58682 (64%) 33568 (36%)
58682 (64%) people have pressed this button, while 33568 (36%) did not.
You get one million dollars
Ten random strangers will die as a result

AmyWilliams8 years ago
You know some of these just make you cry when you see the percentage. You have no right to take someone else's life for a pile of paper. No right at all. For those of you who say you can do good with all of that money, what about the people you just killed...[Show full comment]

Mrbeanfan3 years ago
but money gives me happy and im severely depressed
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ValerieParker6 years ago
I hate people, in general, so it"s no big deal to me.

Migdin17 years ago
Every day about 36 000 people die, and all might be strangers, the button says 10 strangers will die, obviously 10 will die, together with 36 000 others, it didnt say that the strangers were not going to die

Peples6 years ago
There are 7billion people in this world and the small percent of 36,000 is a small number compared to that so,the percent of you killing someone that"s a bout to die is a really really really low chance so get your mouth out of here and imagine just playin...[Show full comment]
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floppystarfish8 years ago
This website honestly makes me afraid of people...

MemeCat6 years ago
64% dick heads on this site

Natasha Cherryblossom11 years ago
%56? People disgust me.

Seurlast year
63% now
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PokeEmz7 years ago
Now If it was a billion dollars I would press it

My_name_is_secret8 years ago
Whut! 65%!! You guys are crazy

DerpyKitten7 years ago
"People die everyday" A lot aren't murdered, it"s sad that people would kill random people just for green paper. So yeah, they are.
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DerpyKitten8 years ago
I'm not too surprised, Earth is messed up enough.

Robert Reedy11 years ago
Good to know that over half the site would murder strangers for money.

Misto2 years ago
"Ten random strangers will die as a result" doesnt say I have to kill them
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391014098 years ago

CCthecat8 years ago
And they never said the strangers would immediately die

Edwardonut_the_goofer5 years ago
Peples maybe they meant that they won't die immediately and without pain or disease or they wont die for like 50 years and theyre 40 so yeah. They'll probably die because of old age.
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Camaro71838 years ago
people are dumb just for a few bucks

Edwardonut_the_goofer5 years ago
That is not a few bucks. Also you could use thst money to save people. People die everyday to like 36,000.

VibeDemon8 years ago
one of those strangers might be me i guess

RealFireStar8 years ago
Errrr.... Amnesia, anyone?

Lady Madam 10 years ago
It could be anyone dying (Babies, unicorns, murderers, satanists, etc) So why would I press it?

Jordan Dieppa11 years ago
People die every day. At least something good may come from it

Turen3 years ago
MidnightPhoenix idk what if some of them deserved it I may sound like a pessimist but u can’t always assume that everyone is a good person
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Michael McGeary11 years ago
Just use some of the money to save at least 11 people and it will be all good.

Andrew Mansfield11 years ago
I'd do it. Fuck people. We already messed the planet up...

DeltaRune14237 years ago
That is true, but we are trying to fix it, plus most of the blame goes to the people and companies with the most money.

Maxime Belvaux11 years ago
Those are strangers, i don't give a fuck. Peoples die by thousands every days, 10 more or less, who cares?

James Samson11 years ago

Edwardonut_the_goofer5 years ago
People die everyday. And you could use some of the money to save good people. Also what if you killed a terrorist.

Imad Hraiz11 years ago
1 million is too little, and won't do much.... if i could have an infinite amount of money and be able FOR SURE to use it to make everything better, even PERFECT: let's see it this way: the people who die are KILLED by you, and they could be kids or even p...[Show full comment]

Davian Thule11 years ago
Oh so now it's 10 people?!

Max Denson11 years ago
Wrong to press the button. Those could be children, mothers, and fathers.

Edwardonut_the_goofer5 years ago
And mothers children and fathers die everyday

Melika Jeddi11 years ago
This reminds me of the movie 'The Box'. Also, the fact that 56% of people said yes SERIOUSLY alarms me.

Peples6 years ago
Ihooo if murder is bad than why are you encouraging it
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Vanessa Citrus11 years ago
one of the strangers could be a family member...

Edwardonut_the_goofer5 years ago
No because you know your family memeber so they arent a stranger to you
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Coralys Facundo11 years ago
Everyones like "oh so wrong so heartless!" I will do this any day I'm s cold hearted bitch now give me money so I can buy shit

Djskully3 years ago
I mean I never met them so alright

I will use tinder to save the 10 strangers

I'm NEVER EVER going to kill someone for money that is FUCKED UP

Damon Murphy11 years ago
is it wrong that i didnt even have to thing about this?

Ranca.btn9 years ago
hell yea ... umm i feel bad

Sxlxntdxxth4 years ago
Those strangers better be bad people, Trump included

Pokemon4Life7478 years ago
What if the strangers were all emos wouldn'tbe that big of a deal (I used to be emo thank god I'm not anymore)

J8key86 years ago
What kind of selfish sociopath would press this ?!!!?!?!?!!!?!??

hackotech9 years ago
press press press press, you get rid of the overpopulation problem and also, with some of the money, help the rest live in better circumstances

BajanAmerican959 years ago
555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count down 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. Now close you eyes...[Show full comment]

DeltaRune14237 years ago
...People are monsters. If this actually happened, at least 327720 people are now dead! Stop pressing the button!

sleeper_boi2 years ago
humans are bound to be merciless, so i"m not surprised.

ThePaulDude8 years ago
Oh well. (Presses button like a honey badger)

transegg3 years ago
who the fuck cares

Chaotic Chris8 years ago
This isn't "Would you rather". Where's the downside?

Dovahkiin_1179 years ago
Make that 15886 people Pikachu. Also, 3 people die every second, soooo yeah

Edwardonut_the_goofer5 years ago
Kill 10 people to save more than 10 people then I could have some money for my self

#1SonicFan9 years ago
Over population is a huge problem nowadays

shyahpuckett7 years ago
No that"s is way to sad

Ruby_Slippers9 years ago
I won't have blood on my hands, it's that simple

CsWong7 years ago
They never said they will die IMMEDIATELY.

JVMoney17387 years ago
Good point

Simmo9 years ago
key word 'random' I don't know them.

99cake8 years ago
"random" there is such a low chance that these people would include Donald Trump and Justin Beiber.

CCthecat8 years ago
Aww sed

Raccoonking116 years ago
People die every second
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