66528 (75%) 21895 (25%)
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You can have any power
There is someone else always on the news with the same power and is better at it than you.

MrTrollface8 months ago
Fuck yeah, shapeshifting time. Who gives a shit is metroman is slightly better than me? it just means he gets all the attention and i get to be ditto bitch

Timelypat7 years ago
Not like they"re bragging that they"re better than me. Also if someone with superpowers was on the news I don't think I'm the one that"s going to be experimented on by the government.

Gerias8 years ago
Fuck yeah I will be the best teleportation pizza guy while another dude is troubled with a meteor.

fandomss7 years ago
How can some one be better at traveling to fictional worlds??

Xxgaming127xX8 years ago

GsterBlaterUnd3rtale7 years ago
Add on to that, your new power is being able to use every superpower better than anyone else in existence. You can't be better than the best. And you can clone yourself so let your godlike doubles do all the work and pay them in your favorite thing, because they"re you!
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Camille Jet-Lynx Udunno11 years ago
What's your point? I wouldn't have to be the superhero. Someone else can handle the problem and I can use my power of teleportation to vacation anywhere I want for basically nothing.

MeyerJo6 years ago
Plus nobody would know tjat u have a superpower
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Aer0n7 years ago
Well, with the power of infinite power, I'll just wish him out of existence

ShadowMarco7 years ago
or wish to something like Reality Manipulation or Metapotence and it would be more easy to do it!

Bill-nye7 years ago
How can someone use the ability to teleport 2 the nearest mattress for good

phycoticlegend8 years ago
rob a bank using my powers, doesn't appear on the news

lifehacker4207 years ago
1. The power to gain as many powers as you want > 2. The power to derive people of their powers > 3. Enjoy...!

Mikuelious6 years ago
Don't forget, they could do the same to you...

rainbowsuzanna7 years ago
All the powers and kill that person .

Aniemaniac7 years ago
Have the power of having any power

Spammy7 years ago
What if my power is to have the same power as a person on the news with the same power and I can be better at using my power than the person who"s power is better. PARADOX AWOKEN

Lortan7 years ago
im gonna have the power of Luffy im gonna be rubber man

DistantWisteria7 years ago
Well, that person will be my rival. So, hell yeah!

GhostKat7 years ago
I can be their sidekick!

MazMeowmam7 years ago
Nemesis? Yeah! Except I can not beat him ever...... Meh....

Bill-nye7 years ago
My power is to sleep

Hippopotamoose8 years ago
On the news??? Erm ok..anyway i'd have a arch nemesis, it'd be fun as hell

Undertaletrash2478 years ago
I have the power of wishes I'm not gonna fight I have so many things 2 do. Anyway I'm 2 lazy 2 be a superhero

Chiolette8 years ago
I would use it for my own, not for others. I won't like to be the superhero.

ThePaulDude7 years ago
I know right?

amazing spider monkey8 years ago
if i can have any super power i would just have the power to do anything and then just make the other guy cease to exist

Mc PressMyButtons8 years ago
Magic would be great

JimiTTB8 years ago
Not risking it. They could be villains, and since my ideal power is a mix of telepathy and telekinesis, I don't wanna see what they'd do with that ability...

Thjmze 8 years ago
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neoiscool8 years ago
idd just kill the person

PotatoSenpai8 years ago
Power of having all powers? Cause I'll be fine with that st least I'll be stronger than super man.

loophole198 years ago
I could always just train to be better than them

Jack Hadfield11 years ago
How can someone be better at being invisible?

CringyBalls6o92 years ago
my dada when he left for milk
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scheuerman8 years ago
So? Doesn't stop me from enjoying myself

Tohki8 years ago
Not much of a downside when you can have any power for free

qwertylion8 years ago
The power to have all useful powers.

pielord1238 years ago
Power to walk thru walls and fly

Candyprincess8 years ago
Flying power much. They might be able to fly faster or something, but I dont care, I would be able to fly

baconlord8 years ago

RamiFury8 years ago
The ability to kill anyone I desire. I'd kill that person

..Alainiak..8 years ago
So almost nobody knows that I have the same power as the guy on the news...rn?

Arthur_Sarue8 years ago
So I become a professional supervillain.

ThePaulDude7 years ago
Finally, someone who sees things my way.

DragonLord7299 years ago
I can learn from them

Gabriel Loureiro11 years ago
The ability to kill anyone I desire. I'd kill that person

Siegislash3 years ago
If they are better at killing than you, then they might find a way to rid of you before you rid of that person, since they are better at killing maybe?
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SutSug YT9 years ago
I would Use my powers to makethem disapear

Amethyst The Pirate Fox8 years ago
Fuck that question

Coolguy24610 years ago
I could choose the power to take his power away from him before he does it to me :)

CMHammond8 years ago
Apart from he is better at it than you.

NathTheCancer5 years ago
If I had a power I"d keep it for myself. Hopefully whoever that guy is enjoys having the FBI busting into their house and kidnapping him for research.

TrueMariomaster7 years ago

Milnesia Shadowcreaper11 years ago
Who cares? I still swing around like Spirderman!

GlutNy6 years ago
I want infinite powers, that means i get the power to erase someone from existence. Meaning i can make the person better than me nonexistent.

MrTroll8 years ago
I will kill the other one duhhh

Fr3dd9 years ago
What if my power is to be best at everything? And make ppl lose that powerz?

Kinddra9 years ago
Then they can have the responsibility and I can chillax on the moon.

Mady08 years ago
I wouldn't use it anyways. I would be too busy ruling the world.

RockyStarNova9 years ago
Does it matter? I mean, you could be INVISIBLE or FLY anywhere. Have telepathy...I could care less if I was well known, I'd just love my powers.
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