You are the best at whatever you want and are rich beyond your wildest dreams
A CoD 8 year old fan boy will shout at you for being a noob and call you a fag no matter how what
I will not

235x02 months ago
I will be the best at using the superpower inter universe teleportation at will, it also works with fictional universes.

Sweater17 years ago
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Guigas2 years ago
YEAH!please do it!

sayuka-inokaru3 years ago
ah, yes. "no matter how what"

Optimusprimegaming3 years ago
We could just make him "disappear" if you know what I mean

TheNobleGamer9 years ago
Buy an assassin

AssHar7 years ago
For an 8 year old? You have issues.
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DustinNelson7 years ago
It says your rich, you have the money to make the 8 year-old disappear without a trace.

Marc Horton11 years ago
1. I don't pay CoD. 2. Nothing he would say would make any sense. 3. I wouldn't care.

talkingben2 years ago
coming in clutch with the huge solution. was racking my brain over this for like 2 years!
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moistcr1TiKaLttv3 years ago
Step 1: Casually approach the child. Step 2: Firmly grasp child Sep 3: Yeet the child

sayuka-inokaru3 years ago

GIB7 years ago
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Smokey918056 years ago
Your wildest dreams could be to get rid of the bully"s. Plus if that"s not it just ignore them.

TinFalcon374 years ago
Easy hitman

GordonFreemanCumJar4 years ago
i m e a n i a m a f a g s o h e w o u l d n t b e w r o n g

sayuka-inokaru3 years ago
*dies of laughter*

ravebrain8 years ago
it never said continuously so he yells at me once ? win

yurio7 years ago
Just kill the bitch

Dildo7 years ago
Just mute that little fuck :D

TheAlbanianGirl8 years ago
I allready have a 8 year old cousin that screams so idc , LETS BE RICH :D

destroyerjcb8 years ago
Yeah of course little screaming kids is part of the CoD package

Soft-boy4 years ago
I mean,,,,,, would he be wrong tho?

Christopher Somxanxay11 years ago
Hire a hitman to murder that little son of a bitch.

Im-a-wild-card3 years ago
Die child
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MankDemes567 years ago
* AHEHEEMM* CoD is fucking trash BattleFeild 1 all the way dog.

sayuka-inokaru3 years ago
fortnite is trash too
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Mihai235 years ago
Just kill that kid

-A5 years ago
1. don't care 2. Don't care 3. Don't care

Panifex6 years ago

Panifex6 years ago
"no matter how what*

alolguy6 years ago
Jusy dont play cod

jshaw716 years ago
Who cares if one fanboy (literally) kid is being a d**k

MSPshortgirl6 years ago

GoFlex656 years ago
Hire a fucking assassin

Prism7 years ago
So one 8-year-old dumbass is pissed off with me 24/7? I probably won't meet the little fucker anyways. SHOW ME THE MONEY!

VICIOUSspyder7 years ago
*Kid calls me a noob* i may be a noob, but thats not what your mom said last night. *Get rekt nerd.*

Slurmp_7 years ago
Say "youre just jealus" and watch as he screams in anger

sayuka-inokaru3 years ago

WhizzyWhazza7 years ago
Just punt him

sayuka-inokaru3 years ago

ellaella7 years ago
everybody would stare at him like wattttttt

Ifredward7 years ago
Meh, I would just Noscope his @$$

Aschtad14097 years ago
Fuck the fan boy and ignore him

sayuka-inokaru3 years ago
pedo alert

Carrotoverlord77 years ago
Call him a squeker little kids hate that plus if your good at it you can soawn kill him to fuck with him

pedophile277 years ago
Just shoot the kid and throw him in the basement Or I'll just use him as a sex slave

sayuka-inokaru3 years ago
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DottySpot7 years ago
If that kid does what is said on the negative side, I"d find him and stab him several times in the chest with my katana!!!

sayuka-inokaru3 years ago
fuck you slurmp
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jtownsend7 years ago
Have you seen a button where less than 17% of people declined to press?

aaronth077 years ago
You just said "no matter how what". Are you sure you aren't the 8 year old cod fan boy?

AJSAWESOME17 years ago
I kill him and pay off the cops. Easy.

Ashley Spurling11 years ago
No matter how what?

Manning Libby11 years ago
1. Become President for a Day. 2. Ban little bitch screaming CoD fan boys from being little bitch screaming CoD fan boys 3. Take their money for breaking the law 4. Profit

The_potato_man3 years ago
Make yourself the best at being president
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Jamie Lee11 years ago
Slap him

timmy the squirrle8 years ago
shoot the bitch

useless_account9 years ago
Haha. That sounds hilarious. Will he follow you around? Or what? How would it work? Would he never age?

jeffery06869446 years ago
i dont play cod2 so this is a easy question

of all the stupid people say "kill him" even though, he would still yell at you from beyond the grave, i cannot believe NOBODY said something like, "be the best at removing downsides from will you press the button questions" but, now, i have said it. you're welcome.

TDT2 years ago
Just kill the kid

Hunter of Hunters8 years ago
Isn't that how it is anyways?
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