1672 (44%) 2141 (56%)
1672 (44%) people have pressed this button, while 2141 (56%) did not.
You get to make consensual love to the person of your dreams (be it a real person or fantasy)
All of your friends and family get the same option with them before you

235x0last month
Pick a version of yourself who has inter universe teleportation, shape-shifting & inter universe teleportation bestowal (aka power bestowal) and is willing to gift you inter universe teleportation. And who would want to "make consensual love" to a clone of their child.

thesinisterelixir2 months ago
I am the sinister elixir

bredart2 months ago
me as an asexual: hmm

SmugRock4 months ago
They get the option, ight? That don’t say they taking it too tho

dreamreality2 months ago
it's fine. I'm confident that all of them have better taste than me

jffshw3 months ago
If the person I want to be with is dead, would she come back to life?

OBOMBER17 days ago
I'll make my self go into lucid dreaming and make up somebody who when you have sex with them they turn you into god only on the condition that that person is me

TheRealGlacadia3 months ago
My family isn't that down bad

WoF_fan5 months ago
Me and my antiromantic ass: i dont need this
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