$ 10000 Richer
Your Pets Die (if you have no pets then skip this)
I will not

SmallMaple.2 months ago

hollyskyes8 years ago
why would money matter more than my dog and cat?

Nat8N6 years ago
If I had a dog or cat I definitely wouldn’t but I only have 1 really old fish, so yes I’ll push the button
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TurnedIntoaDragon8 years ago
Help me humans I turned myself into a fire-breathing dragon by accident and can't turn myself back!

CorrosiveStar06 years ago
I'll be your owner, don't worry your not the only dragon! 😊
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Kittenlover1017 years ago
Well, it never said when they die. They will die anyway. So. Your pets still die, but nothing really changes, but you get richer. And so, your pets die of natural causes (or however they were gonna die, like being ran over by a car). So, you get richer.

LazyDK877 years ago
I have no pets. So... WHERES MY MONEY.

AssHar7 years ago

gay_retard6 years ago
Loophole: 1) give pets away 2) press button 3) get them back

Chelsi Frank11 years ago

Lonely Pizza 8 years ago
Well my lobster is gonna end up on my place... Goodbye Steve the lobster.

gay_retard6 years ago
My fish is almost dead.....

Jackel7 years ago
And only 10000 more. If they were going to die tomorrow and it was mutiple billion then mabey

BOSS778 years ago
My dog means the world to me sooo...NOPE!

Dasage8 years ago
Hahahahaha hahaha no

Tori Trudeau11 years ago
I have a dying fish

Alberto Lázaro Jiménez11 years ago
0 pets, 10 000€

BoredBrandon8 years ago
@Jourdangaming Because It Was Made Before The Profile Update
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Jessica Dean11 years ago

Jed Rosenberg11 years ago
No pets, fuck yeah.

Angelena Morden11 years ago

pepper118 years ago
I won't skip this lol

Clown_Of_Irony9 years ago
Ppl who pressed this button deserve to die!!!

TriagonalSign6 years ago
Easy solution: Give your pets away to your friends and then take them back when you receive your money.

TheFurryGamer8 years ago
Or, kill the creator of this dilemma and their pets, steal their money and walk away.

Johnny Keroscene11 years ago
what if was 10k pesos richer?! well fuck....lololol

Anunian8 years ago
My dog is dying so i would just let him from his sufferings earlier

Tequila6 years ago
Buy a new one

xXRainbowBlazeXx8 years ago
0 pets= $100000 for free! :D

Awesomepeach32 years ago
No downside, I don't have any pets. *cries*

AvengersCrAzY7 years ago
I love you more than any dumb money my precious baby Archie you are the most cutest puppy EVA

Calvini9 years ago
Chip NO

NukeOfficial8 years ago
I'll keep this button until my pets are about to die anyways..

M3TR09 years ago
It doesn't say when they will die

Squidlovespies7 years ago
I'll press the button ten years later so when my dog dies I'll get 10,000 dollars

FIRECAT2479 years ago
Fish lol

SuperNova6183 years ago
my kitty is too cute

AmazingSuperDan 8 years ago
Why would I want a person named Richer that's worth $10,000? Cuz I'm pretty sure Richer isn't a word. Also I love my.pets.

thatdudedotcom8 years ago
there is

kalorka810 years ago

omaga7 years ago
anyone who say buy a new pet i dont like plp and i still need bud so ill take a pet plant and die in the inferno fire that is the under world you animal haters!

koloza8 years ago
i can just get new pets

AshTheBeast5 years ago
NO NO NO I love my cat dogs snake ect

dr.doom1238 years ago

צור זקס11 years ago
shteve no

Snow-Flake7 years ago
IM A VET! so I make good money and I LOVE PETS

verta8 years ago
Money ofcource

I find all the loopholes8 years ago
The fish are near the end of the lifespan anyway. I want a dog.

clockwerk9 years ago
no pets but $10,000 richer

Clovis3 months ago
My eldest sibling gave me their fish named Macro, Marco ate my fish. Marco won't die no matter how much I wish he did. I'm pressing that button

Jako90567 years ago
Nope. Love my Pets to much.

DubbleONinja9 years ago

MCGamerGirl3178 years ago
Never. NEVER.

Space Unicorn9 years ago

duggu256 years ago
my cats will always be mine

Tisalovelybug8 years ago
I'll just press this when my dog is close to death (if he has to be put down or something, makes this even easier) I love my baby but he's going to die eventually, so I'll just wait until he does, then I can use the money to throw him a nice funeral sort of thing XD
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