69025 (76%) 21247 (24%)
69025 (76%) people have pressed this button, while 21247 (24%) did not.
You become as rich as you want
You have to eat a dollar bill for every $1,000 you spend.

5945458453084308408526 days ago
.. / .-.. --- ...- . / -- . -. / .- -. -.. / .. / ..-. --- ..- -. -.. / .- / ... . -..- / - --- -.-- / .. -. / -- -.-- / .--. .- .-. . - -. ... / .... --- -- . / .- -. -.. / .--. ..- - / .. - / .. -. / -- -.-- / .- ... ...

jkmc12058 years ago
Just shred it up and put it in your favorite food.

llebazi8 years ago
I sometimes eat paper, besides it never said you have to eat it all in one you can just put little pieces of the dollar in your food

void_893 years ago
Your not wrong
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MercedesCrowe6 years ago
Blend up the dollar bill into a smoothie

Da_kokonut016 years ago
I spend euro"s, no dollars >:D For anyone who uses dolars: move to some place they don't :D

mmdfreak14106 years ago
It would be painful to swallow a coin...

Charles Colton Allen11 years ago
Step one: invest money to make money edible. Step two: eat money. Step three: ??? Step Four: profit.

Wscope2 years ago
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WillYouSuckTheButton?.com9 years ago
I will make dolar juice lol

annabanana105798 years ago
Tht means my shit is valeuable. SIGHN ME TF UP

Peteza7 years ago
Eh... Money can't taste that bad

Kittenlover1017 years ago
Yeah! It"s money!

Whywhywhy7 years ago
So what? Paper is edible

Kittenlover1016 years ago
It"s a type of cotton.

Aaron Voborny11 years ago
How about... I press it... then I GIVE the money to everyone else to spend for me and they GIFT me the items in which they purchased. That way I get unlimited money and don't have to risk my health. That's right. Go ahead and bow down to your life hack master.

Bacon4567last year
That was exactly my thinking
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Nisawesome8 years ago
I wouldnt mind eating a dollar bill, it most likely tastes like paper, and I sometimes eat paper. Besides, if I can have as much money as I want, who cares if I eat it?! Not much money

Ironwolf8 years ago
I think we will be Donald Trump but we eat 1 dollar bills instead of small loans

Nisawesome8 years ago
Like, a small loan of $1,000,000?

bazsi8 years ago
There's eatable paper

Rachel Rivera8 years ago
Bake the dollar into cake.

Renee Pelletier11 years ago
In Canada, we have coins for a dollar.

PumpkinCube2 years ago
Lol, same in Australia, but is still rather eat an American dollar, coz Australian notes are plastic, I don't wanna eat plastic
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Emily Mullins11 years ago
ive eatin paper befor so im cool with it

Banzai276 years ago
Its not paper

Meggles Sploofimax11 years ago
im australian, we don't have $1 bills XD

Alzubar8 years ago
I form nz coins taste bad

Mightyrageq9 years ago
I love eating paper

Armageddalhobbit7 years ago
Psh. No downside here.

Fallen.Freaking.Angel9 years ago
I eat paper anyway!

agoni2 years ago
98% of us dollars have microscopic cocaine traces

PumpkinCube2 years ago
Step one: spend a shit ton of money Step two: somehow separate the cocain from the money Step three: use some chemicals to change up the cash, and make it edible Step four: eat the cash, then snort the cocaine

Ambertails8 years ago
put money on credit card, that way you have no dollars to eat, it said eat a dollar not a credit card. #PROBLEMSOLVED

Ambertails8 years ago
it puts RN whenever u click "enter" button, WHY

Viriato58 years ago
Make choclate dolars...

nintendomasta1410 years ago
screw common sense, I HAVE MONEY!

Almighty_Foxy4 years ago
(thismay sound weird but this site is full of weird people) I"ve eaten paper and it don't taste so bad you'll get used to it

Cashmh7 years ago
Doll or bill

lookingood9 years ago
Got salt?

Alex Lopez11 years ago
Must it be a whole dollar bill??????

HunterPunter6 years ago
Fuck you guys. In Australia, singular dollars are coins

BamtanJEM8 years ago
buy a machine that turns money into food

BamtanJEM8 years ago
lyfe hax

@horrorgeek7 years ago
In the process of eating, it all comes out. I shall hire someone to look through my crap and find that one dollar bill I ate.

blahfive069 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow you will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count do...[Show full comment]

med343 8 years ago
Cut it up, put it in pudding!

SaphInFNAF9 years ago

JeremyLee7 years ago
I would eat the cleanest one

RascistDeer69699 years ago
Okay by me

Nathan Nichols11 years ago
boiled or fried? :D

Nyssa1236 years ago
Best deal wvwr

finnkid18 years ago
Every 1000 dollars, I take away 5 bucks.

Ghastly7269 years ago
just drench it in bbq sauce er blend it into a smoothie

banana_chibi3 years ago
money probably taste gross sooooooooooo no

YellowBear8 years ago
i like paper anyways

Archeaic7 years ago
No downside

canboy11219 years ago
i can have 9999999999 money that is rich when i spend 1000 its like i spend 1001 .

Creeperkiller20006 years ago
Just put some sauce on it.

Allen G.8 years ago
Eating paper is my thing lol

Aaron129987 years ago
Put the dollar in a blender along with your favorite fruits and make a shake out of it

JohnCena614829 years ago
Paper is good for you

Kris :)8 years ago
boil the dollar first
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