15200 (22%) 55090 (78%)
15200 (22%) people have pressed this button, while 55090 (78%) did not.
You can have a man/woman of your dreams
You both die in 24 hours

decmant4 days ago
It is insane I just got this, I didn't try and find the first one, I just got this, maybe, this is a sign I should gamble.

TerriblyTrouble59 minutes ago

Bry10022gaming2 years ago
This is the earliest known dilemma on this site that still exists.

Bountyhunter32336 years ago

TerriblyTrouble59 minutes ago
ill like it fuckboy
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read this comment you scrub9 years ago
this is the first url number that shows a question, congratz.

SCG-1171last year
and your like count is this url
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TeamAwesomeness3 years ago
the real first url number, but a lot of them afterwards are blank

Soaku7 years ago
You know what? This question ID is 13. The unlucky thirteen. AND THIS IS THE FIRST QUESTION.

TigerKingTundra3 months ago
I like odd numbers, and 13. 13 is my favorite two digit number.
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Hackboy8 years ago
According to this site i have infinite fame,money, a huge house,every super power i like,teleportation,a lot of celebrity friends,my gf of my dreams and i have infinite wishes so yea i wont die(again XD)

Winter647 years ago
slow down time, solved

Johnny Nicholas Kai Imamura11 years ago
It didn't say "Earth hours" XD

Kabeer3 years ago
ur smart
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ThatGuyOnTheStreet8 years ago
http://WillYouPressTheButton.com/364575 Spreading a random "willyoupressthebutton"

AceQueen186 years ago
Then me and him can be together in heaven forever c:

TheDisguisedFlamingo6 years ago
This is the first one ever :o

Authaeosplays9 years ago
evil as the url suggests

Mr Richter9 years ago
Step 1. Click button Step 2. Head to the center of a black hole where time stops.

VVh4t3v3Я8 years ago
That's not how it works. You'll get ripped into pieces and add to the mass of the black hole. Also, you won't make it to any black hole in 24hrs even at the speed of light.
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Col Anderson11 years ago
Go to: http://willyoupressthebutton.com/91003 (It might not work)

therealobama2 years ago
ok daddy
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DaPinkPartyPony8 years ago
first one :o

That_OP_Kitten8 years ago
women of my dreams can make time stop. loop hole

TheSaiyanPrince900023 days ago
this is indeed a dilemma and not SUPER

Dankmemesbro7 years ago
Get the 13th doctor and use the TARDIS

retroarchiscool2 years ago
first url number!

FBI7 years ago

Jaysus8 years ago
Last question was with time stop ...

Methods4 years ago
Once again somethin dumb

TimmyTheHobo7 years ago
The person of my dreams could be immortal and know how to make others immortal

Francool8 years ago
pero que... raro jaja

JakeFromStootFoorm7 years ago
I'll move to that new planet that is really far away.

Fused_Saiyan8 years ago
Well It"s not said you can't get revived like lmfao.

Arson6 years ago
Bitch Imma die soon w/ my fave person.

multibear 8 years ago
So we are dead in 24 hours

LilyBathie7 years ago
The man/woman of my dreams is one that stops us both from dying. LOOPHOLE!!!

erinbo18 years ago

TheDutchSniper9 years ago
It never said it was earth hours so it could be like a few days

autistic112 years ago
I'll have sex with them for 24 hours.

RazorSB7 years ago
Venus hours

WhyArePeopleSoStupid694207 years ago
Hours are the same on Venus. Days and years aren't but that doesn't mean there"s still 24 hours in a Venus day.

Youthfuldragon294 years ago
anyone w... still plays this game can you reply to this?

BrutalDeathDecisions8 years ago
Planet Pluto Hours? Which probably means entire lifetime? Hatsune Miku lets get married. (Pluto is still a planet to me)

PirateMonster8 years ago
I already have the man of my dreams

Gin356A7 years ago
i don't see down side

melonius4 months ago
is this a romeo and juliet reference

Galaxydude907 years ago
Ask The Police Before We Die Then!!!

sergiuszek8 years ago
url 1333333333333322222222222211111111111

Bee Lord10 years ago
Then what's the fucking point!?!?! o.0

therealobama2 years ago
no thanks I don't want to die

H-Ranger7 years ago
No what the heck

Epicman8 years ago
I don't have a woman of my dreams

I Ended Up in This Website9 years ago
No thank you.

iaac9 months ago
I had recently pushed a button that said I couldn't die no matter what. so i pushed it

Kalsdodil313 years ago
I would have sex until my dick falls out and end my journey in this planet.

WinnieWu8 years ago
first question evar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...[Show full comment]

------7 years ago
http://willyoupressthebutton.com/414601 is the last one lol

sonicj018 years ago
According to this site i have infinite fame,money, a huge house,every super power i like,teleportation,a lot of celebrity friends,my gf of my dreams and i have infinite wishes so yea i wont die(again XD)
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