57655 (64%) 31814 (36%)
57655 (64%) people have pressed this button, while 31814 (36%) did not.
You have the power to control everyone else's minds at all times.
You must run 1000 meters a day until the end of your life.

DaRealConMan3 years ago
1,609.3 meters is 1 mile. 1,000 meters is 0.62 miles. I said ZERO POINT SIX TWO MILES.

99_Face_Problems_But_Booty_Aint_One8 years ago
Good. I lose weight and Bill Gates transfers all his money to my account. Also scientists begin working on actual dragons. I see no downside.

jkmc12057 years ago
1000 meters? That"s not even a long distance. I might even be doing that every day without knowing it.

Kaan7 years ago
1000 m ? Wtf its easy peasy

Axel Kipp11 years ago
most people said no because they're american and don't understand what a meter is.

Bluejay211 months ago
People know what the metric system is, it"s just creepy to want to control other people
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Parco7 years ago
only thousand? im in a terrible shape and this would still be an easy thing to achieve. doesnt say i have to run those 1000 meters at once, can run a bit and bit over the day

bobthebogan7 years ago
i would walk 500 miles

Guizoc6 years ago
1 step = 2/3 meter I already do more than that anyway

Guizoc6 years ago
I already do more of them steps per day anyway.. whoop

XYZLoleodjfhadsfawdfgbhrstghjhgff7 years ago
1 meter is roughtly 1 yard. 1 yard is 3 feet. 3000 feet is not even 3/4 ofa mile.

Intdex4597 years ago
Dude, run a Kilometer a day? That"s PART of my workout. You"d be fit as fuck and be a god at marathons.

BlackVeilBrideFTW7 years ago
I'm a track runner. I run 2000 meters a day anyway.

ILoveCookies7 years ago
Ok! I do this at school a lot!

Janus Balignasay11 years ago
Hah. Haha. Bahahahaha. Jogging a distance of 1000 meters takes 5 minutes or less. No problem whatsoever. 42% didn't press this button? It's hilarious.

Master16 years ago
5 minutes???? Wtf
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Daniel Grabowy11 years ago
What's wrong with people?! It helps you to stay kinda healthy and you get a great power...

Maggie Yang11 years ago
Both sides of the deal benifit me. I'm in

Frank Kim11 years ago
We wouldn't press the button because we know it's wrong and would ruin the meaning of... basically anything you force someone to do?

Brookes Gafeney11 years ago
That's only 2 and a half laps around a regular track....I'm in.

meatysandwich7 years ago
Yes, its also good exercise so

Vedcor9 years ago
1000 meters aren't much ^^

SharkEmmett2 years ago
I wouldnt wanna control everyones minds anyway. (Queen wasp flashbacks from wings of fire)

I Am A Duck8 years ago
id be in great shape

Natasha Emily Lillywhite11 years ago
hahahahah, yay! I like to run. 1000 meters is only 1k. (Kilometre)

MasonSyme6 years ago
1000 meters is less than a mile for you Americans

whocaresjustletmecomment8 years ago
Cause the entire world not currently in poverty to donate $1 USD to solving world hunger. Done, next.

GOOF4 years ago
1000 meters = 1 kilometers Normal people walks minimum 2km for a day

Radux8 years ago
Afther one week you will can it without problems if you do it evry day

Ricardo Durante11 years ago
1000 meters is kinda nothing actually, it wouldn't take 5 minutes of your day

AdrianAPV036 years ago
So just run like 2.25 track laps a day? I already do that

WBGrock7 years ago
And i would use this power to increase the genereal welfare of the populace, Decrease the wage gaps, and cause general happiness all around.----- and get bitches.

Welson9 years ago
1kilometer ? WTF its f****** easy...

Shadex9 years ago
Who says you can't run a 1000 meters a day online or on a video game?

Nizzzklk7 years ago
I mean i do track and field i run about 3km a day so no downside for me..

ahill845810 years ago
.62 miles? I can do taht easy

DizzyedUpGirl6 years ago
It doesn't even say it has to be all at once. Do 200 meters five times a day or something.

charavsfrisk8 years ago
I can do that I walk to watyler

IAmTheBirthThatWillKillYouOneDay9 months ago
I run more than that every day just to approach my next victim.

deltadestroyer8 years ago
Honestly only chose this because of the "downside" because I'm an unmotivated runner and need to get in shape. Tbh would probably never use the upside because I believe in free will. So, I'm weird, I guess.

Shawn Wyckoff11 years ago
Run for 5 minutes...done.

FandomTrash4Life6 years ago
It"s only 2/3 of a mile. Think about it. You"d get a relatively good workout as well as the ability to control minds.

jshaw718 years ago
I'd control someone to be my trainer, and run with them, everyday, in the am then have the rest f the day to control everyone else...

Yrahcaz7 years ago
A meter is 3 feet, for those of you who don't know.

fcbmaniac9 years ago
Girl: am I pretty? Boy: no Girl: do you even want to be with me forever?rnBoy: nornGirl: do you even like me?rnBoy: nornGirl: would you cry if I walked awayrnBoy: nornShe'd heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyesrnThe boy grabbe...[Show full comment]

Idiotismewaaimaidiot6 years ago
You can cheat at tests at school so I'm in

mjuikol18 years ago

CocoaTheNeko7 years ago
Yes, because 1000 meters is only 0.6 of a mile.

Aaron Corr9 years ago
So what I used to run 7 km in 45 minutes for funsies...

Amber_The_Femboy3 years ago
So i get mind control and i get in shape? Downside hello?

leosl3137278 years ago
Well I have Pokemon go and I play it every day more than 2 hours welp that helps

Israel Alvarez11 years ago
this is literally a bit over half a mile everyday wtf why would people not press the button?!
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