53961 (52%) 50699 (48%)
53961 (52%) people have pressed this button, while 50699 (48%) did not.
You get the newest prototype of Google Glass which let's you cheat in casinos.
You have to watch animal porn pop-up advertisements every 5 minutes.

THX_11383 months ago
Dosent that normally happen in casino websites? ive been desensitized

Oktek9 years ago
There's no downside! I'd love these ads...

kuldren2 years ago
so your telling me that its free beastiality porn?
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scrantiontale8 years ago
Technically, humans are animals

NotTheProtagonist2 years ago
Humans have “fur” (hair) and glands that produce breast milk. Therefore, that makes them a mammal. Mammals are a type of vertebrate, which is a type of animal, so all mammals are animals. Therefore humans are also animals.
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beep8 years ago
by animal porn i hope it means documentary style and not bestiality

sigil-of-omega3 years ago
niether, its furry porn
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Panifex7 years ago
Furries *heavy breathing*

yalushi7 years ago
human is animal.... so i need to watch porn ads every five minutes, meh

Wolfboy698 years ago
It's animal porn but what kind of animal porn is my decision So fuck yea hand in all those Furry porns ;)

TigerAttack6 years ago
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Nasho3 years ago
I don't go to casinos

Tyler Blankenship11 years ago

ZippyDoggey7 years ago
It never said anything about Adblock
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Ritty037 years ago
Use google adblock

Unknown19408 years ago
Didn't say how long the ad needed to be. >:D

LREchoise5 years ago
And maybe you can skip them after a couple of seconds
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NukeOfficial8 years ago
Take the glasses of every 5 minutes. You'll make enough money..

ThePaulDude6 years ago

yoloswagynots8 years ago
But I don't go to casinos...

ThePaulDude6 years ago

VirginiaHB6 years ago
When would you have time to go to casinos if you’re so busy with the ads

Mjb3167 years ago
Adblock. BAM

Timelypat7 years ago
But wouldn't Google know that you can use it to cheat in casinos? Cheating in Vegas is illegal, so would get sued for people using the product that way. Also animal porn? Really?

Cristy3127 years ago
Yay No downside. Love yiff

MonicaBarrett7 years ago

ShadowQueen1237 years ago
Google Glass would probably be banned...some casinos already have it banned so...it won't make a difference....there is actually much controversy on these glasses because of this.

ShadowQueen1237 years ago
Actually, some casinos are debating whether or not to ban them...some have actually banned them already....major controversies.

connermckay7 years ago
Humans are animals... Just to put that out there

KaiGrebe7 years ago
Wheres the downside

Katerx7 years ago

Kagetane7 years ago
No downside

duckdragon8 years ago
take them of

suben8 years ago
i can't believe only 53% pressed the button

DeltaRune14237 years ago
I can't believe that 53%of people even considered pressing it in the first place.
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OscarZhang6 years ago
That is stupid amounts of money

Brian Poole11 years ago
I don't even go to casinos even though I'm 23

shipqueen287 years ago
I don't go to casinos, I'm not legally old enough

Masteridiot2.09 years ago
Uh.. ._.

Hamistagan8 years ago
i dont think its that bad i doesnt say the animals are raped by humans it could just be two animals mating

Afterglow5 months ago
I can not use it

Shrek347Rap38 years ago
Cloppers will actually like this, alot. Especially with some special ones.

bbc-n-my-hugh-jass3 years ago
damn 2 benefits! hell yeah

The_man_behind_the_three8 years ago
Ich don't see a bad thing in there :3

PowerPikachu9 years ago
What if I turned the volume to 0 and put the Google Glass in a case? Downside countered!

DFDragonFire6 years ago
block dose adds with moneh

Pokefan50009 years ago
gross you are gross

C1M1P6E027 years ago
But for how long?

Zaqinabox9 years ago
Sell it to somebody who likes animal porn. Holla holla get dolla.

RyusukeSosuke7 years ago
So I"d just have to look at animal porn for about one week until I become so disgustingly rich I can buy the internet and block that shit forever? Done and done.

Jake Tyler Fehr11 years ago
It's totally worth it if you're just using it in the casinos to get some money and then leave since you can take them off.

Goldblaze_SK8 years ago
Take it off when it pops up

abcx8 years ago

GordonLangell6 years ago
As long as you are the only one that can hear them........

chantheboss9 years ago

NotTheProtagonist2 years ago
What were to happen if I sold the glasses?

lethal_vendetta8 years ago
Install adblocker and you're ready

~Wave~length~9 years ago
I think this person mixed up the positive and negative.

bomberman12189 years ago
Bash that button

maximusgamer07103 years ago
but the other button i pressed a day ago lets me do whatever we want so i would wish that i had ad block
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