You will be able to stop time and have the ability to mess with people.
Everytime you use this, you age by one year.
I will not

Maharid7 months ago
Using this i can actually stop time for how much i want, without aging, getting hungry and so on, so if i do this for years every single time i can do what i want for centuries worth of time.

Aaxx8 years ago
Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

The_boss1234567891234567893 years ago
That’s why I pressed it
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LeFabQueen8 years ago
I already got a better deal, dude. The last button said I only age by a month.

gahmora8 years ago
*pressed immortal button*

Blue647 years ago
I too am Immortal, sucks about the whole Family Dying thing, but it was that, or never having non lethal wounds heal.

Ritty037 years ago
WARNING: only use in emergency situations

SAKO4444GODZ7 years ago
can't age if times frozen

Mario Jo11 years ago
What if you're about to get shot, you freeze time, kill the guy, unfreeze time, you're one year older, but still alive.

Kelvingtsfan2 years ago
Lol like he shoots u but u stop time and twist the bullet to him XD
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mebruh8 years ago
Just keep time paused.........why doesn't any one ever think of that

Anerivbo9 years ago
Scientifically speaking, you would get a massive headache as an effect that hurts you the least. Speaking by the question's rules, what if you accidentally froze time? That's a lot of birthday presents wasted. I didn't press the button(obviously).

William_McPherson6 years ago
Your sientific shit can suck dick
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OmarHaque366 years ago
every time I press the button I feel I got that power.

GlutNy6 years ago
i press the immortal and never age button, so... whatever.

Therminite7 years ago
Just use it once a year when you would age

Ritty037 years ago
Its not about actual age it would just make ur body a year older so that wouldnt work, duh

Migdin17 years ago
Because of my immortality from the other buttons, i am fine

Heavenfell7 years ago
I already made myself immortal in a different one of these, meaning I can't age. Therefore I will live forever and have the ability to stop time. Boom.

GaretW7 years ago
If this is real I'm inmortal so....

Kidlatkid568 years ago
Time powers to good to resist. Just do lots of things in one go, steal, I mean get all the free stuff, dig up blackmail on all your enemies and important government officials, steal whatever certificate of possession you want. Unfreeze time, then live like a boss.

IAmSans8 years ago
I am already like that except im immortal

Heavenfell7 years ago
I killed him too, but I'm not sorry.
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Zombi E. Raul11 years ago
i can stop the time forever... forever...

Bambo6 years ago
Keep the time still forever you are a jenuis

beachlifesurfer7 years ago
Trick the scientists

shadow man8 years ago
where is the down side to this exactly????????????

Alexis_Holmes_6562 years ago
*pulls out time stone* but will i?

some-guy9 years ago
im a kid so thats not a problem. ill just have to get a private teacher coz when i age to 18 in a day on (purpose) i would of skiped all of school. where is *my name* ask's teacher, he is a adult? well science can't explain that so its cool we are fine with that.

KittyPotato12346 years ago
Stop time forever man

Enderpearl9 years ago
I can stop time , take everything I want in one time use this power, Can do thing but nobody now I was it... totally worth it!

Galaxytiger7 years ago
What"s the whole point of that then?

Kill4money2139 years ago
Clicked. Won't use it unless i'm in a dangerous situation.

Ctr480338 years ago
My birthday is in 2 weeks

Batman57578 years ago
irl: am I pretty? Boy: no Girl: do you even want to be with me forever?rnBoy: nornGirl: do you even like me?rnBoy: nornGirl: would you cry if I walked awayrnBoy: nornShe'd heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyesrnThe boy grabbed...[Show full comment]

ANIME JUNKIE8 years ago
I can already stop time

RedJackOfClubs8 years ago
So just freeze time for longer than a year each time and you'll actually live longer

Poxi-Poxi7 years ago
I would do it, but only use it in dire situations. Better older than dead.

Jordan Kalmov11 years ago
I would only use it if I need it

Themiister4 years ago
wolrd not prees

LordMoopington9 years ago
You don't have to use it, so just pick up the ability just in case if you need it for like a robbery or something. Totally.

ThisUsernameIsAlreadyTakenARRRRRGGGGHHHH7 years ago
You don't have to use it but it"s good to have just in case.

corni8 years ago
I can get as old as i want aaand fuck around with ppl :D great

GridzbiSpudvetch8 years ago
mess wth yourself- specifically your age

painslut8 years ago
It doesn't say that I have to. Just that I'll be able to

Mythiplier7 years ago
I"d rather dodge a bullet and grow a year older than die in that moment. As long as you"re not constantly threatened with death this is just a cool ability for the close calls you have. Otherwise, go out doing a slowmo fall from like really really high so ...[Show full comment]

cay cay9 years ago
Noooooo DON'T PRESS IT DON'T PRESS IT numbskull

Razys8 years ago
you stop the time you stay 1 year old,but while the time is stopped you do anything you want... i would like it :-).

FBIagentx5567 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

hexari9 years ago
tempting, but i'd be 90 after 2 hours

petar09668 years ago
I click 2000 this

ttyl5567 years ago
Pen is are funnyyyyyý

Skyler Schering11 years ago
just use the power to save lives

Gyro-Chan2 years ago

ayyy1738ayyy9 years ago
You could freez time and get all the girls

A FREAKING DUCK8 years ago
then you don't use it unless you desperately need to. it never says you actually have to use it, just use it in emergencies. If it said "you have to use it every 3 years" then absolutely not, but since it isnt specific, there is no downside.

K0wzrtastee6 years ago
I can rewind my age by one year
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