters4 months ago
I'll get the power and tell everyone the opposite of the truth.

Shmebulerg2 months ago
Not that big of a deal if a hotdog is a sandwich

TigerKingTundra2 months ago
10% less smart probably equals out with my friends.

andre_the_R.H.G5 months ago
oh shit!

jeecoinc3 months ago
knowledge as a percentage?

VaNiTaS7tee5 months ago
42% are down bad anime lovers

MildlyBurntBread2 months ago
then make them believe you
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