55748 (57%) 41813 (43%)
55748 (57%) people have pressed this button, while 41813 (43%) did not.
You become twice as smart
You go deaf for 10 minutes every hour

beta9 years ago
OMG an ad for HEARING AIDS came up XD

Migdin17 years ago
The internet cares

Elverbasse9 years ago
Answer this comment with a stupid answer

Howday2 years ago
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Joshua E. Picar11 years ago
twice times 0 is still 0

m-2 years ago
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grene dae8 years ago
actually, I wouldn't even want to be twice as smart. This level of needing to philosophize is already bad enough, if i was twice as smart I'd probably see so many truths I'd commit suicide straightaway, and so would many of you guys.

Migdin17 years ago
If i was twice as smart, and knew all of that, i would do what i normaly do, i just dont care.... i already know that all life in the universe is pointless, no matter what i do, i die. That humans wont survive forever, that earth and our solar sytem will b...[Show full comment]

Scortyshow6 years ago
What is deaf??

potatostupidlast month
yeah doubling your iq won't do much

L00PH0L36 years ago
Ill cure myself

huling7 years ago
first off worth it second off how could I become smarter if I couldn't hear what my teacher was saying for 10 minutes per hour

Pootis84327 years ago
Invent something that make you not deaf

Migdin17 years ago
Youre twice as smart not a genius..... dont you wonder why all the smart scientists havent made these things already, irs because they dont know how or dont have what they need to make it!!

WhiteKnights7 years ago
This isn't really a downside. There are plenty of happy, completely deaf people...and this is a pretty good deal all in all.

Bradon Tilley11 years ago
10 minutes of pure silence every hour? yes please!

jinbop fan8 years ago
Dont have to listen to anyone im down

Randomstoreperson Says Hi11 years ago
As long as it's spread out during comercials while I'm watching TV...

Jaime Wissner11 years ago
Joke's on you. I'm already deaf.

m-2 years ago
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Kylie Moore11 years ago
Well i am twice as smart i could just learn to read lips or just get a hearing aid

SteelAssassin8 years ago
If you wake up at 7am and sleep at 11pm then thats only 160 mins a day. Which is 2 and a half hours a day. I think pressing the button is worth it

yourlocalcraver8 months ago
bro no my music is my lifeline

Kristina Woodson11 years ago
Oh hell yes I'd do this!

ShippingTrash7 years ago
10 minutes an hour where I don't have to put up with my brother"s annoying-ass voice. Sign me the fuck up

COOLjavy5 years ago

AVeryFancyRubberDuck8 years ago
Get rid of twilight and the dairy of a wimpy kid series

Bensezer8 years ago
1200 mins of being deaf.. nah

RomansDaBoss8 years ago
just sleep?

Wiseman9 years ago
Iq or smart doesn' t say anything. And even if you were so smart , you can't always inform people about it and when you study or sit on school you will miss things Tip: smart is nothing, knowledge is everything And even when you are smart doesn't say you...[Show full comment]

wolf_gaming3446 years ago
Seems legit

Skylar Brennan9 years ago
Ha, of course I'd do this. An IQ of 244, plus ten minutes of silence so I could think? Yes please!

DrewOverholt7 years ago
No downside. 10 minutes of pure silence? Pfffft.

Spodey138 years ago
Being deaf is not that bad

ItsMeHiBob247 years ago
Sooo... basically Doctor Who?

Crazzyguyy8 years ago
I'm not smart at all so it woldnt help me a lot because 0-57 is 9 so I wolsd smart me not, get it now?

ArdaTR3 years ago
it is absolutely necessary to press this mind is very important this is deaf forever. I would do it though

Mads Leegaard11 years ago
twice is not enough

RageMage9 years ago
My IQ is already 207... I'll be a god if I press the button

huling7 years ago
higher than Hawking
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Castiellikestoboop8 years ago
I dont want to listen to my head for 10 hours is fucked up in there

taylerrae9 years ago
An IQ of almost 300... Do you have any idea the things that would be possible?! I could cure cancer in my sleep!

Tylerphipps01186 years ago
Smart enough to stop deafness

Phoenix~☆8 years ago
Um... Shea!

DragonWrath7 years ago
Those 10 mins r gonna be the only time I am gonna play in songs in high volume

artuts8 years ago
this 10 minutes death can be very good

Enot4 months ago
10 минут каждый час? хмм я большинство времени один но школа...

Sylwia Wasilewska11 years ago
I think I'm smart enough. And I love music too much to be deaf, even for a short time

xss8 years ago
that's only 240 minuets a day

MasterTofu4 years ago
If by "twice as much", you mean "IQ is doubled" then pressing the button equals being the smartest person alive so it"s very much worth it.

Weirdo_artist6 years ago
Stop having to listen to idiots for a bit, umm YES

RomansDaBoss8 years ago
or eat?

Little_Miss_Bad_Choice9 years ago
Well um No b cuz I like music all the time and I'm 12 so I still need to learn stuff c:

cadikai8 years ago
555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count down 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. Now close you eyes...[Show full comment]

greaterfiend9 years ago
I'm already blind, so I'd rather not go deaf too, even if for a short time.

Kuroyukisenpai7 years ago
240 minutes a day in without being able to listen to my sis and being twice as smart...is there really a downside.

imavirginnn3 years ago
that"s only 4 hours a day (if my math is correct)

Nicholas Ham11 years ago
Eh, I already have an IQ of 160... no thanks.

ItsMeHiBob247 years ago
Doesnt matter had sex
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