You may have endless Network connection and a never ending battery on your phone.
Internet and apps load twice slower.
I will not

cuttlefishCuddler11 days ago
I already )(ave T-ERRIBL-E speed, so t)(is is not)(ing new! 38|

cragun8472 years ago
It says you “may” so what if you didn’t even get the upside lol

XeroNotXero2 years ago
My download wouldve taken 3-4 days if i hadnt downloaded free download manager (I didnt have enough FKN SPACE WHEN I TRIED EXTRACTING THE FKN FILES)

AnonymousPants4 months ago
My downloads are speedy ⚡️🏃🏻💨💨 💪🎯🛠️

Devyn3 months ago
Get a phone with really fast download speed

catpond122 months ago
but im alrady 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇 𓀈 𓀉 𓀊 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓀎 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒 𓀓 𓀔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀗 𓀘 𓀙 𓀚 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝!

Lucasbrabox2 years ago
Who said lower apps will be forever?

Dark_XD_FR2 months ago
Wasting twice as much of my life waiting for the load to be ready... No thanks...

sunny_lemon3 years ago
Wouldn’t I want my never ending internet to be good?

u53f65 months ago

itsame_mario3 years ago
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